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Everything posted by Confuscious

  1. Nothing will ever change in Thailand. On a crossing in Korat where many accidents was happening, the government installed several cameras to watch the crossing. A week later, all the camera wires were hanging lose in the air. Destroyed by some people who saw their income het lost. The answer to the traffic problem in Thailand will come after 2024 when electric vehicles will make a big part of the vehicles on the road.
  2. Although that rape of an underaged person is a serious crime, one should take care not get carry away with their feelings and starting to lynch the "alleged" culpritt. In 1985, at the school I was teaching, one of the children went with her parents to the Police and started a court case against a teacher and accusing him of rape. The girl was seen by a doctor at the local hospital who confirmed the "rape". The teacher was immediatly removed from his function to protect the school reputation and his life (he had a wife and 2 children) became a hell. Constantly harrassed by the police and court inquiries; His house was moved upside down in order to find anything that could agravate his case; etc. He could not go anywhere in town without people shouting at him and even physically treaten him. After a few month's, even before the trial at the court had started, he chose to commit suicide. A few weeks later, a boy admitted that he had "raped" the girl at her demand because she wanted to harras the teacher for giving her bad results on her test. Take care not to fall into haste conclutions.
  3. Raping underaged girls should bear the highest punishment = DEATH SENTENCE!!!! In this case, a POLICE CAPTAIN who promised to take care of them, he should not get any leniency.
  4. This thread was about the problem that if I withdraw money from my FDA it will be converted to Thai Baht, which I wanted to avoid. Don't know why so many members are proposing to take the money and leave the country with it.
  5. Your input in this thread was right to the point and helped me a lot. Thanks By the way, off topic, as I read in this group and chat with other foreigners, there seems to be a "Pandemic" of foreigners leaving Thailand for whatever reason. But mostly for the unknown future of regulations for a Retirement or a "Thai Spouse" future. Not quite what somebody else was telling about "Thailand as the destination Nr. 1 for retirees".
  6. https://www.bangkokbank.com/-/media/files/personal/other-services/view-rates/table5/feesfcd_table5_1feb2022_en.pdf?la=en&hash=2E5AA1DFFA37F8B63B97D492A84E5DF4E9FEBC6A
  7. Devices = Currency It is not a law. It is a rule of the bank that every foreign currency transferred to the bank account by SWIFT and with the Note that it is for Visa purposes will be transferred back to the original bank without conversion to Thai Baht. Capice? I said already several times that the money (funds, currency, or whatever) was sent to UOB by SWIFT with the note that it was for Visa purposes. Please, try to follow the thread before making comments. I am not French, but that is up to you. I don't know which rules you are at, but in this case there will be NO conversion to Thai baht.
  8. As far as I uderstood the email from UOB, they would send the funds back ONLY if the funds had been send to Thailand by SWIFT and marked that it was for VISA purposes. My devices are in EURO, which makes a little bit more complicated. But the bank(s) seem to have made an agreement that if the money was brought to Thailand by SWIFT for Visa purposes, they would send it back in the same way and to the same bank when you leave the country.
  9. I received an answer from UOB about this this morning. "Funds that are deposit in a FDA (Foreign Devices Account) for Visa purposes and have been transferred from abroad by SWIFT will be send back by SWIFT to the same bank where the funds came from." "The remaining funds, deducted with the costs of sending the funds back, will be send back in the same devices ad it was send. Seems that the only requirement will be to go to Bangkok before I leave and visit UOB (Serie Center) to start the transfer to Europe of my FDA account. Wait and see if it's true .....
  10. We always see a video or a newsflash that such things happen, but we never see the aftermath. Are the culprits found? What is their punishment? Etc..
  11. EVERY transfer from Europe to Thailand goes trough the Deutsche Bank and Bangkok Bank in Bangkok. Don't know what the inverse way is when sending money from Thailand to Europe. Anyway, when I send the funds to Thailand, they wanted to have a signed document from my bank in Europe where it was stated that the money was earned legally. Thank for the tip. Wil take a look on "Dee Money". By the way, the FCD bank account with Bangkok Bank claims that any funds coming from abroad will be transferred back to that bank account when the owner decide to leave Thailand. I claimed that the funds was for Visa purposes.
  12. In my opinion it is a naive question. When I transferred the 25K Euro from Europe to Thailand, I and UOB received a signed document that the money came from abroad and that the money was earned in a LEGAL WAY.
  13. How do "Wise" work? Do you need to give them access to your account(s)? TIA
  14. Again, to clarify, UOB does not allow to withdraw money out of FCD account. It will ALWAYS be converted to Thai Baht first.
  15. UOB does not allow banking app or on-line bank on a Foreign Currency Device account. You see it now?
  16. As previously said, I plan to move back to Europe. I have 25,000 EUR in a foreign currency bank account in Thailand, which I used every year for my visa extension. When I will move out of Thailand, I would like to take this money with me. The bank, UOB, made already clear that redrawing money will be only possible in Thai Baht. This would mean a great loss of money. Are there other (legal) ways to get this money out of Thailand? TIA
  17. If I would get 20 baht for every time such a story comes up in Thailand, I would drive a Lamborghini now. Not the first time and not the last time.
  18. Well, it's maybe better for these kids to be a model and make good money than to go every day in a pit to dig Cobalt for Tesla batteries.
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