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Posts posted by Ajarn_Jonesy

  1. maybe this is off-subject, but is there anyone who really knows their Linux stuff, and would be willing to try to help me get my Acer Aspire One and Eee PC ironed out? A semi-bilingual Thai would be fine, and I could pay by the hour or a flat rate.

    Right now I am in BKK, but looks like I might be moving to Chang Mai...

    I really need some help. any suggestions would be great!

    Maybe you should create a thread and list your problems.??

    I would be interested in this TLUG as well. Right now I m living in the states but spend a lot of time in BKK each year. With our goal to be moving back in a couple of years. Also would be willing to help set up/host a UG site, as that makes it a little easier to keep up with whats going on.

    My background is in debian/ Unix / web engineering.


  2. Is there anyone found their life parter here ? :D:D

    I know of at least one. She lives in America now with her Thai hubby :D

    hehe.that 's what i thought . everything can happen here..i'm not surprised :D

    thanks for sharing this good news with us. RueFang :(

    Since I wasn't around at the time. Let me first say :o

    Also I have to agree with the consensus that this is a great place for expats to socialize. As I no longer live in LOS, it is a great way to keep in touch with what is going on there. The only drawback is that it makes you miss LOS quite a lot as well.

  3. It can not be overemphasized how important the kernel of WIN2K was. Finally we had an OS that was rock stable. I had only had it a short time till I decided I needed a dual CPU motherboard to make it run right. I went on the internet & found i-will DVD266 motherboard. Found a dealer in Thailand & bought one. That tower is still running today. Programs running on XP will crash but the OS almost never does.

    Quantum leap for Microkrap.

    The same kernel is the basis for WINXP Pro.

    So before you ask Thai people to shell out 2 months pay for an new OS you need to tell us why we need it. VISTA looks like it is aimed at the facebook crowd. You know 13 YO girls.

    Maybe I'll buy a pirate copy & try it. Illusionsoft for sure.

    WOW Lots and Lots of opinions here.

    vista vs xp which is better. That depends on a lot of reasons.

    I remember reading at the beginning someone seeing a post where only 8% of developers are coding for vista. This is very true. Problem with that article on cnet and the Evans Data reports is in the way it is stated. Devs have a tendency to code for a specific platform which in most cases is going to be some form of .net. be it v1.143, or 2.0 or even 3.0. The code that is written will work on windows xp or vista desktops if the correct version of .net redistrib is installed. I don't believe that many developers code for a specific OS version, if they do well then I don't want to support that code.

    For the VISTA vs XP debate.

    Lots of information and ideas stated for and against the use of Vista.

    So from an Application Engineer and * Pirated* copies aside.

    From a enterprise level organization (Intel, GE, Citi etc. etc)

    It does not make sense to upgrade to vista due to the following constraints.

    1. Legacy applications that may not work with vista.

    2. Hardware needs. who is going to spend the money to upgrade 80,000 desktops just so you can move to vista. Employees out side of Development or Marketing really don't need Pc's that will run vista. Vista really is not needed for use of sending email, using office or other business specific applications.

    For businesses the move to vista doesn't make sense at least not initially. It can take at least 2 years for a large enterprise to upgrade due to constraints on applications and budgets.

    From and End user view point

    Stability and usability are gray areas here, depending on the user knowledge, experience and use of windows.

    From a Usability view (home users in particular) learning to use Vista can be a daunting task.

    Graphically vista is a bit different layout than what they have had with XP. Also the Vista base install security options are a pain for home users. The User Account Control is a real pain for someone who is new to vista.

    I agree that drivers are getting better for vista, and stability is much better with SP1.

    I think a lot of users get angry with Vista because of the 2 afore mentioned problems and decide to go back to XP.

    A problem here, if you have bought a new consumer PC desktop or laptop (hp, dell, Ibm) it comes with Vista installed. You will most likely have a problem finding drivers for it that are compatible with XP. Dell and Hp are not creating XP drivers for many of their newest products. And as we all know the vista drivers wont work with XP.

    All in all I think Vista has the ability to be a very solid OS. From my experience I don't like the OS because it is so hardware intensive and to pretty. But then again I am a born again MS guy who found the lite of the open source side:)

    BTW>... I am curious about Remer's comment "5 minute boot to 45 seconds" Please by all means let me know what kind of hardware you are running to make this happen. Reason I ask I have never seen a PC boot up in 45 seconds so if this is possible I want the hardware... :o

  4. Good point Captain.

    I think the scriptures were written without supervision, much of it well after the death of Jesus.

    The important thing is not to get lost in the detail, but to seek the answers through experience.

    One could suggest that our physical life, immersed in all its suffering, is our hel_l.

    Heaven may be unification with infinity, and not that perfect garden where only nice things happen.

    Most Christian thought appears to be from the Dark Ages.

    Correct me if I am wrong, but couldn't the same be said for the written teachings of Buddha?

    Truth be told no matter what path you choose, it ALL comes back to our ability to CHOOSE what is Right for ourselves.

  5. George W. Bush, in an airport lobby, noticed a man in a long flowing

    white robe with a long flowing white beard and flowing white hair. The

    man had a staff in one hand and some stone tablets under the other arm.

    George W. approached the man and inquired, "Aren't you Moses."

    The man ignored George W. and stared at the ceiling.

    George W. positioned himself more directly in the man's view and asked

    again, "Aren't you Moses".

    The man continued to peruse the ceiling.

    George W. tugged at the man's sleeve and asked once again, "Aren't you


    The man finally responded in an irritated voice, "Yes I am". George W. asked him why he was so uppity and the man replied, "The last

    time a bush spoke to me I ended up spending forty years in the


    Unexpected ending but good:)

  6. Military government takes over = reopen the military owned Don Muang

    Military government voted out of power = Don Muang to close


    We were told Suvarnabhumi was meant to be the solution to Thailand's airport conundrum and the billions upon billions of Baht that have been spent on it have given Thailand nothing but the tallest control tower in the World and the biggest single terminal building in the World while lining a few pockets along the way.

    Suvarnabhumi - flawed in nearly every regard and tainted with corruption. Looks good though. A better first impression of Thailand you are not going to get IMHO.

    Largest single terminal, Least amount of seating in the NON-Gate areas. So if you show up 2 hours before your flight you are SOL! :o

  7. The new priest is nervous about hearing confessions, so he asks an older priest to sit in on his sessions. The new priest hears several confessions, then the old priest asks him to step out of the confessional for a few suggestions.

    The old priest suggests, "Cross your arms over your chest and rub your chin with one hand."

    The new priest tries this. The old priest suggests, "Try saying things like, 'I see, yes, go on, and I understand, how did you feel about that?" The new priest says those things, trying them out. The old priest says, "Now, don't you think that's a little better than slapping your knee and saying, 'No way! What happened next?'"


  8. Actually, what do you think they would have said to each other if they ever met.

    Jesus would have done what pretty much every spiritual seeker did when they met the Buddha and felt his powerful spiritual aura - he would have become a follower of the Buddha and probably one of his most advanced disciples.

    WOW!! (scratches head) :o

  9. Thanks a lot for all the replies in such a short time!

    Defrag: I do that from time to time, but just as for those clener programs, it doesn't seem to make the comp any faster.

    msconfig: That one was interesting! I booted out several processes, namely:

    tfswctrl: HP's own drive letter assignment process. Superfluous!

    imjpmig: For typing in Asian languages. Doesn't happen to me that often...

    tintsetp: For writing in Chinese....see above

    PicasaMediaDetector: Finally I found a way to turn that nuisance off!

    Soundman: My soundcard is fried anyways, so why bother..

    Unlocker Assistant: doesn't do what it promises, totally useless.

    sgtray: supposed to remind me of backups but never did. Gone for good.

    SDTrayApp: Spyware Doctor must not start with the system. or??

    TaskSwitcchXP: Some fancy ALT+TAB stuff, came with my Windows. Nuked.

    movie-XL: shows trailers from new movies in German cinemas. A must have! Especially without soundcard....nuked!

    Still running are:

    atiptaxx: Driver for the VGA card

    avgnt: AntiVir, I feel better with it...

    EabServ: Driver for the buttons on my laptop that I never really use

    HP Wireless Assistant: Will the laptop still run with wireless LAN and Bluetooth without it?

    PTHOSTTR: No idea what it is, better leave it untouched.

    SynTPEnh: Touchpaddriver

    vsnpstd: something for the webcam

    mobsync: For synchronizing offline files. Needed in my case

    DesktopSearch: Copernic. Cannot live without it.

    ctfmon: language bar. Needed as I have to type in Görrmänn once in a while.

    Now reboot.....will be back soon :o

    This can be disabled as well :::: See Below

    ProcessName pthosttr.exe


    Internal Name pthosttr

    File Description Adds Security Manager System Tray functionality


    Original File Name pthosttr.exe

    Query count 15

  10. Fortunately, belief of the "blind faith" sort isn't required of Buddhists. You just take the teachings as a working hypothesis to be proven.

    I think you hit the nail on the head. you Can take that same approach to the Bible as well.:o

  11. Good & Bad every ware.

    For me the Percentage of good is greater in Thailand

    (+ The Weather, Food, Extended Family etc etc)

    We will move as soon as possible.

    My Wife is Thai; Her Family, and Friend are all in LOS. So thats where we want to be.

    Can't Wait To MOVE Back.


  12. Well, maybe OP can think about vasectomy? :D this can CURE all the possible trouble... :o

    Why do you always rely on woman taking the pills? it can cause discomfort and it may be hard to conceive when times you want to have a baby.

    Just my 2baht worth...

    On the flip side how is the girl supposed to respect or TRUST him after catching him RED HANDED? :D

  13. But why bother? The French people will be speaking Arabic in 20-30 years anyway :D

    But French people are not alone speaking french, do you know ? :o

    Why yes, with the exception of Quebec province and some carribean and pacific isles, who would want to visit them. The african nations will be speaking arabic soon enough and Haitis a real crummy place to vacation. :D I'm afraid the french left most places they controlled much the worse for wear.

    Ah oui vous devez apprendre le français.

    le français est la langue d'amour. :D

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