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Posts posted by pilm


    You can improve your house/property and sell for a profit or pimp a car and sell for a profit. A lot of hobby related stuff could potentially make money.

    Your not allowed to own a house as a falang



    Yes you are. No problem there as long as it is listed as a separate legal entity as the land it is on. This is easier if you are building it rather than buying it already built. :)

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  2. What is a coyote dancing girl ... never heard of this ... how can a coyote dance? aren;t coyotes like a cross between dogs and wolves?

    Ever heard of the movie Coyote Ugly? It's based on the Coyote Ugly Saloon bar in New York. I guess that's where the reference came from. It's a fancy name for a girl that dances in hot/tiny outfits in bars.

    A coyote girl is not supposed to be able to get barfined.

    My previous ones must have been exceptions. I mean, er, no, they fell for my handsome looks and white hot wit.

  3. I never understood the "<deleted> -U' looking at my girl?!" thing....

    I think, that I have a very very pretty wife - and if people give her the elevator look, it just boost my self-esteem.

    As long as they just look, I really don't see the problem. wai.gif

    You aren't emotionally and mentally stunted while also suffering from deep insecurity issues then.

    Which perhaps explains why such things happen a lot here.

  4. Can't understand wanting to live in a place where you can't bring yourself to associate with most of the population.

    Many people say that. But I guess they're just closed minded. :)

    I personally think it's a great country - endlessly entertaining and funny, great for traveling and touring, great for motorbiking, never boring, great for renting, great for so many things really. :) Associating with people who are mainly educated to the level of a 12 year old child back home, that have also been greatly conditioned, have serious emotional and ego issues, nah, I prefer observing than interacting in that regard. :)

  5. Blimey. Time to get the train to Chiang Mai.

    Ahhhh, ya might want to give that a second thought, since all trains from BKK to CM have been closed down for next 3-4 WEEKS for repairs.

    Er, yes. That was the joke. :rolleyes:

    Rained all night here in South Nonthaburi. Nothing flooded at all. Still raining, still nothing flooded. It is constant medium level rain, not a torrential downpour that causes flooding.

    So far.

  6. Amazon is more of a food, drink, live music hall. Similar to Tawang Daeng which is on the other side of the town, along the road with the 300b brothels karaokes.

    There are two main discos in the town, which are nightclub like, not food, drink, music halls. One right along the moat by the bus station. One inside an open bar/shop complex further down along the moat.

  7. I was at a TV get together at M n M, or N and N, or whatever the small franchise of buffet places are called maybe 3-4 years ago. We then went to a cocktail place by the uni and got utterly smashed.

    Not a lot of expats there really.

    A few of each of the following:

    Teachers. Spread out around the city. MSU is probably 10-15km outside the city iirc. So a lot stay out there rather than commute in to where there is no expat bar anyway.

    Retirees around the town and villages. Stay at home.

    Seasonal guys. Come in for a month or two a year. Build a place. Then usually don't come back for one reason or another. :whistling:

    For anyone thinking of moving there because the wife is from there and she told you to. Don't. Move there and rent for 5 years first. ;)

    All the best.

    • Like 2
  8. How bad must your life be at home if you are prepared to come and live a subsistence existence on 40k odd baht a month especially when you are youngish and in your prime earning years?

    I just don't understand it. blink.png

    Some people rather not waste their fun years worrying about their earning potential, or may not have to.

    But you knew that and were just looking to get a bite off the 'I earn 35k p/m and save 20k p/m easily which is more than my friends back home can' crowd.

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