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i claudius

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Posts posted by i claudius

  1. A new series with Shaun Bean just started The Frankenstein Chronicles ,its not bad and of course very PC as his sidekick is black and as we all know there were loads of black detectives in Victorian England , biggrin.png in modern days ,no problem ,but why oh why do they have to change history?whistling.gif

    Now that you mention it, was watching Cuffs last night (BBC) and the main cop is coloured, his offsider is gay, the other cop

    is a lesbian and a road traffic accident victim was transgendered.

    The Beeb had all of the bases coveredtongue.png


    • Like 1

    Here's my version: A farang was stupid enough to be hanging around that place - any similar place.

    Isn't it odd how I've never been attacked while having dinner with my single, nice, female Thai school teacher friend?


    Sounds like an evening at home with just you and a good book would be an ideal way to spend the night in Pattaya. Perhaps a shandy too?

    God that's me. Except the misses is there as well

  3. Tv series - London Spy

    This ones a 5 part series that started this week.

    Found the first 40 odd minutes dreadfully slow, although it picked up towards the end.

    I won't be continuing with this one.

    Also, I'm not homophobic but there was far too many naked guy's bums for my liking grin.gif

    IMDB: Story of a chance romance between two people from very different worlds, one from the headquarters

    of the Secret Intelligence Service, the other from a world of clubbing and youthful excess.

    Well I did give it a try but only managed about 15 minutes,then the boredom set in

    • Like 2
  4. Every person has a point of view. That point of view is generated from the experiences you have which derive from many sources. As journalists are exposed to a much wider range and depth of experiences than most ordinary folks from the stories and subject matter they cover, much of which is likely to leave deep and lasting memories of human suffering and misery by the very nature of their work. It is totally unsurprising to me that many journalists therefore have a tendency to be more sensitive to the plight of their fellow humans than the ordinary person and therefore have a bias towards humanity and thus appear more left wing. As I get older and see more injustice my conservative views gave been tempered though generally remain. I think the world needs to see and understand that all people are people where they happen to be borne and that as an intelligent species we should tend towards helping rather than taking advantage of those somewhat to grossly less fortunate than ourselves. It might provide a few votes to hammer the nationalist anti foreigner drum but is does nothing for peace of the soul.

    So tell me ,why are not Saudi Arabia ,etc helping their fellow brothers in Islam and taking them in ? strange that , its always left to the infidels to help .

    Here you go.


    Or is it too biased for you?

    Yes we all know they give cash(they have loads to give) ,but actually take them into their country ,no way , try something else ,

  5. Every person has a point of view. That point of view is generated from the experiences you have which derive from many sources. As journalists are exposed to a much wider range and depth of experiences than most ordinary folks from the stories and subject matter they cover, much of which is likely to leave deep and lasting memories of human suffering and misery by the very nature of their work. It is totally unsurprising to me that many journalists therefore have a tendency to be more sensitive to the plight of their fellow humans than the ordinary person and therefore have a bias towards humanity and thus appear more left wing. As I get older and see more injustice my conservative views gave been tempered though generally remain. I think the world needs to see and understand that all people are people where they happen to be borne and that as an intelligent species we should tend towards helping rather than taking advantage of those somewhat to grossly less fortunate than ourselves. It might provide a few votes to hammer the nationalist anti foreigner drum but is does nothing for peace of the soul.

    So tell me ,why are not Saudi Arabia ,etc helping their fellow brothers in Islam and taking them in ? strange that , its always left to the infidels to help .

  6. Today is a pretty big deal in the world of politics, yes.

    Jesus. I'd have posted his entire CV if I knew you were going to be such a bloody pedant about it.

    However, the point I was making - that the supposedly left-wing BBC hired a prominent Tory to be it's political editor - still stands.

    You done now?

    Yes ,because the left never like not to have the last word , and if the cannot find anything true they just make it up , or shout everybody down ,and call them racist ,homophobe , or whatever.

  7. If the BBC is so left-wing, it's rather odd that they hired Nick Robinson, former President of the Oxford University Conservative Association and the Conservative Party youth group, to be their political editor.

    No longer. He was bounced to Radio 4 to replace James Naughtie on the Today programme.

    I said they hired him. I'm aware he's no longer in the post.

    But didnt want to tell us , bit like the left ,they always manage to leave out the bits they dont like .

  8. The BBC is very Establishment. To label it left-wing is a nonsense. Jeremy Corbyn is left-wing and the BBC is no friend of his!

    CORBYN is not left wing he is a bloody communist, compared to that piece of sh_t I am left wing

    Its no wonder the BBC don't like him even they have some decency,

  9. Right wing people often think the BBC is biased to the left. Left-wingers often find it biased to the right.

    This tells us two things -

    1 - The BBC presents a balanced view.

    2 - Some people don't like hearing any point of view that contradicts their own.

    I do not mind hearing both sides of a story ,unfortunately,the BBC these days only gives one side ,the left's

  10. I was just watching a report by the BBC about a riot in a detention camp for immigrants trying to get to Australia, they had a long interview with a woman from the green party,who claimed that conditions were atrocious at the camp,and that more and more Australians want them closed and the immigrants allowed in , just a tiny bit that said that many there had commited crimes there and had been deported and others had had their claim turned down .

    To be honest if any Australians are reading this it made me ashamed that the British broadcasting service are from my country, spreading untruths like this

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