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Posts posted by Patanawet

  1. 2 hours ago, from the home of CC said:

    Drunks impact everybody when they get behind the wheel. Any moron from another country who comes over here thinking they can break the law because it's Thailand should be deported for life for DUI and if they hurt or kill someone should face attempted murder/murder charges. There has been enough information and tragic strories world wide to justify this and especially here. I saw the other day that they give a medical prior to issuance of OA visa with drug addiction flagged as a possible reason for refusal. I'd like to see liver enzymes function tests included in this medical which can show alcohol abuse. There is no difference between alcohilism and drug addiction except that alcoholism causes way more damage.

    How many tourists are driving?

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  2. 3 hours ago, Phulublub said:

      Would never get, say the BBC forecasting worng, at all, ever, would you?  Hurricane, what hurricane Mr Fish? But that would not fit with the anti-Thai narrative, would it?


    What a strange comment --- that Michael Fish event was back in the days when forecasters used to stick symbols magnetically on a map (not always successfully).

  3. 1 hour ago, natway09 said:

    As usual most replies way off the mark.

    Yes, mate the bars will close as per law for 48 hours of the election weekend.

    So it will be BYO time

    Not exactly -- in my district anyway.

    It is usually from 18:00 on the Saturday until midnight on the Sunday BUT the police usually come around the bars about eight o/clock on Sunday to say it's OK to resume selling alcohol.

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