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Posts posted by Madgee

  1. I do have a little knowledge on this subject from experience and suggest trying the faithful baking soda paste (with water). Avoid any acetic acids of any kind including 'windex'.  Many informative videos on Youtube about 'drawing' the stain out using acetone or peroxide. An old but very good video is: 


    Many people don't realise that granite is porous and should be sealed properly and repeated once a year.

    Hope this helps!


  2. I.M.O.  The new Toyota 2.8 Revo 'Rocco'.  (refined suspension and updated interior)


    The biggest gripe with the old 'Rocco' was with its hard ride when empty. This is no longer a problem.


    I'm going for the 2.4 as I don't need the grunt and it's about 180k cheaper!

    I took one for a test drive and even my dog agreed it was great! ????



    • Thanks 1
  3. All airlines have to keep a Passenger Name Record. PNR.  


    UK airports keep PNR.


    The Gov. can track your travel history quite easily if they want to! 

    They don't unless an alarm bell rings, it's not worth their while to recover a few measly pounds gained fraudulently.

    They have a benefits fraud hotline for those that want to try and 'dob in' these dastardly criminals!


    I've been out of the UK for over 12 years, returned for 2 weeks only. State pension fully paid up but not due until I'm 66.

    No UK address or contacts, except a current bank account.

    I don't think I'll have an option to commit fraud even if I wanted to!  ????



  4. Common excuses for committing fraud concerning annual pension rises whilst living in Thailand:  


    Pleading total ignorance (I didn't know I had to tell the UK Gov. I'm living in Thailand)

    I don't care what the rules are, I've worked to pay for my pension all my life. (agree but rules are rules)

    Just because I live in Thailand, it's not fair! (I agree it's not fair)

    They can't deduct the over-payments even if they do find out. (correct ... but)


    It's still fraud.

    My neighbour (UK non-resident citizen) got discovered when he changed UK addresses. Doctors surgeries automatically transfer medical notes to the local addressee surgery who contact you for a verification of address and request a visit to the surgery. If you fail to reply the local Gov. registry is informed and it goes on from there. Sometimes they do discover fraud! 

    End result: 

    They tried to contact him through various channels asking for life verification, stating that his pension would be stopped until they received such verification my mail or by phone contact. (as far they knew, he could be deceased)

    He was asked to pay back the over-payments by agreeing to a minimal deduction from his state pension. He refused pleading poverty. No further action was taken except his pension was now 'frozen' at the current rate in time. This was about two years ago.




    • The recoverable overpayment as decided by the decision maker (including Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit and tax credits) is £5,000 or more; 
    • False identities or other personal details have been used; 
    • False or forged documents have been used; 
    • Official documents have been altered or falsified; 
    • The person concerned occupied a position of trust; 
    • The person concerned assisted or encouraged others to commit offences; 
    • There is evidence of premeditation or organised fraud; 
    • The person concerned has previously been convicted of benefit fraud or received a penalty for benefit fraud; 
    •  The offer of an administrative penalty or caution is not accepted.


    Up to the individual and their conscience.  


    Please do not call me A LIAR .... @10dozi ... ????


    • Like 1
  5. Good choice! I've had an Aerox for 18 months and find it the ideal choice for a combination of around town and short distance trips (+ / - 50k). Any longer than 1 hour and my bum hurts!  Not so good if you're putting someone on the tiny high back seat, very uncomfortable (so I'm told). For the price, excellent bike.

    Haggle and haggle again, visit different dealers and don't be afraid of walking away. It's a buyers market. Normally, the dealer will throw in a cr@ppy helmet or 3, to clinch the deal ask them for a full face Yamaha brand, on the shelf at around 2000B .... free.

    Check online for class 1 insurance .... as above, around 5k. 

    Put in your name .... as above. You never know, easier to sell it. 

    Enjoy your ride!


    • Like 1
  6. Both my 5 year licences expired in April.

    Last Monday I went to the local DLT office to enquire about the procedure to renew. I went to the reception desk (now outside) and a very pleasant lady asked me if I'd done the eLearning (No). According to her, this only verifies your status so as not have to sit through the video (social distancing). Appointments have to be made on a different app.


    She just gave me an appointment slip of paper to return next week to do the 3 tests and get my licences. According to her, they're bypassing the video (for farangs) who don't understand Thai! Sometimes ignorance is bliss.


    Old licences.

    Yellow tabien baan + 2 copies.

    Passport / I.D.Card + 2 copies.

    Application form x 2  (This form is in Thai so she fills it in and you just sign it)


    Be there by 8.30am


    Tip: Don't renew until they have run out by a day or so ... Then you'll get 5 full years + up to your birthday, so in effect nearly 6 years.


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  7. Anyone remember Dan-Air?

    I  was on a holiday flight returning to Stansted from Corfu after a 5 hour delay, when the plane landed at Sofia and the captain said he had to refuel (using his personal credit card). He apologised for the delay, also the unscheduled stop and said all drinks were now free on the flight until the plane was drunk empty! 

    If I remember correctly, Dan-Air was sold to British Airways for a £1 nominal fee shortly afterwards.

    Dan-Air: affectionally known as Dan-Dare as you had to be mad to fly with them!


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