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Posts posted by Sceptict11

  1. I had a similar accident to yours but not quite as bad. I only needed the metal rod and screws. The pain I have was from swelling that I still get after standing for long periods of time. I started using Celebrex which really helps me. If you have the same symptoms you might want to try it. It's available in most of the big pharmacies here Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Thanks for your concern and I am pleased that Celebrex assists you.

    Be aware that long term usage of that medication is associated with very significant " side effects".

    My pain is adequately controlled with my non - narcotic and non Cox-2 medication.

    Long may that continue !

  2. I have provided the info . The company hiring you is either listed with boi or not. If they are listed with boi then you can get prefential treatment if your letter of recommendation provides proof of that. It's not hard to understand .

    As you wish !

    Tell us all the detail once the "B" visa has been issued in a nearby country . smile.png

    Even better, perhaps you can explain why the "magic" enforces a trip outside Thailand ?

  3. The letter of recommendation needs to provide proof of a BOI recommended company and then different rules apply. Get hired by a company that has a BOI recommendation and you too can have the "BOI magic"

    Great stuff !

    Dodging the Question .

    Never mind --------tell us all about how a Non O B visa was obtained from a nearby country -----------Once it has been obtained.

    But do not forget the detail which could prove invaluable to others ----------"magic" is an illusion which provides no real information.

    Why the reluctance to provide detailed , informative information ?

  4. Well apparently my employer got a reply from BOI on a saturday even and the magic BOI recommendation solves all. They can get me a Non Im B from any embassy no questions asked without having the work permit first.

    At this stage I have no reason to distrust them, I'll post back here after my trip to let know if it works or not.

    Your taking trip where exactly ?

    Just asking polity so we can all understand the BOI "magic" and how it works.

    BOI is the thai board of investment. Companies with BOI recommendation get preferential treatment for employment of foreigners including an exemption to the four thais per foreigner rule. its all above board and completely legal.

    Many of us understand what BOI means !

    I was not aware that this debate was about exemptions to four Thais per foreigner rule!

    You were claiming BOI "magic" in terms of securing a Non O B visa in a nearby country without the need for a work permit !

    I am just asking about how that is achieved smile.png

    Special paperwork -? ---- If so What ---------Exactly

  5. Well apparently my employer got a reply from BOI on a saturday even and the magic BOI recommendation solves all. They can get me a Non Im B from any embassy no questions asked without having the work permit first.

    At this stage I have no reason to distrust them, I'll post back here after my trip to let know if it works or not.

    Your taking trip where exactly ?

    Just asking polity so we can all understand the BOI "magic" and how it works.

  6. Whatever , this company has many foreigners on staff and they have client work lined up which they have me booked on. And yes they are giving me a per down to cover expenses ( paid to me overseas since I don't have a work permit yet )

    Sorry to persist ------does that mean you are currently working in Thailand without an appropriate visa and work permit ?

  7. Well it seems my employer has a board of investment recommendation and an exemption for everything as its tech / digital media industry . So they are sending me off to try and get the non im b without the employment permit and it's on their heads if it doesn't work out. Lets see what happens when I get to Laos .

    Will your "employer" meet all your costs ?

    Just wondering smile.png

  8. I started this thread quite some time ago about my personal situation regarding my leg issues. It has evolved into something else entirely now. I am glad that it is providing an avenue for people to discuss different options regarding pain management options available to them in Thailand. It certainly does seem to be problematic based on the information discussed here.

    I thought I would update my own situation. I simply went back to my doctor who I saw regularly for follow-up appointments after my surgery. I asked him to provide me with the codeine I was buying from the pharmacy, as I was unable to do so anymore. He asked a lot of questions about the nature of my work, my commute, and the general questions you would associate with a request for an opiate pain-killer. I answered them. I was sent home with a month long supply of codeine. I can go back and get them anytime. He advised me that I should go back to the hospital to get them from now own if I could not get them on my own. My work schedule has been pretty light with the protests in Bangkok. I haven't had much need for pain management medication, as I haven't spent nearly as much time on my feet as I usually do. I also haven't spent any significant time driving, as my employer has been cautious regarding the political situation.

    At the end of the day, work still has to get done. So, my schedule for the next two months is going to be pretty chaotic to make-up for the missed work over the last month or so. Nonetheless, I haven't got any concerns or need to 'switch' medications. My original medication is working for me when I require it.

    I would like to point out that by posting here I did do a lot of research regarding the legality of buying my own 'narcotic' medication 'under the counter' at pharmacies. I had no idea the penalties for a simple pain reliever like 'codeine' could be so extreme. I am very thankful that you guys have alerted me to that fact. While I was aware of harsh penalties for 'drugs' in Thailand and many other countries in the region, I certainly didn't think that 'codeine' could or would be classified in any way as a 'hardcore drug'. I consider myself fortunate that I never encountered any difficulties with the law when dealing with these so-called 'drugs'. In fact, I can recall buying them in the pharmacy with a police officer present. I really didn't think anything of it at all. After reading some of the warnings written by other members here, and after doing a lot of independent research, I would strongly advise against anybody doing what I was doing!!!

    By all means, ensure you get your 'narcotic' pain medication from an authorized source (hospital). This is Thailand, and penalties can be severe or expensive. Make sure you are aware of the repercussions associated with 'narcotic' usage here.

    For other people who are suffering from chronic pain of some form, I wish you all the best. Dealing with pain isn't a fun experience. I know there are others out there who have far more extreme pain than mine. I hope you find the relief you need. I hope this thread has been able to help others who read it the same way that reading so many other threads about a variety of other topics has helped me in finding my way here in Thailand. Thanks to those members who offered their time, advice, and support.

    Thanks for the update.

    For information I also suffer chronic pain resulting from a brachial plexus injury.

    My pain is managed with Gabapentin and the very occasional use of Tramadol.

    Those with chronic pain which is "managed" with the use of Narcotics taken on a daily basis are best advised to seek their medication anywhere other than Asia.

  9. I'll walk down to Padu clinic next week and ask the doctor if he envisions any future issues with distributing methadone and get his take on the shutdown of GPO's manufacturing. However, do understand that the clinic prescribes numerous medications other than just methadone.

    Such as ------- Which particular Narcotic medication ----------- on an out - patient basis , on demand , and at a dosage said to be required by the "patient" ?

    And in weekly , two weekly or monthly amounts ?

    Please let us know all the details I am sure many people will have interest.

  10. i was informed early enough to get the extension for visa.

    ...used to work at bkk pattaya hospital and some schools of government.

    any documents to show that u have forgotten the visa, for example kids with thai ?

    some immi-officers understand it and dont have to be afraid to be deported.

    in the future, put some reminders, for example on your phone , email, ...just name it.



    What you are, of course alluding to is the concept of personal accountability.

    Attempting to blame "HR" or ones employer for personal failure seems pretty weak from my point of view.

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  11. How can you overstay by 2 months unless it was deliberate? This is a long time and certainly you knew how long your visa was for. It is partly because of guys like you that they make it hard for those who do try and do the right thing and make sure their visa is valid all the time.

    Some may not be as organised as others.

    As matter of interest how does one ensure a "visa" is valid "all the time" ?

    Surely everyone knows that every 90 days something has to be done to keep the visa up to date.

    Many have Extensions of Stay not "Visas" ! ----------- Visas are not renewed or "updated" .

    I suspect some land in difficulty as a direct result of a failure to understand the terms under which they are allowed to stay in country.

    • Like 2
  12. Is it possible to request the procedure without being fully sedated? Thanks

    It is entirely possible for the procedure to be undertaken without sedation. It is uncomfortable not overtly painful.


    General anaesthetics are never given for such procedures.

    Depending on the "mix" of medication used for sedation memory of the procedure may or may not be retained.

  13. OK, I just received an email from my friend/acquaintance "Max" (not his real name)

    I'll post his email verbatim minus personal info. He just returned from Chiang Mai for Christmas and is heading back after New Year's:

    Re: Methadone Clinics in Chiang Mai

    You go and talk to a very nice young doctor, who nods sympathetically and then asks you if you have pain or addiction issues and what dosage you need. You tell him whatever within reason. I'd say 200mgs daily would be the upper limit, although there is no policy that I know of and I’m no where near that. He then asks you how many takeaways you'd like, a week? Two weeks? He'll do three weeks at a time and even month if you have medical issues with basic documentation or if you need to travel. It's mostly done on the honor system. You are respected and your word is accepted until you do something stupid and offensive to contradict that. Unlike in the US where pain patients are treated like dishonest drug addicts.

    The cost is 200 baht for the visit and 2 baht per mgs. It's roughly 30 baht to the US dollar. That's at the govt approved clinic. There is nothing sleazy about it. The staff is very courteous and sympathetic and actually treats you as if you have an illness, not like some desperate criminal. I was in shock the first time. I was treated like a human being.

    They offer you a glass of cold water and sometimes tea if there's some on. There is a Thai massage place immediately next door and if there's a wait of more than ten minutes they suggest you have a massage; head, neck feet, hands, or the full on body deal. (No, not like that. A real massage). Cost for full massage is about 120 baht. Just head, neck, hands or feet, 30 baht. The methadone comes in little bottles with your name and dosage in both English and Thai. They mix it with a peppermint flavored liquid that's supposed to include some herbs to help with nausea. If you want to taper, they'll help set up a chart. If you want to stay on indefinitely, no problem.

    Then there's the Panu clinic. Also very well run, clean, efficient, helpful and polite staff and know what they're doing. The private clinics always insist on taking your blood pressure every time you go. They need to actually perform some sort of medical diagnosis each time you visit to retain their license and blood pressure is the cheapest and fastest.

    The Panu clinic is the main private clinic in Chiang Mai and is a cheerful little place with a cafe next door and stone benches out front to hang out and gab with other patrons. It's a bit more expensive at private clinics, 4 baht per mg, or about 13 cents. The visit itself is no charge so it kind of evens out. There is even a guest house nearby, so you can stay there when you land in CM and stay there while looking for an inecpensive apartment which there are a plenty.

    The two doctors are both pleasant and speak English well, the younger one having trained in the US. They aren't stupid of course and will chide those on a high dose about coming down, offering various options. But nobody's forced to do anything. Nobody will ever bother you.

    I met a ton of “farangs” who had given up on the West and were living in SE Asia.

    The Panu clinic is open from 6 to 8pm but if you miss it there are several alternatives at various hours. They seem to be sidelines of doctors who work at one of the big hospitals in town. There's a major teaching hospital in the city's hospital row and medical treatment is first rate. A lot of foreigners go to Thailand on 'medical holidays' to get surgery etc because it is very cheap and very good quality of service.

    Ironic that a country with some of the worlds strictest drug laws is also one of the most compassionate in treating those with pain and with addiction problems.

    I’m going back to Chiang Mai next week – I only came back to the US for Christmas and family bs and am returning to Chiang Mai after New Year’s.

    Stay in touch and I hope to see you in CM some day.

    Take care,


    (Name changed, but most of the email is verbatim except for some personal info)

    Nice little fairy tale .

    But then what would I know.

    Please let us know all about how you succeed in obtaining, legally , narcotic medication , on an outpatient no questions asked basis once your actually here in Thailand.

  14. How can you overstay by 2 months unless it was deliberate? This is a long time and certainly you knew how long your visa was for. It is partly because of guys like you that they make it hard for those who do try and do the right thing and make sure their visa is valid all the time.

    Some may not be as organised as others.

    As matter of interest how does one ensure a "visa" is valid "all the time" ?

  15. When you successfully get your ED visa (outside of Thailand), although it is for a year validity, you just get 90 days and then extend it every 90 days (and pay, of course) until your years schooling is up. Usually this is between 180 and 200 hours of lessons spread over the year (4 hours per week). At the end of this year and providing you pay the school again for another 200 hours, they will provide you with documentation to continue the 3 month extensions for another year (of course paying immigration again every 3 months. Then for the third and final time you can get a third years worth of extensions - providing you pay the school for another 200 hours and immigration every three months.

    I have always been told that 3 years is the maximum you can do in succession on an ED visa, however I have seen schools advertising up to 10 years possibility on an ED visa (not sure how)

    The new 'rules' announced this week have yet to take effect and will entail people proving how they can support themselves financially whilst they are here (and studying). Apparently this is because there is suspicion that some people are working whilst on an ED visa. In my humble opinion - the same could be said about people on a married visa or retirement visa - why single out those on an ED visa, as suspected of working illegally?

    I think if you are on an ED visa and you attend classes pretty regularly, then you have nothing much to worry about. If you are bending the rules however, then you take the risk and accept whatever happens in the future.

    People who have extensions of stay based on marriage or retirement are required to demonstrate financial liquidity !

  16. Just curious why I was the only white ED Visa renewer at my most recent visit last week. 99% were Filipinas. I spoke to 2 of them in Thai and just a complete blank stare. Yet my visa renewal was conducted in Thai by the immigration officer. So how in the hell do these scammers pass through?

    Might have been helpful if a total number had been given ! % are very misleading. Were all the applicants spoken to? If not how is it known they were all applying for ED extensions of stay ?

    By the way the "white" person did not "renew" a visa!

  17. She can extend her stay with paperwork from her school. How long she can study depends on the school and course, each course is certified for a number of years. One can always start a new course.

    Other options are:

    - find a job

    - get married to you

    Sorry if this sounds like a dumb question but she's working now doing online consulting. She is interested in learning Thai but not to officially attend a 5 day a week course. Are there courses out there that don't actually require a student to attend ?

    Exactly the type of scam which is causing the Authorities to "clamp down" on the issue of ED visas/extensions.

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