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Everything posted by Confuscious

  1. Thousand of kids and youngsters living in the same sad circumstance in thailand and open for everybody to see (who want to see with their own eyes). That's the other side of "Beautiful Thailand". A country which earns billions of bath yearly on tourism, but don't have a little bit money to give proper child care to their citizens.
  2. This reminds me of a Divorce case in my country. The woman went to a shelter, where she had a free (very good) lawyer and free court hearings. Prior to the Court hearings, the lawyer adviced the woman to make a towel wet and hit her body several times with the wet towel until she developped marks on her body. The next day, she went with the lawyer to a hospital to let a doctor notify that she had been "Beaten" by her husband. A few days later the case went to the court and the husband was jailed for abusing his wife and she won everything. Things are not always what they look like at first .....
  3. Thais have less decency in threating woman than Muslims. Muslims will throw stones at them instead of setting them on fire and stabbing them.
  4. No, but they are elegible to vote in my country.
  5. Why are you afraid of a pasport control? Sending a flag to watch for a bus traveller on overstay?
  6. That's what I said from the beginning of this incident. And I am not a "Director" of a juvenile training center. Maybe, just maybe, Thailand should start with becoming "The HUB" of Juvenile Trainings Centers?
  7. In Thailand, students don't learn to put the "WANT" at the same level as "CAN AFFORD". And at these times of "rich Tik Tok influencers", everything looks possible.
  8. ROTFLMAO The RTP telling bouncers what they can do and what not. Or the deaf leading the blind .....
  9. Mostly it's the other driver, a driver in a modified pick-up with a lot of black smoke and acting like Ayrton Senna who will kill the driver who drives in a safe manner.
  10. Which "Education quality" are these experts talling about. After living for more than 2 decades here, and having a child attending a Thai school, I can tell you that the "Education quality" of Thailand and the Thai teachers is next to "1 Degree Kelvin". Or better said: Thai education sucks big time.
  11. How about going after the REAL CRIMINALS instead of warning the ignorant children? You only need to open the LAZADA site or Facebook to spot a lot of "Scammers". Why not going after these "Scammers" and start to shut down every site that host these "Scammers"? To easy for the RTP? After the Red Bull case, I can imagine that the RTP capabilities to handle such cases is limited to a "Speech".
  12. I will spare the "remarks" so far in this thread. All blaming the "young" mother. How about blaming the Thai authorities for: - ZERO sexual education in schools? - ZERO help for ALL mothers in a country which has the richest leaders of the world? - ZERO child care while having the richest leaders of the world? - ZERO care of the citizens and their pledge? THAT IS DISGUSTING!!!! Now share the pictures of the useless PM or Anutin claiming how they will make this "country" a little bit more wealthier by fleezing the tourists whilst somewhere in this "country" people are dying because the lack of Government help. Heads off for Big Joke.
  13. I am not a specialist on these things, but maybe the reason to shoot herself was that she could not pay back her debt?
  14. I would also have a valid "Reentry" stamp in my passport and the Reentry stamp remains valable until entering Thailand.
  15. Assume that you have a valid VISA/Visa extension and you are forced to go back to your home country for a surgery. You surgery, or the revalidation period, takes longer as the date of your next VISA extension. Can you ask for a visa extension in your country or by post in this case (Medical urgency)?
  16. Ooohhhhhhhhh They ware selling Monkeys for medical research. Reading the title, I thought that they were selling THAI PEOPLE for medical research. I was astonished to read that anybody would be ready to pay 100,000 baht for a Thai national. You can get them much cheaper nowadays with the right connections.
  17. I hate to say it, but the monkey with a bat will have his father "paying" for everything and the guard is a poor guy with a poorer family who will happily not put any charges by seeing a few 10,000 baht notes. Without the guard or his family putting charges, the case is dismissed. Sad but true. TIT
  18. Pedophily is a business just like any other business. There are millios of people who know how to access this information and are looking for it (even if they have to pay for it). Yes, it's sickening for the mainstream citizen, but not for the millions of Pedo's out there. I came accross a ring on the internet that published pictures of children for "Cannibalism". "Children right out of the oven". Couldn't eat anything for a week... So many freaks living around us
  19. Catholic, Bouddhist, Islam. or whatever religion, they are ALL filthy to the core. There is no other solution as to inform the people what their rights are and punish the perpetrators without any restriction.
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