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Posts posted by diddums

  1. Perhaps you lot should stop asking for chicken steak then.....ask for a fried beef steak or however you wish to pronounce it maybe you'll all get it.

    Who in their right mind calls a beef steak chicken steak...regardless of how it is culinary destroyed to appeal to the yankee taste bud.

  2. I have taken my child with thai passport out of this country three times without the mother, and have never been asked for any additional documentation. The first two times were at land borders and the last time at the airport. We have same surname.

    I read somewhere that if the child's passport shows that he has left the country at least once you wont get hassled for any special documentation. Also I have the impression that at the land crossings the attitude is very relaxed, so if your first trip out of the country is at one of these you may never get hassled.

    Very relaxed is an understatement......our child across a land border and they did not even stamp or look at her passport...she walked on through.

  3. he who use to live in glass houses - bla bla bla

    I'm staying clear of this thread!whistling.gif

    Don't be shy, join the fun. I'm a 65 kilo tyrant and a redhead to boot. wink.pngtongue.png

    You should wear a hat or put sunscreen on your head.

    Normal hats don't fit my mop of red hair. But my face sure gets covered in 45 proof sunscreen, otherwise, my face matches my hair. I also have to wear long dresses and long sleave blouses or my body takes a pounding. But, the Thai sunshine sure beats the rain back home.

    So you mean if you wear sexy mini skirts and the like you get a pounding right ?

  4. I was shocked at todays development.

    I lost my cannon slr digital camera along with 2 lenses.

    No idea where i had lost it or it had been stolen from.

    I know my car was left unlocked one day at golf, but my wallet and tablet were still there, so thought not then unless it was a quick opportunistic grab and go.

    Today I low and behold i was handed it after missing for a month or so and it was given to an acquaintance to give to me. I had left it at the local carwash.

    Big tip for them methinks next wash.

    I nearly bought replacements last week in bkk. Value of camera was circa 30k.

    On a more twisted note, i can now go and buy 2 extra lenses i want cos i dont have to waste those funds on replacements now....so all good.

  5. its actually trendy now to claim such ancestry.....more characteristic than any pompous blue blood running through thy veins.

    in fact i even know what crime he commited to be sent to the best country in the world, date, boat, and sentance.......sentances actually as there was 2 of them.

    What do ya expect from a country founded by Criminals. They do as they know deflect any attention from their selves. Mad at China cause they own more of the Auzzie ore then the Auzzies. Mad ot Bali for taking away tourist $$ from Auz due to high cost at home. Could go on but I think you get the point

    You are right, of course, my great-great-grandfather was a criminal who was sent to Australia. A Scottish criminal.

    Mine was Irish.

    Glad to see you are not ashamed of your ancestors past deeds

    The Australian government was for years

  6. Well... I have noticed in the UK, especially with the younger generation that Thailand is the land of tropical paradise, beaches, ladyboys and hookers. I don't really think this is to do with the way that media in the UK (BBC etc) has portrayed it, but more from word of mouth or experience.

    I'm only 25 and I got a lot of comments from people of a similar age group saying "Oh are you going to live over there to find a ladyboy?" and other immature remarks like this. It's kinda frustrating when these people clearly haven't been to Thailand, otherwise they would realise that there is so much more to Thailand than its booming sex industry and fooling ladyboys.

    Every now and then we get news of accidents which have affected British nationals in Thailand but in my eyes they don't really paint a bad picture, they're just reporting news which is of interest to the British nation.

    You have to realise that Thailand, as beautiful as it is - is a very dangerous country seeing as it lacks on a lot of health and safety laws which are I imagine quite predominant in Australia. There are a lot of Australians killed in Thailand every year, therefore it's only in the country's best interest to warn those of certain dangers one can face in Thailand.

    I noticed that you mentioned ladyboys 3 times in your rant. What exactly have you agains ladyboys? unsure.png

    Cuter perhaps

  7. What do ya expect from a country founded by Criminals. They do as they know deflect any attention from their selves. Mad at China cause they own more of the Auzzie ore then the Auzzies. Mad ot Bali for taking away tourist $$ from Auz due to high cost at home. Could go on but I think you get the point

    You are right, of course, my great-great-grandfather was a criminal who was sent to Australia. A Scottish criminal.

    Mine was Irish.

  8. We see many thais still throw rubbish about carelessly...in fact it happens everywhere, less so in some countries though.

    It is not just the blatant dumping of rubbish, it is the innocent spill of a garbage bin where its contents eventually end up washed down the drains to the oceans.

    Watch this and maybe you might think again...just a little bit..

  9. Having read back through this thread id like to express a special thanks to Diddums. Your input and advice has been second to none, as well as heartwarming . When I'm back in town i'll buy you a drink.

    Huh ??.....I'll have to go back and read whats I wrotes...

    Ahuh....taking the piss or got me mixed up with someone else.......fess up, which is it ?

    I don't mind either way.

  10. Having read back through this thread id like to express a special thanks to Diddums. Your input and advice has been second to none, as well as heartwarming . When I'm back in town i'll buy you a drink.

    Huh ??.....I'll have to go back and read whats I wrotes...

  11. As others have already said... the 45 kilo tyrant will soon become a 80 kilo tyrant. But at that point the male farang in Thailand DOES have options. You can always trade in one 90 for two 45s. Hey, and they are cheaper by the dozen.

    I was offered a buy 1 get 1 free last week,but one was a petite 45kilo katoy lol

    Where was that....out of interest

  12. ...one year later...

    Pal One's girlfriend ran off with her Thai boyfriend and the farangs assets and reported him to Immigration for operating an online teaching business.

    He hired an attorney that ripped him off too.

    Pal Two's restaurant was raided by the music police and fined 50,000Bt.

    The stunning girlfriend ran off with a regular customer and the bank account.

    She threatened to set him up with drugs if he dare do anything about it.

    Pal Three's condo investment went belly up when an all night karaoke owned by police opened up next door.

    He was busted for operating a real estate business without a work permit after complaining about the karaoke.

    The management agency ran the property into the ground and ran off with his funds.

    cheery chap

  13. That's because your notion of "married" is typically occidental, there's "married" and "married to a thai girl" which is really not the same!! My wife is the coolest girl ever, she's taking really good care of me, making everything I ever dreamed about sex, and she's even pushing me to go have short times with prostitutes whenever I want, and I'm just free and doesn't receive any critics or complains whatsoever like an occidental woman would make, I go out with my friends to the walking street (with or without her) whenever I want, I do as I please and she's always on my side and always making me feel good! I'm a happy men, seriously!

    Now the marriage is purely technical, it was done to:

    1 - stay in thailand with her

    2 - bring her with me to europe

    Say it again.....the more you repeat it, the more real it sounds.

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