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Posts posted by Sceptict11

  1. I expect that people who believe they are going to be fired have good cause for that belief.

    You are at a total disadvantage because you will probably have to take legal action.

    Thai companies fire foreigners without compensation because they believe that the foreigners are not going to stay and fight in the court which can take 2 or more years if the case is strongly opposed by the employer and they choose to drag it out to test your endurance.

    If you stay and fight you have legal fees and living costs which Thai courts will not grant compensation for in case you win. So you will be faced with the residue of any monies awarded by the court (which may only be the 180 days pay a poster above claims you are entitled to) after you pay your lawyers.

    The employer can also appeal the court decision which might take another year or more.

    Very obvious you have absolutely no clue how the labour court works in thailand or the process involved in a labour dispute between an employee and employer

    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    My dear child you are very wrong.

    I fought a case of breach of contract in the courts for termination of contract after 13 months. The employer settled out of court after 3 years of disparate court hearings in which the judge appeared unwilling to make a judgement and urged the parties to settle. I had a reasonably economical lawyer who charged only 200,000 Baht for a case involving 4 court appearances over 3 years. I am based in Thailand but work internationally so I had to time my returns to match court hearing dates.

    I commend you to invest in your human capital and get some education to prevent terrible carnage from continually shooting yourself in the foot..

    Whilst I have no personal experience I am told that the Dept of Labour are very supportive of "workers" if they believe a case can be made against an employer.

    I am also informed that in the vast majority of cases are settled out of court .

    I suspect the case described is the exception rather than the rule.

  2. Any advice from anybody out there how to get around this residence proof problem.Somebody must have been in the same boat as me ?

    Easy pick something else off the list in table a, it states you can provide a copy of your visas or residence permit, so you must have a visa or extension for thailand unless your overstaying

    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    As copies of ALL passport pages are now required for the renewal process copies of visas/extensions would be provided.

  3. To the OP. Same old story, TiT, Immigration offices, and many other establishments, make up their own rules. By the way, as some (minority I hope) posters keep on saying "Remember, we are guests in this country". BS.

    Well, I see it this way:

    I am not a guest in Thailand, I am a sponsor of Thailand.

    What YOU think is irrelevant....what THEY think is what matters.

    They got the rubber stamps and you got nothing.

    ..your only retaliatory measure is to leave the country...they couldn't care less...

    sad.png What a sad comment !

    I wish these people would leave /-------------- soon !

    • Like 1
  4. before, when I was not insanely careful about my diet, I would scoff down any thing.

    I would sit at my computer eating a bag of salt and vinegar chips, double cheese burger pizza, a whole bar or chocolate and 2 litre of orange juice

    the resulting side effects were truly bone chilling

    besides the horrible acne I also had

    -severe severe anxiety

    -horrible depression

    -foul foul smelling diarrhea

    -very bad BO

    -foul smelling white shit constantly coming off my tonsels

    -extreme nervousness

    -a very low iq and I couldnt concetrate

    -my confidence was so bad I could barely walk in public

    -I used to dream my insides where rotten and hollow

    im pretty much cured now, but boy do I have a deep loathing for older people and doctors, society is truly arrogant and not humble enough, just putting a name like coeliac on an illness doesnt describe every microscopic event going on inside the human body.

    I recently caught a flight some where and recieved a in flight meal, I didnt want to eat it but I hate to waste it. it was a huge mistake to eat it. I had the worst uncontrollable fear/anxiety it was incredible, i nearly broke down into tears, I went to the bathroom on the plane and my eyes werw all glassy.

    I felt so panicky because airports are like nazi processing camps and I get nervous enough already when I have to go through them.

    I had a big box of donuts I bought for my wife and children, but my wife got angry at me when I called her for some reason.

    I arrived in perth went through customs and ended up sitting in the rain waiting for my family to come pick me up but they never came.

    worst day of my life

    Is this a troll post ? coffee1.gif

  5. The issue of work is a very important issue to a lot of posters - why can't it be discussed?

    After all if you get it wrong you can be arrested and deported.

    Seems like a bigger issue than paying 200 baht tea money for not wearing a helmet on a motorbike.

    Don't forget that the OP is intending to come here and volunteer (hopefully for all the right reasons), his time, money and energy for the betterment of the country. He was obviously unaware of the definition of work when applied to volunteering.

    I'm sure there are many other people similarly unaware of the regulations.

    The issue is simple working as a "volunteer " requires a work permit .

    Nothing to do with tea money and fools who like to ride motorbikes without a helmet.

  6. Any work requires a work permit.

    Is moderating on an on-line forum "work"?

    Just asking.

    Was writing your reply working huh.png alt=huh.png pagespeed_url_hash=3780221086>

    Interesting question. Probably not. But i do not have a "position description" just a member under my avatar.

    Look I'm not trying to provoke an argument or conflict but I do wonder what the Thai "legal" definition of work is. Anything that can be interpreted as "work" is "work"?

    Changing the oil on the motorbike and thereby depriving a Thai mechanic of an income, or growing a vegetable garden - possibly a reserved agricultural occupation for Thais only?

    Can get confusing and open to wide interpretation - but not by us farangs!

    Why not drop the issue and engage a little "sensibility" ?smile.png

  7. I have a question on the same subject, hopefully someone has an answer. I would like to retire in Thailand as well, however I have a very old criminal record, here in California, USA. It was nothing heinous, and my last involvement was 24 years ago. Would this be a problem for me? I never went to prison, and did nothing involving violence, sex crimes, etc. It was related to a substance abuse problem, resolved over 22 years ago. Thanks.

    Do you have a US passport? US does not issue/honor passports to convicted felons/ if you owe back child support/ etc. If you do have one then you may be ok. To get the report go to local police and ask for it - costs a couple bucks - if it looks bad then you know better than put out the big bucks to Embassy for Visa + mailing costs.

    A conviction for "substance" abuse will not go down well with Thai authority !

    There are other means of securing a long term stay besides the O/A visa.

  8. Many thanks you morons at HM passport office I have just sent my renewal under the old requirement's to HK on the 10th and only sent a copy of the Thai visa and data page as they asked for what happens now ? HK going to forward for me to the UK, send it back to thailand, reject the application cos have never sent copies of all pages ? Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Hopefully they will honour the previous arrangements.

    There should of course been advance notice of the changes .

  9. Mario

    Suspect you and others are dealing with a committed T-r-o-l-l

    It will go away if not fed.

    Well,Sceptict11,not sure whether I should put on this shoe.At least I am not following my own obscure agenda like so many visa handlers and immigration

    lawyers under the disguise of senior and super members who consider this forum as a trap for catching naive prey....

    That comment confirms my original suspicion !

    Please do not feed it !

  10. Isn't paying bribes a criminal offense in Thailand?

    If it is, isn't this thread in violation of this forum rule: "16) Not to post about gambling, betting, pornography, illegal drugs, fake goods/clothing etc and other activities that are officially illegal in Thailand."

    Did you miss the point? No one's paying bribes - the officials are insisting on keeping the change.

    I hope you have good sound evidence for that accusation.

    NEVER in many years have I been subject to such behavior from " officials"

    I already explained in a post just above that I have never been asked for a "tip" or "serivce fee"... however, there have been many, many reports on here over the years about "customers" not being given back their 100 baht change for an extension, in many different branches. I suspect there is some truth to it due to the high number of such reports over the years. Do you think all these forum members are lying? Do you think the OP is lying?

    In fact these reports have been so numerous that there is a standing recommendation for people visiting immigration offices to take exact change when paying for a 1900 baht extension.

    I can only speak from personal experience.

    If any "change" has been due to me I have always received it without drama or difficulty.

  11. Isn't paying bribes a criminal offense in Thailand?

    If it is, isn't this thread in violation of this forum rule: "16) Not to post about gambling, betting, pornography, illegal drugs, fake goods/clothing etc and other activities that are officially illegal in Thailand."

    Did you miss the point? No one's paying bribes - the officials are insisting on keeping the change.

    I hope you have good sound evidence for that accusation.

    NEVER in many years have I been subject to such behavior from " officials"

  12. The idea is that you scan it but make details that can identify you unreadable, those are not needed anyway.

    That means no passport number or number of the extensions or visa for example.

    Pls read my post #58 in reply to Mario.It may answer some of your doubts.I agree, with some parts of the scan made unreadable I wouldn't give too much away.But what would you gain in knowledge of the facts?Or are you doubting the facts as described by me?

    The core of the problem seems to be that there is the opinion of some immigration staff that the case of retirees given an non-im OA visa abroad is

    not the one contemplated in 777/2551 clause 2.22.Fact is that non-im OA visa did not exist when this police order was promulgated in Nov.2008.

    But the verification requirements and verification procedure as to solvency are nearly identical,only that the deposit to be proved has to be in the country

    of the applicant.All other requirements of 2.22 are unchanged.So it is only logical that 2.22 should also be applied to non-im OA visas issued abroad

    and the resulting temporary stays permitted upon arrival.Any other policy would result in an unacceptable discrimination of dependent familiy members

    of retirees with OA visas.This my view is shared by the General Consulate which had issued our visas and obviously also by BK immigration when

    they granted said extensions to my wife and daughter.

    I hope others are not tempted to follow this "logic" as disappointment will surely be the result.

  13. . All in all, your report is sounds like the immigration offers were acting reasonable. Better luck next time and maybe check the local requirements ahead of time.

    Seriously? You consider their behaviour reasonable?

    Where did you grow up that such behaviour by government officials would be considered "reasonable"? Would you have bent over and put up with such behaviour from officials in your own country?

    Hearing one side of an issue does not allow a judgement to be made !smile.png

  14. I have also had a similar experience with the Chiang mai spousal visa investigation section.They became enraged because I said mentioned to them that contrary to what they were telling me the first officials I had dealt with had said something completely different(as we have all experienced)."Which officials -which officials they demanded ,which beet red faces and angry scowls-"Like how many officials are there here dude-you dont know the two women that work in the front-three yards away from your desk"however I just kept my mouth shut, but the longer I remain here I am seeing more and more of this very strong enviousness of we foreigners which is bubbling just below that thin venner of friendliness.Some Thais are just so envious of foreigners they can barely contain themselves as if we are the cause of all their problems.Also people who are in a weak position or suffering from some inferiority complex always love to Lord it over anyone else they might find to be in a weaker position under them.

    Actually I am also quite fed up with the tight regulations here on we foreigners and therefore I am looking for another similar place to move to in Asia if anyone knows of such a place.Why should I be even afraid to accept some money in our shop or be afraid that someone might report me for sweeping the floor.That fascist type control is disgusting,when my wife recieved her PR in Canada she was free to work-do business-open accounts etc.etc.immediately and it took only a few short months to recieve the PR,not three years before we could even apply for it,no envelopes or foot dragging to encourage an offer of some cash under the table or constantly being told there is another fee to pay.(nickel and diming)and even the PR fee wasnt that much.Also no one would even think of charging a THai person more for any item than any other Canadian would pay,SO if anyone has any experience in other Asian countries where we might be more welcomed and freer I would welcome your input.Cheers..

    Best you leave soon.smile.png

    Canada sounds like a good place !

    • Like 1
  15. The service fee is not unusual at many immigration offices when they make photocopies for applicants. The alternative could have been to send you away to make copies on your own, thus delay your application process. The requirement for a copy of the wife's ID and TB was likely for address verification (many offices now want this.) I am surprised they did not ask for a copy of your wife's report of foreigner staying at her home since some offices are now doing so. All in all, your report is sounds like the immigration offers were acting reasonable. Better luck next time and maybe check the local requirements ahead of time.

    Sadly, like several other posters, you seem not to have read my original posting properly before making your vacuous comments.

    I clearly stated that I arrived with photocopies of ALL my passport pages - there is no requirement for copies of any other documents.

    The office staff did NO copying except for my wife's ID card which is NOT required for a retirement extension.

    There is NO requirement for my wife to report a "foreigner" staying at her home since we had it built together many years ago and have lived there as man and wife ever since - in short it has been recorded as my home address on many, many occasions.

    If you think my posting describes immigration officers "acting reasonably" then there really is no point in further comment from me.

    Sadly we only get to hear one side of the argument .

    All I can add is that over many years I have NEVER experienced anything such as you describe !

  16. There is no need for interpretation. It is stated clearly in the rules and is immigration policy.

    If you were fortunate enough to get the extensions that is fine but that does not guarantee that the next person that tries will.

    I can only render advice on what I know to be fact. And that there have been many that were denied the extension.

    Interesting,if it is so clearly stated in the rules,would you be so good as to quote the relevant part?

    As you seem so certain of your position why not just simply share your knowledge ?

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