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Posts posted by Ajarn_Jonesy

  1. More faulty logic and self delusion.

    Again, they did not force you to buy their DVDs. If you feel they are over priced and CHOOSE to buy them, then that was your choice.

    You DO NOT have the right to STEAL because you feel something is over priced.

    You make me sick.

    Just one question for you, do you run orriginal licenced software on your PC, or get down from your high horse. TROL :o


    You must have a hole in your head..... But here is one for you I DONT GIVE A sh!$$ what you think.. xxxxxxxxxxxx Flame deleted


    Jonesy, do you want to go onto Mod Preview? Udon

  2. You dont care if you are stealing from T.Cruise the sameway a Thai doesnt care if they are stealing from a rich farang. Right?


    Not stealing!! Just off Sight backups Mate...

    Any old computer guy will tell you you need it for disaster recovery.... Just in case something happens to the original.... :D

    I mean you are really doing Tom Cruise a favor :D

    So you have problem with it DONT DO IT>.. But last time I checked we are able to make our own decisions :o

  3. see ya

    ummmm let me guess Canadian or a Pom. Just another guy who came with great expectations &didn't do his homework. It's funny he never mentioned why he didn't like it here. But like Jai Dee said about viewing his previous posts they are nothing but complaints. Some people are just never satisfied.

    I know a Canadian guy (straight) that had a gf here and found my name on the net and asked me everything about life in Bangkok. I sent him websites to view (he never read them) and met his gf for the first time (they chatted by internet and phone for 12 months) and he arrived here only to find he could not get on with the gf so after 3 months he went back home. He came back and did part time work only to get bored with Bangkok again and now he is home again. He was cheap and didnt buy his gf anything. He never seemed to have a plan or know exactly what to do. I think this is another one of these cases. Go home buddy som nom na!

    Rant ON

    1. Lack of English speaking abilities in all levels of society

    LEARN TO SPEAK THAI After all the Thais have the respect to put up with you.

    2. Poor wages for expat workers employed in the education sector

    A good number of the expat workers are not even qualified. And even if they are doesn't mean they have the people skills to teach.

    3. the most difficult work visa system I have ever had to put up with. Most places issue a work visa as one document after you arrive in country.


    4. Too many old fat white men think Thailand is great just don’t get it


    5. I seem to be the only guy working hear under 25yo most people who I see are over 40 I'm not talking about tourists.


    6. The drink is cheap its not wake up the price is the same as Australia. I don’t drink so it doesn’t matter to me

    SO shut your mouth about it

    7. the worst public transport system outside of Bangkok no metro or aircond bus service in Pattaya or Kong Kean what the deal with that they are missing a lot of tourist because it too uncomfortable

    8. Lack of English speaking customer service people on buses, trains, taxis, banks and shops

    Learn some basic Thai. This is Thailand!!

    9. Ban the motorbikes from all main roads in Thailand and fine them 100000 baht if seen any near the main roads

    Again this is Thailand......... :D

    10. Tooooo much corruption at government levels

    I actually agree with this one, but then their really not any worse that our own politicians

    11. Shops don’t seem to stock any western size clothes I mean if you’re over 6 foot tall most of the shirts and basic clothes don’t fit.

    You are just not looking in the right places

    12. Too much noise after 12am at night and most of that is from drunken people and loud music

    you need to learn to enjoy life

    13. the most expensive apartment costs in south East Asia what’s the deal with 40000 plus for a 2 bed apartment in Nonthaburi even worse in Sathorn.

    Maybe they cater to a richer class of people


    14. The rail network is shit trains could run at 160kph in Bangkok but crawl at 30kph until after Rangsit. Plus get rid of the non air cond trains.

    15. More metro now and full track doubling and electrification of country lines to Japanese standards i.e. 250 kph min on the main line to issan

    16. Kill the green and white buses in Bangkok buy some full size air con arc buses

    17. Allow western people to get PR and set up businesses without having to prove 2million baht many good shops could be set up for less than 500000 baht and employ a few Thais

    18. When Thais hold an event provide materials in English and Thai so all can enjoy

    19. Subtitle the TV please

    20. Do not translate English books magazines or movies into Thai

    Should have answers for all of these but then I just got bored with it.!! :D

    Dude wish you all the best in your life back home..

    I would love to be back in LOS now..

  4. so you want to have a 20 year old isaan mia noi, but dont want to give her a dowry.


    way too many guys like OP in Thailand i swear it to God.

    Hmm Seems to me the op is looking to dip his hands in the cookie jar to much.

    If you're going to do that WHY WOULD YOU TELL ANYONE? :D

    But if you are married, HAVE the money NO morals, and dont mind losing your bat and b@!!s go have fun :o

  5. My gf and her friends all know about Iraq and they told me what they think of bush to hehehehe

    This sounds like more of a Thai bashing thread, Yeah there education standards arent the best in the world, there media doesnt shove things down there throats like what we get. So what, does that mean there all stupid? (like some of you are trying to say)

    I highlighted the mistakes in red. Corrections are as follows:

    1st mistake: "Too" not "to"

    2nd mistake: "their" not "there"

    3rd mistake: "their" not "there"

    4th mistake: "their" not "there"

    5th mistake: "they're" not "there"

    I am just having a laugh man, no harm intended. Just joking! :D:o

    Their, there, they're is all the same to me, i only use there.

    Are you a english teacher???

    i bet you are :D

    What the!! HAY HAY Take it easy on us teachers now.... :D

  6. I can't see why to install a second Firewall when XP has its own.

    Please tell me why you have a second Firewall installed, just curious.

    My Son is a IT guy and said the Windows Firewall is not the greatest thats why I did

    XP firewall is sufficient for home use, but in an enterprise setting nothing more than a joke. Windows firewall does not work with many of Microsofts own products.... Such as SMS.. It doesn't allow the sms client to communicate with the server...

    XP fire wall does what is needed for the home user, blocks unused ports, and when used next to a good anti virus and anti spyware product can be rather efficient.

  7. Cooling being an issue. one thing you might want to look at is liquid cooled. Personally I use a Vantec Sting Ray ... It is a little more costly but works with the hiend AMDs...

    Other than cooling the system will be noticabley quieter.

    For Drives I run 4 Sg Barracuda's 7200rpm 300GB Sata in Raid 5. Cost for the drives really isn't that bad..

  8. ... Harming some one with a firearm will lead to problems for you...
    Excellent point,

    The downside to shooting or killing someone, in self-defense or not, will always carry the specter of retaliation.

    Whether its comes to realization or not, it's going to increase your paranoia.

    Given the option, I'd pistol whip someone before I'd shoot them, then I'd beg them not to make me have to shoot them, but if your dealing with someone irrational or intent on moving forward with their agenda, well your options are limited.

    In my neighborhood, everyone had a Walter PPK under their pillow, but an actually shooting was very rare. Best defense ? Live in a good neighborhood. :o

    Paranoia seems to be the best way to describe. I would prefer the the option to pistol whip someone instead of shoot them. However when they are shooting back that is not really an option.. The worst of it has to be the night mares..... :D

    I like that idea... "Best defense? Live in a good neighborhood." :D

  9. <snip>

    (Harming some one with a firearm will lead to problems for you.) <snip>

    I wouldn't even want to know what would happen to you here if you were charged with wrongful use of a firearm. :o

    I never owned a firearm myself and don't care to. Never could see the fascination. Aside from the rare need or for sport, e.g. target practice, clay pidgeon shooting, I don't subscribe to the hypothetical situations people come up with. As far as I'm concerned those situations are then much more likely to happen after the purchase of a gun for those reasons. The old what comes first question, the chicken or the egg? The gun does.

    No doubt there's a lot of different mentality out there when it comes to owning firearms. I always like the people whose argument when asked why they want a gun is really nothing more than "because." "Because why?" "Because I do." These people really don't care to consider anything other that. Once somebody is able to justify something to themselves they become blind to anything else.

    Guns = :D

    You know I see your point and I agree that there is really no use to carry a gun for self defense (an accident waiting to happen) Never carried one myself at least not as a civilian.

    As far as owning guns general.. Nothing Wrong with it IF they are kept under LOCK and KEY

    Personally I grew up with guns in the house. My father, and Grand faher all Hunted so it was instilled since I was young. Growing up I could not wait till I turned 21 and bought my first hand gun.. That Changed when I joined the millitary, and changed even more when I went to Iraq and Afghanastan.

    The old gun debate Gotta love that one... I think whether you like guns or not depends a lot on the kind of family you were raised in.. ie do you like sports or computers. Cars or coins.. I think that part has to do with the family you are from.

  10. The Dude would like to say that he doesn't mind what this chick is wearing. The Dude thinks this chick is hot. He wouldn't care if chicks walk around naked or in turtle necks. The bottom line here is that The Dude digs chicks royally. He digs them with a nice new unused shovel. Who can dig that?

    Always talk about your self in the third person sense? :o

  11. Incase of a drugged up junkie comes into your premisis at night, wielding an axe or knife, who is going to protect you? The police? Are you going to talk the man into staying while you dial the number and wait until you get an operator that understands your crummy thai? And then wait with you until the police shows up?

    So, let's see.

    Who here has experienced the above in Thailand?

    Not me.

    Who here has children in the house?


    Now, who is going to have a gun in the house, ready, loaded and easily accessible incase of the above scenario?

    Not me.

    Nobody with children in the house I hope.

    Guns and Rednecks.... what a mixture.

    The only drugged up junkie I have seen up here (and he probably isn't a junkie anyway) looks a bit like a glue sniffing village idiot.

    I was 25 years in the military and I was taught

    a) never carry a loaded weapon unless you are told to.

    :D NEVER point a loaded weapon at anyone unless you are going to kill them.

    c) guns are designed for one purpose only, to kill something be it a clay pidgeon, a cardboard target, an animal or a person.

    d) a gun on its own is harmless, loaded or unloaded, only people are dangerous.

    e) most of all a gun is NOT a toy.

    In the 25 years I was in the military apart from range firing practice I only ever carried a loaded gun on one ocaission which was to protect some guided missles from being stolen from the convoy. I was given a rifle, a bayonet and 20 rounds of live ammunition and the instructions were to use 18 rounds if I really had to, shoot the driver with the 19th and myself with the last round and the "enemy" would kill me painfully if I fired on them. My thoughts were basically if you need the missles so badly you can have them, then go and steal an aircraft to fire them from.

    If you need a gun in Thailand to protect yourself you must be living in the wrong place.

    I Could not have said it better my self... :D

    just a couple of additions to the above.

    F) If you are going to own a gun you must have proper training.....

    G) Most people who think they need to carry guns will at one time or another find a reason and try to use them.

    I my self have guns at home under lock and key. I love to hunt, fish and all that..

    I have carried loaded weapons in the line of duty and been forced to use them... Something I pray I will never have to do again... IF you think you need to carry a gun for protection then MOVE... (Harming some one with a firearm will lead to problems for you.) Killing some one is not something you want to live with either.. :o

  12. - Man who walk through airport turnstile sideways going to Bangkok.

    - Virginity like bubble, one prick - all gone.

    - Man with hand in pocket feel cocky all day.

    - Foolish man give wife grand piano, wise man give wife upright organ.

    - Panties not best thing on earth, but next to best thing on earth.

    - Wife who put husband in doghouse soon find him in cat house.

    - Man who fight with wife all day get no piece at night.

    - It take many nails to build crib, only one screw to fill it.

    - Man who fish in other man's well often catch crabs.

    - A tiger may hurt you, but a little pussy never hurt anyone.

    Man who rich gives wife grand piano: man who is wise gives wife UPRIGHT ORGAN

  13. My nic in school was Moses, not because I read the bible...

    Is there anyone out there who suspected that? :o

    KY :D

    Er, no!!!

    my nick in school was maveric - I'm british, so guess that explains things!! :D

    My nic in school was Moses, not because I read the bible, but because I wore sandles! When they just were not worn by anybody!!!

    I craved to be different...

    How many books did you carry in-between classes? :D

    A shed load!, Why do you ask?

    Moses carried what down from the mountain? :D

    I know I move pretty fast at times, but keep up boyo. :D

    These Little Feuds between you two really are "SomeWhat" Interesting :D

  14. A well looked after pussy cat who sleeps 26 hours a day,

    On what planet ? :D

    totster :D

    I think he was speaking figuratively!

    By the way totster, why the constant change of avatar. And why this one?!?

    Need you ask? :D

    Hey I'M a Lesbian :D:D

    Totster is a closet lesbian??? :o

  15. good to see all the sodaholics coming out of the closet.

    i rarely drink alcohol , and soda water is my preferred drink in restaurants and bars.

    most bars charge almost as much for a soda as for a beer and the profit margins on a soda will be much higher , so we should be getting better service than the low profit beer swillers.

    in bars , my sodas are always delivered with a smile and in restaurants my glass is regularly topped up and iced.

    must be the taxexile charm and good looks. :D


  16. Not really sure if this is the right place to post this topic, but any way.

    After having read many threads here and talking to many people I work with (who are yanks)

    I am really curious to know.

    1. Do people really hate America or is it American Policy?

    2. Why is it that when people find out you are a Soldier (Marine in my case) they act like you have some kind of disease?

    the second question is something that bothers me, as I am very proud to be a marine and am proud of my father and both grand fathers for serving.

    When I meet new people I often am almost afraid to tell them that I was a soldier. As most really try to avoid you (or make it a point to let you know how evil you are for being a soldier).

    Just would like to get the perception of some folks out there and see what you think...

    khap khun ma na ja!!

  17. Just remember you are a Yankee Doodle Dandy and you can't change....and if ever you think you can sink a few beers and stay up to speed with an Aussie beer drinker, I'd love to shout you a couple of ales, slap you on the back and enjoy your company.....until you collapse in a drunken heap leaving us Aussies to carry on drinking alone.

    (Why is it Yanks always seem to collapse when it's their shout?) :o

    Guess you never met the right Yank!! :D

    It be right, I like you and your posts....!

    Some septics are ok..... :D:D:D

    The next Guinness is on me.....


    Count me in :D:D

  18. Thaibehop, could you provide some clarification?

    You said "And the whole grace thing has been thrown out a long time ago"

    When exactly do you mean by "a long time ago"

    Which churches exactly have thrown it out? I thought that the Catholic church (which, everyone should remember, is the most important Christian church by far, statistically speaking) never really bought in to the whole "salvation by grace alone" theory in the first place?

    And, do you know, do

    a) Anglicans

    b)Eastern orthodox

    c) Presbyterians


    currently beleive in Grace?

    Yes, you are right I should be more clear. Many sects outside of the ones you have mentioned do not hold to the grace idea, but I was lazy because I was thinking of American Christians who are mostly of Protestant sects which do not believe in grace. They are the majority here, so that is what I was thinking of. So, very outdated for America. I have family members who are Presbyterians and they are not taught the "only through grace" thing.
    I reckon OFF TOPIC... you lot want to argue religion but the OP was discussing the rise of churches in Khao Lak....

    Any first hand knowledge to contibute here? That would make for an interesting discussion :o

    And what are churches Khall? :D

    I can't say that I agree with you on the subject of Grace TB. I certainly can't agree with you when it comes to american christians. Last time I checked Presbyterians were not a main stream movement... The problem is not that the churches don't believe in grace. the problem is that they don't teach it anymore..

    I think you will agree that what we hear from most churches today is either hel_l and brimfire, or you just have to love every one ...


    One thing that bothers me about american christian churches is that all they seem to care about is the number of people whose names are on the books.. (AT LEAST THATS WHAT I SEE) even in my own church.

  19. All you guys and gals who classify yourselves as loyal, loving, non-cheaters, please leave the forum and go and polish your halo's. They're looking a little tarnished.

    Let me ask you this: You are sitting in a crowded room/bar with your partner by your side. You look across at a most attractive person on the other side of the room/bar.

    Do you mentally undress that person? Do you imagine yourself in bed with that person and making U turns under the sheets? Do you find such thoughts stimulating?

    Is there a difference in physical cheating as opposed to mental cheating?

    Do you fantasies about others whilst making love to your partner?

    Honest answers required, no cheating please. :D

    So, you think that everyone is really just an animal who has no hope of controlling themselves what so ever, becasue lust is...what....just too strong, or our will is just too weak?

    Ya know I have had desires to kill people that have been my enemies. I would say that I had a lust that wanted to be fed and killing that person who pissed me off would do it. I never killed anyone. I was able to control myself same as when I walked away from a "sure thing".

    So, thoughts are thoughts, as long as they stay that way they have not effected the world around the person thinking them. The minute that person acts based on those thoughts, even it is just speech, those thoughts now take on another form of reality one that is based on the world we share. Do not confuse thought and action, it is that same mistake of confusing lust for love, they are two separate things.

    Yeah I have had desires to kill certain people to, And I did. But I guess thats all part of being in combat and all. :D

    To say we are weak or any other reason we use is just a way not to accept responsibility for our actions.. No One forces us to cheat... We all have that decision to make for our selves..

    Personally I think, if you cheat on your partner, you never really loved them in the truest sense, as if you did, you would never want to cause them hurt or humiliation. :D

    I think differently. If you don't allow your partner to cheat, you never really loved them in the truest sense, as if you did.

    Sounds like typical male mumbo-jumbo to justify letting the little head do the thinking :D:D

    No no no, I'm absolutely not a typical male. :D:D:D

    So are you saying your coming out? :o:burp:

  20. I think to reiterate the thoughts of Suegha.

    It does not matter whether my wife is western or Thai, All that matters is that we make each other happy. The way we treat and respect each other is whats important. As well this I believe will show in the way we treat other people.. :o:D

    To the point of this Thread. Instead of asking why certain Farang men make these comments:

    Maybe we need to look at what kind of men they are..???

    There will always be good and bad in people no matter our race, gender, religion, or nationality.

    But then again we have the right and ability to ignore the people we dont like or dont approve of. :D

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