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Posts posted by Almera

  1. How about people recommending countries where kidnapping&ransom are considered valid career choices ?

    Note to prospective expat criminals. Royal Thai Police and Army positions are Thai only, 300k baht entrance exams, so best go to South America to do this type of malarkey.

  2. But then you are giving away your money,

    but how would you spend 60k on yourself ?

    Nice apartment.

    Nice motorbike.

    Nice weekends.

    That's 80k already before we get to hobbies, food, women, holidays.

    60k is less than half of some expats housing.

    For a single lad who doesn't go too wild too often, or lives a solemn life devoid of nice things, then sure less than it will give him a nice basic life.

    Then of course there's the future. If one doesn't need to put xxxxx amount of baht away every month for their future, never aspires to buying their own properties (if they don't already), then great for them. :)

  3. JHC some people get all wound up and personal. sad.png

    You're obviously happy earning 20k p/m, or convinced yourself there of. Well done lad.

    Spending a 'fortune' on holidays on 20k p/m, I have a feeling your idea of a 'fortune' is vastly different to most. Or else your salary isn't enough for you.

    If you're genuinely happy living here on 20k p/m Dave, great for you.

    I, and I am sure most, would consider that a weird rarity.

    Consider it a compliment.

    I feel like a bike ride, so am heading off for the beaches for four days. Will probably cost 10-15k, not worth considering really, but if on a tight budget it wouldn't be possible. That would suck.

    Don't forget that we spend 40K as a couple. Accommodation costs, electricity, etc are all shared. It would be more expensive to be single, as I'd have all those costs. But you say 'here'. Where is here. Like I said, we spent 80K (sometimes more) in Bangkok, 40K in CM. I don't think it's rare in CM. Even the great restaurants are cheap. We eat out every single day, 2-3 times. We use aircon all the time, we have a nice condo. We don't want for anything.

    So where is the 'here' that you refer to?

    By the way, I also spend a fortune on holidays, but here I'm talking about day to day living, not a holiday. Give me an example of what you'd spend 60K on as a single person in CM. I'm just wondering what there is to spend it on. I can't spend that much even if I try. Everything here is too cheap. But I don't drink, so maybe that's the answer.

    "We don't want for anything."

    Not wanting (nor needing) to save for the future, a rainy day, investments, retirement, property etc etc is great, or using one's income to head home once a year or so when the smoke gets to fatal levels . Well done again, it's a good position to not need any of that.

  4. If you're genuinely happy living here on 20k p/m Dave, great for you.

    I, and I am sure most, would consider that a weird rarity.

    Consider it a compliment.

    I feel like a bike ride, so am heading off for the beaches for four days. Will probably cost 10-15k, not worth considering really, but if on a tight budget it wouldn't be possible. That would suck.

  5. The average wage in Thailand is about 20,000 baht/month, and Thais live on that.

    Who on Earth would want to live like that??? (beside the millions of Thais who are forced to live here on less, and weirdos, of course).

    the average wage in Thailand is 20k Baht only in your dreams.

    Do you mean it's less or more?

    It's probably around 15k in BKK, and 8k outside.

    There are lots and lots earning more, much much more, but the sheer weight of numbers stuck in uneducated menial positions earning minimum wage, and newly qualifieds fighting for the promised 15k brings the averages way down. I read the average family in BKK has a joint income of around 35k.

  6. The average wage in Thailand is about 20,000 baht/month, and Thais live on that.

    Who on Earth would want to live like that??? (beside the millions of Thais who are forced to live here on less, and weirdos, of course).

    I wouldn't. It's just shows that Thailand should be expensive for an expat on an average income from their home country. I just don't understand how Brits can think it's expensive here (apart from some notable exceptions). But if they came for cheap living, I assume they don't buy the expensive stuff like cars. So what exactly do they find expensive?

    I honestly feel pity for those who come here to live in a single room 5k p/m box. Or living in a dilapidated old house in the middle of dirty, peasant country, struggling away with a dependent family on 40k and under, just so they can live here.

    Sure living can be cheap, but who would want it that cheap.

    60k p/m for a single guy with no dependents could be okay.

  7. Interesting thanks.

    Do you actually know this for fact or are just guessing? smile.png

    Fact no because I don't have the parts catalogs, but I am 99% certain yes there are different parts in the Thai variant of the bike. The reason why is because fuel system parts for vehicles that are certified to use E20 and above fuels cost more so Honda I believe would not use expensive parts on bikes that they say can't burn E20, it would drive up cost and result in profit lose.

    The only markets the bike is sold in that use E20 are Thailand and Brazil... id the bike is sold in Brazil.

    Surely economies of scale of just producing all parts the same would be cheaper than using different parts for two tiny markets.

  8. But, finding a good one that is not cooked, abused and crashed with a proper not dodgy plate, besides finding a proper mechanic to fix it, time and money needs to be spent, old tech etc etc...and if not 20 years old then 15?

    Er, no.

    It would likely be around 5 years old, and an absolutely tried and tested Japanese manufactured inline 4.

    There are big CB400 scenes in Thailand so no shortage of places and knowledgeable people if one decides to look.

    Compared to the (apparently) cheaply made, poorly serviced, not-so-exciting, unproven made in Thailand twin that he has now (all according to him) it seems like a decent enough swap. No need to tell him that he's going to be stuck with a 20 year old cooked bike when that clearly isn't the case.

    I couldn't find any plated 5 year old CB400 on mocyc.com for the prices being tossed around...provide a link?

    Sorry, I'm not a sales agent. The key word would also be 'around 5 years old.' smile.png

    If interested check out some of the Thai CB400 club sites. I remember browsing around 6 months ago and there were a few fully plated models, 8 years old iirc, under 20k on the clock for around 200k. Looked mighty nice too. If someone is looking for a properly made Jap manufactured inline 4 for around 200k baht then they're a good option imo.

  9. Nice long post Commande,

    The question is though, what has AP Thai Honda done to the CBR250 sold here that makes E20 perfectly okay for it, when models sold in every other market are warned not to use anything over 10%.

    Are they really fitting models sold here with different tanks and fuel systems?

    The answer is yes they did make some changes for the Thai market bike, they designed the fuel system to handle E20 fuel which will be different seals, different fuel pump, different rubber hoses, lined fuel tank or maybe even a different metal type, etc.

    Interesting thanks.

    Do you actually know this for fact or are just guessing? :)

  10. But, finding a good one that is not cooked, abused and crashed with a proper not dodgy plate, besides finding a proper mechanic to fix it, time and money needs to be spent, old tech etc etc...and if not 20 years old then 15?

    Er, no.

    It would likely be around 5 years old, and an absolutely tried and tested Japanese manufactured inline 4.

    There are big CB400 scenes in Thailand so no shortage of places and knowledgeable people if one decides to look.

    Compared to the (apparently) cheaply made, poorly serviced, not-so-exciting, unproven made in Thailand twin that he has now (all according to him) it seems like a decent enough swap. No need to tell him that he's going to be stuck with a 20 year old cooked bike when that clearly isn't the case.

  11. Okay after having spent a week riding CB Superfour, Iam leaning more and more towards trading in my CBR500 for one of those second hand or something around that price category that has a bit more power. The torque I get from that CBS400 is amazing not to mention the sound

    good luck for you superior on changing the bike, i hope you do not regret your decision on trading a 20 years old bike

    CB400's that cost around 200k baht are not 20 years old.

    One would of course be also trading an unproven and totally new Made in Thailand p-twin, verses a bullet proof tried and tested Made in Japan 4 pot, that (I am guessing here) would be 5 years old or under? (200k baht)

  12. Nice long post Commande,

    The question is though, what has AP Thai Honda done to the CBR250 sold here that makes E20 perfectly okay for it, when models sold in every other market are warned not to use anything over 10%.

    Are they really fitting models sold here with different tanks and fuel systems?

  13. Okay after having spent a week riding CB Superfour, Iam leaning more and more towards trading in my CBR500 for one of those second hand or something around that price category that has a bit more power. The torque I get from that CBS400 is amazing not to mention the sound

    >Okay after having spent a week riding CB Superfour, Iam leaning more and more towards trading in my CBR500 for one of those second hand or something around that price category that has a bit more power. The torque I get from that CBS400 is amazing not to mention the sound

    So you are going to sell your brand new bike and buy a 15-20 year old bike,,,ok!

    What colour is your bike? how much you want for it?

    If it's around 200k baht, it's going to be a lot newer than 15-20 years old. :)

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