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Everything posted by Confuscious

  1. I have nothing against Thailand going "cashless". But I fear the way it is done to be a major burden for expats and tourists. Every day, applications are changing to be only accepted with a Thai ID-Card, and thus unavailable for expats. Even ATM's are being equipped with an ID-Card reader. Although not functional at this moment, one can foresee that in the near future they will be only available for Thai citizens who have a Thai ID-Card (like PayPal). Also, I see that many stores (even bars) use "Thai Pay" for a bill as low as 35 Baht. But "Thai Pay" is only available for Thai people. PayPal is already ONLY for Thai people. Wait and see for the near future ....
  2. I have at home a tree that need to be removed. I browsed for "tree (stump) removal" and found at Lazada the product "Tordon" which claims to remove trees/stumps. Does anybody have used this product before and what were the results? Does anybody know about other similar products? TIA
  3. My daughter is a "half Thai" and she is in the Blue House book since 12 years already. I live in a RENTED house, and the landlord inscribed my "half Thai" daughter into the Blue Book.
  4. Oh dear, another football team for the FIRE SQUAD. Better run now you still can .....
  5. What comes around, goes around. You chose to live with a Thai gangster, be ready to pay the price for it.
  6. Because the convicted criminals are back on the street before you can reply to this message.
  7. I thought that it would be obvious from my message, but clarifying: The perpetrators will be released after a few weeks/months and will be again at their old tricks in no time.
  8. At the rate that people are send to prison, soon there will nobody left on the streets.
  9. Years ago, my daughter was showing signs of depression. I asked everybody, including the school and the hospital, if they knew of a Psycholog/Psychiater and their answer was that there was not such thing in Thailand.
  10. Are you the foreigner who is walking around without mask while 99% of the people are wearing a mask? What a pityful sight of an obnoxious foreigner not respecting the mask wearing of the other 99%.
  11. Not in the UK, but I guess it was a "developed nation. The People of the State of California v. Orenthal James Simpson was a criminal trial in Los Angeles County Superior Court in which former National Football League player, broadcaster and actor O. J. Simpson was tried and acquitted for the murders of his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ronald Goldman. Wikipedia
  12. I don't know any doctor who has sworn the hippocratic path in Thailand. Ot did you made a typo and it should read "hypocritical"?
  13. "She called on the Thai justice system to get more serious about DUI like in many countries abroad. " Don't know in what cloud she is living, but these kind of sentences are STANDARD all the world over. A movie "A shroud has no pockets" was made after a famous football player under DUI killed a pedestrian and went free (France).
  14. I still wait for the rest of the world to get their senses straight and don't allow any Thai to buy land abroad. Wonder how the Thai racists would like that.
  15. Happened a lot before, Happens a lot today, Will keep happening a lot in the Land of the Free as long as the Keystone Cops will not start to do their job and get these cowboys away from the traffic.
  16. It's easy to put the blame on Immigration. But the real culpritt is the AOT authority. I was returning from Belgium on Monday and lots of airplanes were landing. Spewing a lot of tourists to the Immigration counters. Some of them, like the airplane I was travelling in, spewed 800 tourists at once into imigration. The tourists in front of me was a familiy with 2 young children. The children were kicking and screaming and didn't want to get a picture taken. Lots of time wasted because the parents had no authority about their children. At another boot, a tourist spend lots of time at the immigration boot because he didn't find the documents required. The tourists passing Immigration don't make it easier for them. Maybe, putting a few officers to check if the tourists do have all the required documents ready (like they do at the local immigration) would speed things up.
  17. Too weird to believe everything in this story. 3 nurses held in a codominium for 3 years and nobody noticed anything? Pouring hot water on them? Without screaming? Beating children without a scream? There is more to this story ... Anyhow, very dim chance that the perpetrators will ever see a jail from the inside. Remember the girl who was poured hot water over her body when she went to the police for help? AFAIK, nobody spend 1 day in jail.
  18. AFAIK, Thais will not enter a building where a violent crime or a suicide was committed. So, very dim chance for this school to open again. When I came to Thailand, an appartment was for sale in Bangkok at a very pupolar condo. Where the other condominioms were priced starting at 6 million baht, this particular condominium was sold for 1 million baht. After getting some more information, I was told that the man who lived there before was a successful Japanese businness man who lost his whole fortune in 1 week and decided to commit suicide by jumping out of his comdominium located at the 24th floor. As for today, this condominium is still available ...
  19. Saoudi? The passage in Leviticus states, "And a man who injures his countryman – as he has done, so it shall be done to him [namely,] fracture under/for fracture, eye under/for eye, tooth under/for tooth. Just as another person has received injury from him, so it will be given to him." (Lev. 24:19–21).
  20. The death penalty is no deterrent and on top of that a human life is waisted. Everybody who commit such a crime should be locked up in a special jail where they are forced to work from sunrise to sundown The earned money should go integrally to the victims family. The prisoners can also be used for the wellbeing of the citizens by forced to cleaning up in disasters (flood) or organ donation.
  21. Death penalty would be to easy for that person. May I suggest an other way to punish him? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flaying
  22. In fact, according to Myriam-Webster dictionnary, a Reporter is someone who write Editorials, publish his experiences, etc.. Does this not make anyone of us who write in this forum a Reporter as well? Time to kick us all out of Thailand as must of the Reporters in this forum are living on a Retirement Visa. Sacharotte, here is a lot of work for you ...
  23. On every pack of cigarets of Tabac, a gory picture is printed to show what smoking can do to you. But for a few pictures of a shooting, Thailands reputation is damaged.
  24. https://www.vlaanderen.be/en/work-permits-for-foreign-workers/work-permits-categories-and-procedures/work-permits-journalists Work permits – Journalists Under certain conditions, foreign journalists can work in Flanders. If this is for a maximum of 90 days, the employer does not need to apply for a work permit.
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