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i claudius

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Posts posted by i claudius

  1. Yet more evidence of the "Religion of Peace" (ROP) being allowed to ride rough-shod over Western values and Western culture.

    The Western apologists and appeasers of the ROP should be deported to Muslim countries where they can revel in new found "freedoms", and the abuse of women.

    This issue needs addressing seriously. If members of the ROP wish to live in Western countries they are welcome if they accept Western values and culture. We should not change to accommodate them.

    If members of the ROP wish to maintain a misogynistic, medieval lifestyle they can --------- In a medieval ROP country.

    Could you provide me any evidence that Islam was ever designed to be a religion of peace?

    Islam is a religion of war.

    You said it , you only have to look at what their prophet did , ,he was a butcher and dont start me on his marrying a child . but you can see why if they follow his ways ,thats the way they think is normal.

  2. A sheep born and raised in a stable is not a horse. Primarily and fundamentality they are Muslims and their religion dictates how they take every step in their everyday lives. Most of us do not have any grasp of what Islam means to Muslims and therefore how they view anything or anyone who is non-Muslim.

    Many many years ago i had a lot of buisness dealings with Muslims , one of whom said to me "never trust us , you are not a muslim and most think of non muslims as something on the sole of their shoes" he was right years later he screwed me , luckily a few years later i was able to return it in spades , revenge was sweet

  3. A man has died under tragic circumstances. Some may find this an opportunity to make jokes about his phone, etc. The real tragedy is that type of dark humour.

    His family will hopefully not see the tasteless posts from the lower life forms.

    Firstly let me say i doubt any of his familly read Thai Visa , and making light of things ,well most of us are getting on and coming to the end part of the ride ,so we do tend to make light of things like this ,unlike if we were young bloods its just our way of coping with the inevitable , oh and by the way ,shame he landed on a car , very thoughtless.wink.png

  4. One can always sell. It's just the price. What you have to ask yourself is, 'At what point is this moment on the property cycle?'

    Trogers do you have past experience in selling a condo in Bangkok?

    No, I only get offers from buyers, but have no intention to sell. All my 5 units were bought in 2007-8, during the sub prime crisis.

    You call it a "property cycle" but others might call it the nadir of a near collapse.

    If you have to wait decades for the right time to buy, and more decades for the right time to sell, then it doesn't really qualify as a "cycle" to my mind. More like a combination of luck and longevity.

    I think that most Thai property is way overpriced all the time, except when vendors are desperate in which case they sometimes find a sensible level.

    It's easy to buy property in Thailand but very hard to sell it.

    Agree 110%

  5. Many years ago my mother in laws shop went the same way ,when a bigger one opened just opposit her , it didnt really matter as by then her kids had got on ,one married very very well off guy (no not my wife) so money was not a problem , then about 10 years ago the daughter who had made a lot of money in Bangkok with a wholesale buisness ,got divorced ,returned home built a very large new house , new shop and again went into wholesale and took all the buisness , later she told my wife "revenge is sweet " when the other shops buisness started to decline thumbsup.gif

  6. Now i know the police are not the best in the world here and many are corrupt , but in 25 years in BKK and Pattaya , also time in Phitsanulock , i have only ever been treated politly and only once been asked for a bribe 500 baht ,even that was done with a smile , now why is that?

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