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Posts posted by Madgee

  1. On ‎14‎/‎10‎/‎2017 at 7:47 PM, madhav said:

    Already in China they are very popular sellers, with an average price of about 18k baht, the prices here in Thailand simply need to catch up (like many things).


    The main reason they are 'popular' is because motorbikes (similar price) are banned within city limits. Just go to any city police station and see the heap of confiscated motorbikes.

    The batteries are only guaranteed for 6 months on the cheap bikes and need replacing annually to achieve any sort of distance (50km per full charge). Oh, they must be equipped with pedals to be legal. 

    Anything less than fully charged and they will struggle up a steep hill and under load will discharge very quickly.

    Basically they are cheap cr@p.


    A good quality electric bike can be purchased, fast and durable but will obviously cost a lot more  (BTW. also banned in cities because of speed and fitted pedals are not an option!) 

    Choose carefully my friend and happy silent motoring! 


    Source of info:  5 years of living and travelling in China cities.  

  2. Most PPT fuel stations have a ProCheck garage within the forecourt area.

    Just take your vehicle registration book and the fee if your ride is under the age for a check or if it does need the check they do it while you wait.


    Normally, return for the Gov. insur and tax disc the next day. A very small fee is added for the service, about 50 baht. I do several rides, bikes and cars this way all the time.

    Easy Peasy.



  3. 8 hours ago, hanuman2543 said:

    Do you know why the White Elephant is closed? I heard it from friends of mine in Roi-Et but nobody seems to know why. They mentioned the owner got problems with the police and that she got arrested. 

    Statement above is rubbish, don't listen to grapevine gossip.

    One of the few minus points about Roi-Et is the endless bar talk scandal gossip from those who have nothing else to occupy themselves with and most of this stems from the associated kept women.  JMHO.



  4. Hi guys,

    Laptop 2.5 year old. Suddenly stopped charging and died.

    Sent to Asus service centre as no one locally would touch it.

    Got a phone call from Asus quoting 35,000 for repair. New mobo and battery. Refused and returned.

    After doing some research I've discovered that Asus always just replace the mobo.

    Could it be something that is repairable by a competent tech? (if I can find one) Nothing to lose really even if they *"!* it up.


    Brick checked and working fine. All cables checked.

    Battery internal and not easy to remove.

    I'm not a happy chappy and missing my WoW gaming.

    Any suggestions? 






  5. I stopped lighting up 7 days ago after 45 years of smoking pleasure.

    No particular reason why, certainly not for health reasons, just woke up on a Saturday morning with a dry mouth and sore throat after a heavy Friday night out, nothing unusual. Made a cuppa, went outside for a smoke and realised I'd left my ciggies at the bar, it was raining heavy so I went without. About 2 hours later it dawned on me that I hadn't lit up so I convinced myself to wait another 2 hours, and so it continued.


    Support from my wife has been fantastic and the incentives have surely been worth it! :wink: Strange, she never mentioned it before but since last Friday she tells me I no longer smell like an ashtray, my clothes can now be washed with hers, she will walk hand in hand etc. Things I've never really noticed before have now become important and I don't want to lose them. That's my incentive.


    It's hard, very hard. One day at a time.

    I can fully understand why people gain weight after quitting. It's only been 7 days but already it's the pleasure of actually being able to distinguish different tastes in food, the pleasure of eating, probably something I've never experienced before and I like it immensely! To be able to smell the 'freshness' after a heavy rain, the mango smell after pruning the tree and the freshly cut grass smell I can remember from my childhood. I've denied myself these simple pleasures for so many years and for what?


    I'm not going to deny that I'm still trying to convince myself of the virtues on an hourly basis and seek support wherever I can find it, especially from family. I've refrained from going out all week but tonight's the night!

    I'm going to be a very bad former smoker so I apologise to my friends in advance. If you smoke, keep your distance.



  6. 1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Blood group! They really make it up in different places.

    In fact, it is a necessity on issuance of any Thai I.D. card in case of the owner is in need of a blood transfusion. All national I.D cards are on a central database which can be accessed by hospitals and the majority of Gov. Depts. 

    I.D. cards should always be carried on your person, it could save your life!

    Just saying, have a great evening wherever you are. 


  7. Hi trodgers,


    12 minutes ago, trogers said:

    Can't imagine a house not sited on land that is part and parcel of a title deed, unless it's a caravan or a raft.


    Where can I find a house in Thailand with a title deed naming a foreigner as the owner?

    It is a little known fact but true. I'm sure there are many threads on Thai Visa discussing this topic.

    Just Google 'can I own a house in Thailand?' and it comes up with many legal websites about house ownership by a foreigner stating the same facts that I  mentioned.


    Quite a few foreign friends I know have built houses on family land in their names, not their girlfriends or wives. 

    As I mentioned, a friend who lost his young wife to cancer had his options explained to him in detail about a house he bought and paid for which was in her name.

    The land and dwelling were 2 separate issues governed by different laws regarding ownership.

    My wife has 2 different documents regarding where we live, one for the land which defines the boundaries and one for the dwelling upon the land. 





  8. The house and the land it is built on are 2 separate entities.

    The house you can own.

    The house can be in your name with title deeds to that effect.

    The land you cannot own.

    The land has to sold or transferred to a Thai national within 1 year.


    Under normal circumstances the land would/could be transferred to a blood relative of the deceased (son/daughter/brother/sister etc.) who would allow you to continue living there in your house. If you have no trust in the family, get a usufruct on the land. 

    Obviously, the complications kick in if either party wants to sell up!  


    The scenario from the Op actually occurred to a friend of mine a couple of years ago and he was made totally aware of his legal options regarding the house and land.



  9. Quite a few new guys rocking up in my neck of the woods ( Isaan Boonies) recently and a few others committed to living here in the near future. Got to mention, nearly all these guys are well under retirement age, got plenty of cash so they say,  and not with bargirls. Many of the women are nurses, teachers etc. these guys have met on reputable dating websites.


    Maybe the lure of Pattaya is fading and the guys are going direct.

    Go directly to jail - do not pass Pattaya, do not collect McMansion. 



  10. OP, I had a similar problem and ended up using a tub of filler (some call it putty) thinned out with 30% water. It ends up with a thin paint like consistency and dries super-fast when applied by brush.

    I use Bozny brand available in HomePro. 

  11. I live in a mains supplied hard water area. Whenever I wash the car I make sure it's in the shade and always chamois it as not to leave streaks and water marks.

    If it rains and the car gets dry in the sun, I just use dampened old newspapers on the glass and bodywork to remove the marks left by the rain when I want it to look 'clean' again. I think I read somewhere that the print or paper contains a very mild acid.


    I've tried many different car washing products (expensive ones as well) and the best so far is Tesco Wash & Wax! Very little wiping to do on the bodywork after a wash and seems to dry virtually streak free. It also removes previous water marks from rain.


    Sorry for this but if your car is glass coated  you shouldn't have a problem. 




  12. 26 minutes ago, South said:

    Why give 15+% of your booking to an online booking company? For what, one email?

    Contact/book the hotel directly, possibly save some money and get your questions answered directly.


    Most hotels/resorts charge more on their websites than online booking companies. Fact. 

    Example: I recently went to Koh Lanta for a few days. Checked resort websites, some my wife phoned and ALL were more expensive going direct than using an online booking company. Some were nearly double the price if booking direct.

    Part of the deal online companies insist on is that THEY are cheaper than the hotel/resort direct. If the hotel/resort breaks this contract they are no longer listed online by the companies involved. Hard but good business sense for both parties concerned. The hotels/resorts are represented online in a busy marketplace and save on admin costs, a huge advantage over an independent who has to do his own marketing. 


    I was in a related industry for over 30 years and was slightly involved in the initial beginnings of online marketing.

  13. TBH, it's a very broad and complicated topic, even more so to put it into practise. 

    I personally think that all 'tourists' with a stay of under 60 days should have mandatory travel insurance regardless of age. This could be checked at the check-in desk at the original point of departure? No insurance, no flight. It's not expensive!


    Those on METV and Non Imm O should have travel insurance valid for the length of their visa. 


    Those on extensions of stay based on marriage should be included in the Thai system.


    Those on extensions of stay based on retirement should have  basic healthcare insurance provided by the Thai authorities at an affordable cost ( based on the more you claim, the more you pay). Or provide their own insurance. (policy or available money in a Thai Bank)  


    I think it's all talk anyway and it will never happen, too much work involved. 

  14. After giving my school over 3 years loyalty, never late once, no pay rises and more administrative duties put upon me as and when, they decided to include a few more clauses into the new contract for this academic year. One was a ฿1000 deduction every month refunded at the end of the contract, apparently to discourage a teacher walking out. Another was a 3 month notice period!

    They were very surprised when I refused to sign and said bye bye!

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