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Posts posted by diddums

  1. What is this the 500th thread on this exact subject? Why not just dredge up one of those or were they all closed. A western union on the corner of a city street? My how unusual. they only have 75,000 branches around the world or is it 750,000

    Yes, but very coincidental that it is sooooo close to all the nigerians that hand around there and spend a lot of time in internet shops offering fortunes around the world from various lucky well thought out schemes they have.
  2. IF You look like a dope Fiend, you will be offered dope at every street corner.

    sloppily dressed, blue hair color, nose earrings, tattooed eyelids, or just looking like a loser.

    so posters who are often approached should look at themselves too.

    Shows how much you really know.
    • Like 1
  3. But its fish flavoured right ?

    The beef in saturated fat and ripping and whatever is not described as chicken flavoured beef....or chicken lookalike beef....or chicken that is not chicken but beef....it is just chicken....but its not.

    Anyway, if I was desperate enough to order something that resembles food like chicken fried steak.....then I'd be disappointed if beef turned up and my mouth was a hankering for chicken.

    you are being deliberately thick.

    It is annoying.

    but then that is your intention, isnt it?

    About what ?
  4. We have posters wanting a re run of the Sukhumvit district, that ended up in hundreds of businesses being bulldozed, and several people brutally beaten in 2003. I know the guy was just kidding about wanting Pattaya blown up and bulldozed. Sorry 2003 was not that long ago and I don't think it is appropriate to suggest even in jest a repeat. I guess it's fun to call Pattaya a toilet but 500,000 people live there and 5 million visit every year. They don't think it's a toilet.

    Bet they do after they leave......except the sex tourists of course.

    I have nothing against sex tourists by the way.

    No they don't and that is the reason tourism has grown and population has grown in Pattaya year after year. If it was the toilet you say it is then it would have been flushed down the drain years ago.
    Have you ever heard that saying about having 2 brains and not enough blood to run them both at the same time ?

    Why do you think the tourists come back ??....for the pristine beaches ?....the outstanding service ?? ....the scam free loving society ?? .....

    People....'tourists' they are also sometimes called on the stat cards....return to Angeles City also year after year.

  5. We have posters wanting a re run of the Sukhumvit district, that ended up in hundreds of businesses being bulldozed, and several people brutally beaten in 2003. I know the guy was just kidding about wanting Pattaya blown up and bulldozed. Sorry 2003 was not that long ago and I don't think it is appropriate to suggest even in jest a repeat. I guess it's fun to call Pattaya a toilet but 500,000 people live there and 5 million visit every year. They don't think it's a toilet.

    Bet they do after they leave......except the sex tourists of course.

    I have nothing against sex tourists by the way.

  6. Perhaps you lot should stop asking for chicken steak then.....ask for a fried beef steak or however you wish to pronounce it maybe you'll all get it.

    Who in their right mind calls a beef steak chicken steak...regardless of how it is culinary destroyed to appeal to the yankee taste bud.

    Its called chicken fried steak to some because its battered like fried chicken, can your mind wrap around that concept?

    Yank taste buds are better than eating some British dish called spotted dick or maybe some nasty ass hagus? or however you spell it. smile.png

    Dont get me started on that vegemite crap.

    But its not chicken is it....how dumb is that....duh

    Can I have a tomato sandwich please.....and getting a cucumber one....no wonder you lot sunk the world financially....can't even get beef/chicken right.

    The CHINESE started this!


    Fish flavored pork


    Those batards! When you order it. No fish! Only pork!

    But its fish flavoured right ?

    The beef in saturated fat and ripping and whatever is not described as chicken flavoured beef....or chicken lookalike beef....or chicken that is not chicken but beef....it is just chicken....but its not.

    Anyway, if I was desperate enough to order something that resembles food like chicken fried steak.....then I'd be disappointed if beef turned up and my mouth was a hankering for chicken.

  7. Perhaps you lot should stop asking for chicken steak then.....ask for a fried beef steak or however you wish to pronounce it maybe you'll all get it.

    Who in their right mind calls a beef steak chicken steak...regardless of how it is culinary destroyed to appeal to the yankee taste bud.

    Its called chicken fried steak to some because its battered like fried chicken, can your mind wrap around that concept?

    Yank taste buds are better than eating some British dish called spotted dick or maybe some nasty ass hagus? or however you spell it. smile.png

    Dont get me started on that vegemite crap.

    But its not chicken is it....how dumb is that....duh

    Can I have a tomato sandwich please.....and getting a cucumber one....no wonder you lot sunk the world financially....can't even get beef/chicken right.

  8. I believe that a lot of the milk is imported in powder form (hopefully not from China). The only milk I buy (coffee and cornflakes) is Dutch Mill, and even that has numbers splashed all over the bottle suggesting that gunk has been added. The stuff from Chokchai Farms isn't milk.

    We only buy CC milk....well we do buy DM when there is no CC......I find it better than all the other brands.

    We live in the country and see all the local small dairies delivering their milk to 'wherever' each day.....so cannot be all imported powder.

    • Like 1
  9. All Americans now form a line and bare their buttocks so Chooka can kiss their rosy, red ass cheesy.gif

    pass me the lip balm
    Of the said 2 square metre average american ass....where should he kiss ?
    Good one. Your are closer than you think. Last year went to see my kids and grandkids. I couldn't believe how fat the people have become in one year. I went to WalMarts and it was unbelievable.
    Wall to wall arts ?
  10. You 'shared' details of a random conversation you had with an African over a plate of 40 baht slop at Foodland.

    Hardly solid 'evidence' yet you seem to rely very heavily on this. I'm sure Jack the Ripper told his pals he was 'just a surgeon'....

    More than the guy shared about the beatings, and forced slavery and drug addiction. But you seem to believe his allegations...

    Because all villains share the sordid details of their trade over a bowl of 40 baht slop at Took Lae Dee.

    Usually to a drunk that is willing to listen.

    Not speaking from experience.

  11. I have been offered drugs in that area.

    I have been attacked with a knife in that area.

    I have been offered children in another area.

    I have been offered millions of dollars in return for some help in that area.

    I have had 3 mobiles stolen in that area.

    I've paid too much for noodles in that area.

    You must look like a real sucker.

    If you say so NMT.....but in fact, I have never had noodles in that area.
  12. I have been offered drugs in that area.

    I have been attacked with a knife in that area.

    I have been offered children in another area.

    I have been offered millions of dollars in return for some help in that area.

    I have had 3 mobiles stolen in that area.

    I've paid too much for noodles in that area.

  13. It didn't really present a full hood as I have seen in pictures, just flattened and expanded its neck a little (maybe 50%). It also didn't raise up that high, maybe only the first 20-25 cm or so of it's body. But as I said, it wasn't very aggressive and didn't try to strike at me, just raised up and hissed a little when I pushed it with the broom.


    Lots of snakes will do what you described there....so maybe not a cobra.....I would have said rat snake also based on first pic.
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