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Posts posted by winstonc

  1. surinder sing is perfectly legal just make sure you plan everything well in advance.your wife applies at irish consulate for a visa 2004/38/eu..something like that.but do check please.my wife done this under the frreedom of travel for eu citizens and can bring your wife with you..easy we go on the 19th july to dublin but you wont get me living back in the uk.no siree its a slum now..website inis irish government site or google eu laws good luck..

    • Like 1
  2. israel an utter disgrace to humanity ....

    Like all sweeping statements this is Bullsheet.

    A more likely statement is: "Israel and winstonc come from different sides of Humanity".

    But do not despair. Both sides exist. Both sides have the right to exist. How long - is another matter.

    I am prepared to accept your own judgement, - How long do you hope to exist?

    grow up..im more humane than some kike in israel..you have not mentioned the 6 million yet come on boy get with it.....

  3. Again we see Bill Clinton, who was in college, while the war was waged with Americans and Vietnamese dying, hobnobbing in Vietnam. Vietnam Veterans, their family and friends have little or no interest in developing a governmental relationship with those who are, have been and continue to be a communist breeding, breathing and believing nation. Even 40 years after, those in charge continue to direct their people in downhill digging spiral, knowing no real economic or social plan that has ever worked. The only achievements any of us have seen was the successful downing a Saigon cyclone fence with a tank in April 1975. If the 58,000 plus killed American veterans could see this picture of the ex president there, what do think their reaction would be? People need to stop living in a world that edits out the war and pretends to assume most Americans and others desire a working relationship with this backwards driven nation. With many more deserving nations available, let this one step to the back of line and let others who never have known Americas compassion and heart receive some "love". They didn't want us there, so fine. Let them kiss and make up with their old lover China on their own. Remember if it looks like and talks like one,, it probably is.. If the people in their country are indifferent to their leaders, why would we think they could be our friends. What kind of Uncle Wiggily road are politicians herding us on? We have the money, let's invest in those with a better track record and stop trying to remove the stripes from the tiger. Vietnam Veteran survivor

    ok ok you lost that war get over it...move on others have while your still boiling away....chill winston...

  4. Common Market!! havent heard that heading for 25 years. 4th Reich YES. And now it is starting to crumble as expected ( thank God )

    4th Reich? There are probably some who wish invading Greece was an option. Probably the only way to ever get what they owe back.

    Again, those who checked and passed the forged figures, and those who did the forging, so Greece could join the Euro (and possible even the EU) also need to be brought to account. But, as usual they won't. Because some crimes and criminals are simply above the law.

    goldman sachs is the corrupt company who should be in court..

  5. Hey Thailand, the USA doesn't give a <deleted> about your county. We are happy your getting on China's tit now as you have been on ours for 50 years.

    and remember no-one gives a &lt;deleted&gt; about the usa..and no the us government are not happy about being in bed with china do you watch the news i dont mean fox either

  6. Another Bush, another Dunce!

    Did you live in Florida under Jeb Bush's governorship? Why do you say he is a dunce...as compared to what current leader? Name it, Boy.

    Floridian who actually experienced JEB! Very simply 'JEB' on election signs. Get used to it folks, he will be the next president and just might be able to repair all the 'dunce' acts from Oboy.

    please dont say you think he,s bright...hes an utter vegetable runs in the genes..

  7. Old toothbrushes are good to clean around the hotplates and the grout in the bathroom.


    I have yet to see an Issan ever clean grout on a bathroom floor or wall, much less, keep their kitchen spotless.... I certainly get a giggle from the comments on this, as one poster stated, he finally gave up! So it is with me..... cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    I take it you have not seen much of Issan, but hey, don't let that get in the way of your constant stereotyping.

    in his defence he,s right about isaan i lived in ubon and it was &lt;deleted&gt;...everywhere.

  8. quote ............Greek banks are to remain closed and capital controls will be imposed, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras says..............

    was that part of your election manifesto ????????? I think not, if I have money in a bank for safe keeping I expect to be able to withdraw it at any time, give me my money

    I can remember a long time ago when I used to get my money paid to me in cash - the world changed for the worst when we where forced to take in cheque and then eventually some months later - direct to a bank

    All you people that are still working - try getting a job or getting paid if you don't have a bank account - if the people want to revolt against the system then insist on cash only............sorry I don't have one of them bank account things .......oh how the world changed when cash disappeared

    aaaah yes cashless pay was bought in by mrs thatcher ..it was the trucks act..i remember queuing up to open an account at the t.s.b. next to euston .station.

  9. While in the mean time Austrians want out of euro and started to collect 100 000 signatures needed for parliament to vote.

    Seems EU is about to fall into a chaos.

    Greece , Austria, most likely Portugal and Spain to follow.

    Recent polls show that only about one third of Austrians would be in favor of leaving the EU, according to the Local. The idea is championed by both the right-wing Freedom Party and the Euro-skeptic Team Stronach party.

    Most European want to stay in Eurozone


    I guess you are American, you don't know what you are speaking about ! even Greeks ( 70 % ) want to stay in EU

    Not a chaos : Grexit is the only solution

    not a chaos....??? the whole eu is in chaos....i guess you aint european either...

  10. It is understood that the ECB will decide to stop lending to Greek Banks at a meeting later today.

    As the ECB has been pumping money into Greece on a daily basis for weeks now to keep the banks afloat and the banks are likely to run out of money tomorrow, my guess is Greek Banks will not open tomorrow.

    My question is, as Greece is part of the Euro what's to stop Greece just printing more Euros?

    hahaha imagine every poverty stricken country in the eu doing that..think about it..

  11. It would be interesting to see her real net asset value including cash salted away offshore and through nominees. It must have swelled with her share of the fake rice export deals and other scams during her watch.

    "fake rice export deals and other scams during her watch (Yingluck).."

    Really?......Submit it to the electorate and see how much substance it has.

    This sort of stuff certainly pleases the anti-democrats. They are not about to try and convince the electorate of their fabricated innuendo's.

    But many believe everything they say as being factual......... In mature Democracies, that doesn't happen so much, except for when the Parliamentary Opposition is preaching to the choir. Usually Opposition stuff is judged by its' source.....For some reason, that does not seem to be the case for many in Thailand. Whatever the Opposition says about those they cannot defeat in an Election, is gospel truth for them....Why Farangs are particularly susceptible to this, I can only speculate about.

    Even the Rice subsidy program...There has never been an independent analysis and audit, but self-serving Opposition tirades and their self-serving specious investigations are accepted as the truth....Self-serving being the operative word here. Yingluck's explanations and defense of this program before Parliament was never given the light of day in the media.

    I enjoy watching them shudder in their boots at the very thought of facing Yingluck in an election....The electorate does not robottically following their every mantra....They are not so easily swayed as others.....So they have/are using their NACC brethren to prevent them ever having to face her in an election and their Election Commission brethren to cancel elections. Yingluck would destroy them electorally, and they know it.

    nice rant brains but i do believe she,s banned for 5 years ..hahahahahahahaha

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