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  1. You shouldn't put two periods at the end of a sentence.
  2. While a Vietnam War vet could be Vietnamese, I doubt that's the case here.
  3. What are you on about? The video is from after the landing, when the police came to pick him up.
  4. And then everyone stood up and clapped?
  5. "Thai Singer Died from Blood and Fungal Infections, Not from Neck Massage" "Authorities are investigating to determine whether the massages directly contributed to her death." So which one is it? Why would the authorities investigate a possible connection if it's already been established that there is none?
  6. "including a substantial 72,000 kroner fine (220K baht)" 72.000 Danish kroner is equivalent to 350.000 baht.
  7. "Prostitution – a new trend sweeping the nation"
  8. Where is the part where she smuggled herself out of jail? Or was that just clickbait?
  9. "Person Arrested at Location for Activity" This is the quality level of this "reporting".
  10. Absolute nonsense. Stop spreading this bar stool rubbish.
  11. "My early confession saved me from death row" I'm sure the book is filled to the brim with similar fantasies.
  12. "Sorry, Amir. There were no warning signs saying I couldn't smack you in the face. What? Common sense, basic decency, and consideration for others? What's that?"
  13. Your claim was in regard to their proposal to tax all foreign income, regardless if it's remitted or not. The text in question is about the already implemented tax on remitted, assessable income. Apples and oranges. You made it seem like she specifically mentioned foreigners being the target for this proposed, new taxation of all foreign income, which is not the case.
  14. "they are "discussing" the implementation of the worldside income taxation of "foreigners" who become tax residents in Thailand." Where in her statement does she refer to foreigners? In the version I'm reading, she strictly refers to tax residents of Thailand, making no mention of specifically foreigners being the target, which you seem to imply.

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