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Posts posted by britgent

  1. Does it happen over here?

    With the low prices here I find it hard to believe.

    When living in Cyprus, Germany or UK it was a recurring story in some establishments.

    Interested to hear any fun stories. And no I don't partake in this particular sport. I find cheating people distasteful.

  2. Where is this srithana place as there were police outside a condo near me and I couldn't work out what was happening.

    The current condo I am in now is so bad. EVERYTHING is a billing offence. There is a list posted up showing what you get charged for what offence.

    It is an absolute joke of a place in cm. My girlfriend drove over and parked legally and they clamped her and demanded an extortionate fee. If they smell you cooking they fine you. You are only allowed guests over three times a month or you are fined. For a blocked drain you are fined two thousand baht. The list is never ending and I can't wait to leave.

  3. Reading this thread has filled my mind with many past experiences to do with family etc. I don't want to go into specific incidents, yet I share a similar position to the OP. My first impressions, on meeting our 2 lads 17 years ago, remain firmly imprinted in my memory. The elder, nice character, very eager to please and consequently easily manipulated. He completes high school. The younger, smarter, less outgoing, independent and in consequence a bit of a handful. He left school with a year to go. They have both had bikes as gifts from us. Both bikes are gone. Forward to the present. The elder, his wife and daughter live with us, collectively they own nothing, he is constantly getting fooled by others due to his desire to be the nice guy. The younger and his wife have moved on, learned a trade, have their own bike, hi if, tv etc, they make good money for Thailand and look after their hard earned possessions, though, we suspect that the bulk of their money is sent to her parents as they now have a car but no visible income. This is fine, his wife cannot have kids, she is an only child and the family have land etc. I'm not unhappy that the elder is with us, he is a good loving father and he does work around the place, I'd much rather they remain a strong family unit, unlike the majority of cases were the parents leave the village to seek crap jobs and grandma looks after the children, for a fee mind, with resulting parental disconnect, where mum and dad feel guilt and over indulge the kids to the detriment of the grandmas ability to control.

    Coming to Thailand, we foreigners have a responsibility not to interfere with the status quo. If you over indulge you are seen as a benchmark, we need to set the example, that though by comparison wealthy, that wealth had to be earned. I can cite many examples of foreigners buggering up their lives, and those close to them, by the desire to show off how 'big' a man they are. The key is not in helping them, but teaching and showing them how to help themselves, and if they are not my immediate family and show no interest in helping themselves they can get lost.

    I can cite many examples of foreigners buggering up their lives, and those close to them, by the desire to show off how 'big' a man they are

    I could cite many examples of farangs having their lives buggered up by those closest to them, their wife, and her desire to act the mia farang, curry favour, gain face and try to buy status in the village.

    Often the poor sap has no idea whats going on around him.

    I have stated before about not getting involved witha woman with kids, another example of what not to get involved with is a woman who has a sister/family member married to a farang.

    He has set the benchmark,can you compete, are you a Cheap Charlie, black heart etc etc, why you no love me same same him.

    I have to say I agree with to a considerable extent. Though you need to be in the situation first, and, then adapt. I was the first foreigner in the village. We came a couple of times a year, made good the family home etc. Then lo and behold, the other village ladies want a piece of this amazing foreigner action (not me btw) and the talk was I'm going to get a richer one and so on. Competitive one up womanship. One women went and got a a foreigner who "is so rich, you can't even look at him", while she was still married. She now knows he's just as much a fraud as she is and I hope they are happy together. To some extent my involvement with a poor Thai family is somewhat responsible for this attitude and the subsequent foreigner arrivals have made the situation even more acute. Those we call friends are married to ladies of their own general age, have taken their wives to live in their home country to see first hand the reality of life in a 'rich' country, their wives speak the husbands language fluently, they work and gain some independence. Those we avoid are with ladies half their age, think they can move to thailand without the wife seeing his culture, he wants and expects a bed partner, cook and nursemaid, she's only with him for the money, add a language barrier that frustrates the relationship further, what is left is a complete sham. Oh yeah, for all you guys, learn some Thai, know when your the subject of conversation, because some of the stuff my wife tells me about these men and their women is often beyond belief.

    Please do go on!

  4. Best one I have seen is middle aged falang women outside mcdonalds near thapae gate just put their hands out to stop traffic and walk across the road.

    I just grimaced and wondered how long it would before that attitude lands them in trouble.

  5. Company now says they are happy with either huet or bosiet so just doing huet one day jobbie at 20,000 or so with falcknutec.

    Strange thing is they insist I must have a letter from employer stating I will not work in Thailand. I can see why but still odd.

    Just waiting for letter then heading down to Falcknutec.

  6. I am using a IQ Mobile 6.

    When I am on websites and it asks to remember my passwords is it the phone or Google remembering the passwords?

    Also how secure is this and what if I accidentally type in the wrong password and click on remember it? How do I change the remembered password on my phone in the future?

  7. I currently work 2 months on 2 months off offshore.

    Whilst I enjoy my time off in CM I am not married or with kids so I find myself restless.

    I have always been a very busy active person and have many hobbies but I don't feel like I am actually contributing anything during my down time.

    What I would really like to do is some voluntary work but really am at a loss as to what to do.

  8. last night I was at the Roo Bar and non of the people there are involved sorry if it came across like that

    they were just keeping an eye out after seeing these lads last night

    I enjoy my coke zero at the Roo Bar and apologise for any misunderstanding

    No misunderstanding this end. They are good people and appreciated by neighbouring businesses.

    Like you say they were looking out for you.

    • Like 1
  9. I got told by local friends that there are falang scammers here just walking about asking to borrow cash.

    Sounds odd but believable.

    Oh! there are Farang Scammers about,one time in Nongkai a German approached me,outside of Tesco's,said his wallet had been stolen,and said he was waiting for his friend to come up from Pattaya to bring him some money,and could I kindly give him 10 baht for a bottle of water. I gave him all the change I had..about 80 or 90 baht,an hour later I saw him walking away from an ATM stuffing notes in his wallet. Apparently this is his normal pitch outside Tescos Nongkai,looking out for Farangs,the trick is he only asks for a bottle of water,which of course will be given, and much more in some cases.

    Not the first Farang scammer I have come across.

    I wonder if he does this for fun or just for the cash? Such a strange scenario.

  10. if it is any help, I was at the Roo Bar in Loi Kroh, then all of sudden the owner and the bar staff member became suspicious of two blokes looking at the bikes lined up along the street, they were dressed like they were very poor and dirty but was told they are gangster's looking to pinch bikes, this was about 9pm and they were walking up toward the moat area but their pressence had people in the local area come out to make sure they moved on, then about 10 minutes later a cop came waddling into the bar with his big big and big torch stayed for 2 free drinks and then left, he reminded me of that bloke Benny Hill use to play in his shows.

    What night was this?

    The kid that was on my bike was fiddling with something down the front bit and I know the locals use parked bikes as seats but the strange thing was that the bike was facing a wall. His friend was behind him so he had his back to his friend.

    I have been thinking more about it trying to recall more and when I came out the parking assistant distracted me whilst his friend literally flung himself off the bike. Both were mega friendly with big smiles but I just felt something was 'wrong' if you know what I mean.

    The kid was clean looking though definitely not hi so looking.

    I am a bit miffed at this as I can't really do anything about it but they have damaged my bike. No CCTV and even if there was the police would not be interested.

    I have been introduced to the Roo Bar owner and staff previously and can believe he was looking out for customers as he and his staff are good guys.

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