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Posts posted by britgent

  1. Yep I have been thinking this lately. Maybe reflecting on it here really has brought it home for me.

    Plus I'm tired of xxxx conversations.

    Sent from my i-mobile IQ 6A using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  2. I too started off here thinking oh dear what a thing to do but seriously well done that man for pursuing the filthy frog who stole your phone.

    The only baguette this boy will be getting in the future will be a hot fleshy one up Satan's alley in jail.

    On the whole how satisfying.

    Sent from my i-mobile IQ 6A using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  3. I dont think you are making yourself clear to the police, what you need to do is shout a bit louder to them, maybe wave your arms around a bit too, do all of this whilst telling them how they should do their job and then come back and tell us how it all worked out. Alternatively, quietly offer them a finding fee and any information you have as to who has your phone. The finding fee is the key.

    Yeah because shouting and acting like a lout to the police in LoS gets you everywhere doesn't it?

    They'll just laugh and put him to the bottom of the pile.

    The money incentive might work though.

    Depends how bad he really wants the phone back.

    Mmmm me thinks that one went over your head doh!

    Sent from my i-mobile IQ 6A using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  4. Yes I am guilty of loitering with the undesirables and have sought to rectify this .

    No problems, no arguments just petty things. Maybe colluding with peasants in a third world country isn't for me.

    I need to up my game.

    Sent from my i-mobile IQ 6A using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  5. What is it with Thais and petty revenge?

    So far I have had a lady leave nose bogies on my white towel and toothbrush, had a parking attendant let my tyre down and damage my scooter and last but not least caught a girl in the act of wiping the top of my open bottle of Leo with her snot rag.

    Let's not forget the ex who turned up pissed with a friend and wrote obscenities on my door.

    All revenge for something no doubt but why not just say something along the lines of "hey I am not happy about that" like a normal person would?

    I am not perfect but why not just say they are pissed about something rather than get petty revenge?

    • Like 1
  6. What put me off?

    Just the general populace and and the fact that the deeper I dig here the less I like it.

    Plus speaking to a few local friends with businesses it all sounds rather annoying when I can make 10x playing with shares.

    Oh and the fact that if teerak who has the majority decides to screw with you then you are done. She has you by the balls and either you 'help family' or she dissolves company.

    The Thai smile is reserved for when mung kwai hands over the readies.

    Still a happy chap and taken up writing and photography now so being kept busy.

    Sent from my i-mobile IQ 6A using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  7. This is brilliant that you found it truly well done that man.

    Hope this turns out as well as it can for the owner.

    Sent from my i-mobile IQ 6A using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    • Like 1
  8. I was flying from bkk to Kenya and in the aisle sear with a young sex tourist Australian female sat next to me by the window.

    This dozy cow had 3 large bottles of drinks for the 10 hour flight and drank and drank until she then kept saying "excuse me I need to get past to go the toilet". After the third time she woke up I said "look I am working as soon as I get to Africa so either stop waking me up or switch seats".

    Funnily enough she stopped drinking to ready herself for the loss of body fluids for when the Kenyan lotharios got a hold of her.

    It was funny teasing her asking what she was doing travelling on her on for a.......safari. Yeah OK, never seen someone blush so much.

    Sent from my i-mobile IQ 6A using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  9. I only know a few choice words and never use them but can sometimes recognise when someone is being openly rude.

    So far:

    Mung kwai = you buffalo (the you is a kind of derogatory you I think)

    Uan mak = very fat

    Doll air = bullshitter

    I don't mind some well meaning fun but sometimes it can be a bit insulting to say the least.

    And yes I am a very fat bullshitting buffalo!

    Sent from small mind

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  10. Funnily enough last offshore job involved a lot of Phillipino lads and you couldn't have asked for a nicer bunch of guys. Still in touch now and once they found out I lived in cm they tried to win me over to PI.

    But even they were realistic in the security threat present, especially down south I think they said.

    My little Canadian pal has also relocated to Cebu in PI and is trying to get me over but again I just can't really get that enthused with the place to be honest. I don't know why.

    One of the prettiest ladies I have met here in cm when I first got here was a 100% phillipino girl raised in UK. Truly stunning. Less stunning was the Brit boyfriend bullshi##ing about being a stock market trader. 2 questions found him out and she looked slightly mortified at the prospect of having been taking it in the beef sandwich for the last two months from the mail boy!

    Sorry really got lost in the moment and rambled on there.

    Reading up still on combo now. The hardest bit will be leaving friends behind and the safety of knowing my way around here.

    Sent from my i-mobile IQ 6A using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  11. Hello thought I would pop in and see how we are all doing.

    Just a little bit of info I am 31 and work offshore but also mess with stocks.

    Cambodia for me looks appealing as the visa situation is easier, I can actually own and run a business which is important to me as I don't like being idle.

    Plus from what I can gather in Thailand everything is golden till your wife decides she has discovered your true net worth and has finally got it all in her name.

    At that point your future ranges from an internationally recognised 8.7 score high jump from a balcony or her and her family in their village turn cold and you run in fear of your life.

    Plus after a year here I feel jaded and the more I learn the less I feel welcome unless the wallet is on full sprinkler effect mode.

    Yes some people love it here. Some people don't. I don't think its a falang thing either, the locals pounce on an opportunity to screw each other just as quickly. Its the fact that when it does go awry for the falang he has nowhere to turn or a leg to stand on legally.

    Will Cambodia be better? No idea but hoping to find out on my recce in a week or so.

    From my humble observations I think this place must have been brilliant 20-30 years ago and I do like the locals, I just don't trust them.

    Sent from my i-mobile IQ 6A using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  12. Yes I must admit when in airport plaza looking at computers and tablets one nice chap started off in English about the specs and how it was great.

    I can't really complain as my Thai is not strong enough to do the same but a quick Google on the bench outside with teerak dispensed to fetch the ice coffees showed what he was on about was not quite the case.

    Still displays about specs are in English but I just can't get a chance to read them sometimes what with the staff fixated by my presence. Quite flattering really but not really into it.

    Sent from my i-mobile IQ 6A using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  13. Went out shopping for various bits and pieces ranging from airport plaza, panthip plaza and a few others namely big c, tesco and homepro plus probably a few more.

    This isn't new to me but does anyone else kind of avoid being 'swarmed' by the little gangs of staff at the big shops and pestered by staff in the little shops?

    I literally grimace when turning a corner only to be confronted by a group of staff all eyeing me hungrily.

    I'm a quiet chap and like to stroll and peruse goods at my own leisure without being hassled. Sure some are just being nice and helpful I understand this but why do they number so many? I prefer just to grab one if I need assistance.

    The missus on the other hand is quite terse sometimes in her rebuttal and just says its the culture and you need to be polite but clear. Rightly so I think but sometimes they linger around you and just make me want to leave.

    I quite enjoy surprising a few if them when secretly face booking on their phones hiding from the boss behind a display/shelf.

    One guy really made me chuckle in Robinsons. He was working on the tablet section and playing a game but checking he wasn't rumbled every now and then. Looked up and saw me laughing and pissed himself. All was well as he left me alone to look about without stalking me.

    Not a moan just an observation. Well apart from the woman who tried to sell me a Bluetooth keyboard for my phone even though it would not connect or operate when tested?

    Sent from my i-mobile IQ 6A using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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