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Posts posted by pitchag

  1. !00% agree I am having the best time of my life, My motto in life is where ever I lay my head to sleep is home, I try to never compare apples with oranges, every where is unique enjoy the difference and ignore the negative. I have found Thailand to be a very friendly positive place to live and plan to stay until the my final Bar-B-Q. Everything is do-able even the immigration process sometimes a bit frustrating but overcome by good planning. Some of the posters here would be miserable in Utopia it is just the way they are and I think they honestly love to bring people down to their level of despair so they don't feel lonely down there.

  2. Lots of noise from the building and the giant workers camp and truck park beside Park Lane resort, plus the soi floods in heavy rain

    The best thing about the Soi is The Winchester Gentlemens club at the second rd end, lovely girls, classy club and free food Tuesday arvo

  3. I was with my wife 32 years in business together and the dreaded menophase came, I did what Forest Gump did Run Forest Run, or at least hide all the sharp knives in the house, never walk in front of the car when she is driving and sleep with one eye open. Lastly never ever accuse her of going through the menophase

  4. Well your friend is a selfish idiot, maybe he does not care if he dies or is injured so bad he has to be looked after for the rest of his life

    His friends and family will mourn him when he dies and some poor sod will have to look after him if he get incapacited for life.

    The chance of an accident on a bike is so high in Thailand it beggers belief why anybody would ride without protection.

    My old man used to tell me " son you can learn something from everybody even the idiots you learn what not to do"

  5. Boil some chillies and black pepper in water, drain into a spray bottle or water pistol and hit the bugger in the eyes or on the nose with it, dogs are not stupid he will never come near you again, and it will hurt long enough for him to never forget

  6. If you 'attack' a Thai in the street, regardless of the reason, even if its in self defence, you take on the whole street as you are the foreigner (who should not be here in the first place) and attacking a Thai is interpreted as attacking all Thais.

    Its the same mentality as attacking a single soi dog that belongs to a pack. The soi dog pack will attack you as its their only defence mechanism.

    Your general Thai has never been taught to think, just react and do as they are told. This is why a Thai is perfectly capable of 'cutting off their nose to spite their face'. They react with their emotions, without anything being processed between the ears first! Its similar to the Western 'football hooligan' problem. All testosterone no brain power.

    This happens to Thais also. I saw a video not long ago of a Thai guy in a car who hit a scooter. People stopped their cars, pulled him out, and kicked him in the head until I think he was dead. Horrible mob mentality here. it's not just directed towards foreigners. Though these are the ones that typically make it into the English new reports.

    Maybe a good reason to carry a gun for protection and learn how to use it, I would hate to be a helpless victim

  7. This sounds like the way that the guy that played in the martial arts TV program died forget the name but he was called Grasshopper.

    It is a sex game apparently when your are hung you have an orgasim, so they hang themselves close to death for the sex thrill and then stop but sometimes it goes wrong it is called

    Auto-Erotic Asphyxia

    Please don't try this at home

  8. And the public have requested the general purchase 60 million bullet proof vests to protect them from the police.

    The request was denied because a vest is regarded as a weapon and the peasants should have removed themselves from the line of fire. It would be unfair to the owners of these new guns to have their bullets trajectory altered by such a vest, appearing to have missed the target and causing loss of face!

    If they are trrained anything like the Aussie Queensland police I would stay well clear of any gun fights, I used to watch them at our gun club and could not believe that they missed the target at 7 mts, they shot our baffles and target holders up so bad we had to put thick timber to protect them. One police woman I saw aiming her gun, closing her eyes and turning her head away while pulling the trigger and she had passed through the Police Academy

  9. 150,000 Swiss-made Sig Sauer automatic pistols... from manufacturer in the United States.blink.png

    I didn't saw that.....Maybe they hold Swiss slave labor in USA who make pistols.....

    Are they really automatic? Don't want to see a Thai policemen with an automatic pistol....there will be some collateral damage....

    Not automatic pistols but semi automatic

    Automatic = pull trigger and multiple shots ( machine gun)

    Semi Automatic = One trigger pull one shot

    Hi Capacity holds many rounds in magazine, not more powerful

  10. I had proggresive lens made at Charon I have had them before in Aussie so I knew what to expect, they had to be redone 3 times and they are still rubbish in the end I gave up and went back to my old glasses. The prices they charge are the same as in the west so why can't they get it right the first or even the 3rd time, I will wait till my next trip back to Aussie to get them done by professionals, I am sure the staff in Thailand are not trained optomertrists

  11. Beach front condos available for sale or rent at Payoon beach Milford condos, two years ago I bought 3 x 45sqm on the 4 floor knocked them together to make a 2 bedroom 135sqm condo, paid 2 millionBt for the 3 and spent 500,000Bt complete reno and furnished. No road or land between me and the beach so my view can never be built out.

    I plan to stay here until they carry me out feet first

  12. About two years ago I had to spend some time in the Pattaya police station, and there were a couple of Arabs I think arguing with a policeman saying they have paid enough and were refusing to pay anymore, the cop was trying to placate them and said he will see what he could do. In comes the jet ski operator and after talking with the cop agrees to accept the price. Everybody leaves and the cop sits at his desk 10 mins later the jet ski guy comes back and gives the cop his cut of the deal, they did not even try to hide it.

    Being fairly new to Thailand I was shocked it was done so openly

  13. Not so much Thailand related but in the UK when pubs had the old licensing laws I've seen on two occasions people have a Sunday roast dinner put over their heads by the wife for not going home on time to eat said dinner.

    It was a popular pastime back in the day.

    I was in the snug ( small bar semi private) of a pub in London it had solid wall to about 6 foot and then glass as we sat there a full roast dinner came through the glass above us and landed on the table and outside a woman shouting here's your fing dinner a hole

    It looked like a nice roast too

  14. Well it is always good to do your research, you will find Thai girls are as honest as the western ones, all they crave for is the love of a good man to take care of them, buy them a house and business in their name and be kind and look after the mum and dad and the extended family, not too much to ask surely.

    In the 3 short years I have been here I have know expats, with very successful partnerships, some with ex bar girls some with "good " girls it is purely the luck of the draw.

    If you take them back to the west with all the temptations that it entails you are asking for trouble when she finds out that she can claim half your assets after 1 year of being a common law wife. Where as having a girl friend and living in Thailand she can only claim what you got together, the only thing in my girlfriends name is the cable tv bill and the internet bill.I pay her mum an allowance and my girl friend an allowance and it still works out cheaper than employing a full time maid and paying for "nookie" a few times a month

    Mate get real about "love" you want to love her and you want her to love you what bullshit the only true love is between you and your kids and you and the dog the rest is romantic crap in Mills and Boon books.

    Saying all this I may be a bit jaded after being taken to the cleaners by two western wives one after 13 years married ( happily married for 3 years ) and the other 32 years married ( happily married for 20 years)

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