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Traveling Sailor

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Posts posted by Traveling Sailor

  1. What about illegal parking by motorcycles?

    That has almost no impact as they are small. Besides where i live the motorcycles dont block roads the cars do with double parking.

    And why do you think all the cars are double parked?????? It's because the motorbikes are taking up all the parking spaces designed or designated for cars.

    Tow away and impound each and every motorbike that is parked in a spot designated or designed for a car and make the owner pay 5000 baht to get his/her motorbike back and see how quick things will change. coffee1.gif Oh yes, plus make & distribute pamphlets explaining what will happen if the motorbike is parked in the wrong spot. Just so that no one can complain that they were not warned.

  2. If the assult of the lady is true, another article written yesterday, said she was released unharmed, the proper punishment

    would be to turn them over to a group of ladies who have had similar encounters. Do this one at a time and allow video to be made

    to be used as seen fit by the ladies.

    The absolute filth of some people, the poor girl now has to contend with what happened to her , plus what she and her unborn child have been exposed to, and the memories that she and her family will live with.

    I think it is time to introduce the stocks to Thailand. Let these three scumbags stand with their neck and wrists locked in for 48 hours and a sign, written in English and Thai, stating what they have done. Since saving face is so important to Thai people, this might be worse than prison for them.

    Of course for rape, the death penalty should be carried out after their stint in the stocks. coffee1.gif

  3. OK try this, Financial Planning.

    Well, your post would imply that these teachers know how to plan. While there may be a Thai word for "plan", most Thais do not understand the concept. And, the Thai education system does not contain any classes that would teach a student the basics required to understand the "plan" concept. The only thing these teachers will be able to "understand", is a swift kick in the butt and a promise that if they don't change their ways, they will lose their teaching job and they and their family will be turned out onto the street. That might get their attention, but no guarantee. Dumb is as dumb does. coffee1.gif And, shame on the banks for approving the loans. whistling.gif

  4. this megafan is "unusually wealthy" and a bit "unusually dim"

    Ah yes. Yet another example of the results of the Thai education system. Just another mindless, "accept everything and do not question" person. They are everywhere. Watching Thai news this morning, I saw a police station full of women complaining about being scammed by someone on Facebook. It is just what happens as a result of a lack of education.

    Sort of off the topic, two nights ago I ran into a girl who used to live with another Thai lady I know. This 15 year old girl has been "studying" English for 3 years in a Thai school. I asked her, "how is school?". She could not figure out what I was saying. And this is after 3 hours of English class every school week for 3 years. What a waste of her time. Another lady I know took a 20 hour English class and has better comprehension than this girl had after 3 years. Pathetic! coffee1.gif

  5. What exactly do these officers do at their inactive posts?

    Is there a video link to this showing some more action? All I saw was a photo on the full article.

    The newspaper that cannot be quoted had a 3-4 page spread, not too long ago, on Inactive posts. The short answer to your question is NOTHING. And, they still get paid same as they did at the old post. What a waste of taxpayer money. coffee1.gif

  6. Hmm, no mention of the fact that the pregnant woman was with another lady who after the initial argument slammed her car door into the car of the navy lady again.

    Also doesn't mention that the woman who was on her own was knocked to the floor by the pregnant woman and/or her friend.

    Funny that.

    Never is there an excuses for striking a pregnant women, NEVER.

    Too be sure. And, if the hi-so navy wife had not started it, I'm sure the pregnant woman and her friend would not have done anything, except perhaps apologize for the little boy hitting the door. The hi-so got some, not all, of what she deserved. coffee1.gif

  7. "Israel is not the problem at the Temple Mount, Israel is the solution," he told his Cabinet

    Wrong! Israel occupation and oppression of Palistinians (sp?) for many years is the problem. Just guessing, but I would say that the oppressed people are just fed up and are beginning to take matters into their own hands since over 20 years of negotiations has seen no progress. coffee1.gif

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