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Everything posted by Myran

  1. Yes, and she complains that I walk in front of her instead of next to her. The problem being that when I slow down to let her catch up, she slows down as well.
  2. I'll keep wearing it. I can make all my stupid faces and breathe with my mouth open without people noticing, and people I know who I don't want to stop and talk to don't recognize me.
  3. Is that where you repair broken Caps Lock buttons? Because you could really use that service.
  4. Hi everyone, I've got some money on Paypal that I want to spend (I'm not interested in discussions regarding sending it to my bank, thanks), and I'm therefore looking for online shops in Thailand that accept Paypal. I'm looking for shops that ship from Thailand, since I want to avoid all problems with customs and duty. I already know of a good shop for computer stuff (InvadeIT), but would like to find some stuff for the wife, such as perfume, clothes, etc. If anyone knows of any online shops in Thailand that accept Paypal, please share them. Thanks.
  5. "The pointing left little doubt where the cracks were." Really classy to make fun of people whose homes are falling apart. Extremely unprofessional reporting.
  6. And the award for the most tone-deaf topic of the week goes to...
  7. When it's hot, like now, we mostly run the AC throughout the night at 25 degrees, as well as having a fan on low at the foot of the bed. When it gets cooler, we usually just use the AC for an hour or two when we go to bed. Running the AC while at the same time having windows open sounds like absolute madness.
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