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Posts posted by pilm

  1. if you were to invest 5.3 on some thing that returns you well over 20percent per anum,

    Per annum.

    You know the actual real figures of the business or are pulling figures out of thin, smokey for 3 months of the year, air?

    your initial investment of 5.3, will be more like 12+ in years to come

    If you're talking about 'years to come' in Thailand with some sort of certainty, I cannot believe you've been here long at all.

    In which case a purchase like this might well be right up your alley, or soi, so to speak.

  2. Discoloured jacket, she is only showing that she is poor and also wears seconds just like the ordinary folk whilst visiting Milan and shopping for fashions.

    She is far from poor and the jacket is not a second, and the ordinary folk visiting Milan aren't either. Grow up

    You missed his point. He is on about her trying, not being....

    Like the time she ate lunch from the local canteen to show how normal she is, then ordered one dish from every seller so no one would be seen as preferential and ended up with a long table full of wasted food. :)

  3. The premier yesterday posted her view on Facebook stating: "I arrived in Milan and had the chance to wear a tailored jacket with silk fabrics from [Her Majesty the Queen's] Arts and Crafts International Centre of Thailand [in Ayutthaya]. It was flooded in 2010 and led to the different colours seeping onto the fabric thus creating a new pattern that I wear today."

    Well done.

    Her own woman. No one tells her what to do. thumbsup.gif

  4. the price is meaningless without understanding what's included and if there is a good regular customer base that doesn't rely on tourists then presumably the figures will speak for themselves. Just ask around how much it costs to equip a restaurant and establish a loyal customer base - the number of (good) places that open and fold are a testament to how people underestimate what a slog it can be.

    Just looking at the key money, over a ten year ownership that would equate to 44k p/m before rent, power, staff, products etc. etc.

    Let's hope that customer base stays loyal. Never mind all numbers of possible political, social (and even natural) turmoil that is quite probable within that timeframe.

    If 5.3m isn't pocket change I would recommend something a bit more stable. :)

    • Like 1
  5. Please do not assume Thai graduates to be inferior to their western equivalent.

    I've had many conversations with Thai graduates, with almost all their level of general knowledge makes 'abysmal' sound quite good.

    When you point out something (such as that light travels faster than sound, with one graduate) you get 'no, you wrong, not happen like that' then they try to think of examples to prove you wrong.

    Well, if they're trying to think of examples to prove their points, they are at least, on the first rung of the critical thinking ladder, which according to research is about the same as a western undergraduate.

    One even found one. Light doesn't travel faster than sound because first you hear an airplane, then you see it.

    There's a time when you just say, oh yes, that's absolutely right, and pat them on the head if they are aged 10 or under.

    • Like 1
  6. Granted, but what ACTUAL use are they in preparing for and aiding you in your job.

    For someone who's 'teaching' here and has only got a 2 week teaching in Thailand Cert. or whatever....

    Well quite a lot. For one they have the experience, as an adult, of 4 years of being in classrooms with teachers, watching teachers (real teachers) teach, have hopefully been inspired by some of them and can look back on and reflect what made them inspiring, and others less than inspiring, and can use that knowledge to adapt and develop themselves.

    Massive advantage over someone who left education and never got exposure to teachers past the age of 18, 17,16, 15, or whatever age they gave up on their education.

  7. Please do not assume Thai graduates to be inferior to their western equivalent.

    I've had many conversations with Thai graduates, with almost all their level of general knowledge makes 'abysmal' sound quite good.

    When you point out something (such as that light travels faster than sound, with one graduate) you get 'no, you wrong, not happen like that' then they try to think of examples to prove you wrong.

  8. The coward has already changed hus plea and accepted the charge this single action gets him a 50% reduction on his jail time. It also means he will not serve more than 4 years in a Thai prison before bring sent home yo supposedly spend more time locked up. I say supposedly as often the sentence is quashed as soon ad they get back.

    Time off for remand, too.

    Farang murderers in Thailand usually get less than 3 years anyway, though I doubt with the media presence he'll do so well should he be convicted.

    (He has at this stage only admitted killing him without intent, not actually to murder).

    There is no time cut for remand while in Thailand this only comes into effect once repatriated.

    They have already stated that as part of the extradition process that the time served in the UK will be remitted from any possible sentence.

    Sorry for confusing you.

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