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The Dude

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Posts posted by The Dude

  1. There is a new scam in town...

    They are working as a team: One of them asks tourists, packed in a hard- luck story, for money, if the victim don't believe or not give some money, the Du.. aah.. partner will appear on the scene and scare the other away accusing him to be a scammer.

    The victim, happy to meet a new friend is very willing to take the offer from the safer to let him show the real nightlife of BKK... allways good for a  few beers  :o


    roflmao not, hey Playtex, you're a funny MFer, I mean you're really a card

  2. This goatie guy hangs around nana hotel lobby after hours approaching people for 100 for taxi fare.

    Looks like a serial killer.

    That's a good point, El Tel, this is a scary looking mfer. I think that caution should be used if anyone confronts or is confronted by said MFer. I will say that the dude who did the warning to the new potential scammees said that this MFer was grabbing his arm as he exposed him. Be wary of him, I'm sure he's perturbed that 2 people in less than a week have spotted him and stepped in to stop his BS. He made a reference to me about what a nice guy he was and that someone else might clock me.

    Oh and about this pic I have of him; I am fortunate to have this in The Dude's Sukhumvit pic archives. The pics in this archive were taken during the month of May when a friend of mine was in town for a few weeks and we snapped a few hundred pics over the course of several nights. I snapped this scammer pic myself not knowing that this dude was a beggar (I found that out a month later), I just had seen this fool before and knew he was a really strange MFer. I had seen him around several times acting odd. He has a wicked case of the shakes like he may be a drug addict or something. Beware. Oh and thank you eddie and prof fart, it is my pleasure to try and warn as many people about this guy as possible. What he is doing just aint right. highly undiggable


  3. Sukhumvit beggar saga continued tonite as I walked to the same 7/11 where I confronted the loser a few nights ago, I noticed 3 dudes having a discussion; as I passed by I heard my name called, it was the dude that I had warned about the beggar on the said night. "hey dude" the guy said. He had remembered my name cause we had hung out and had a few brews the night of the incident. He continued, "that scammer guy was back feeding these 2 guys a line about needing some cash". This guy was pretty riled up now knowing full out what the scammer was all about. I was proud of him for warning new potential scamees. Clearly it rubs off. One of the new scamees said that the scammer seemed like a nice likeable guy who was down on his luck. I guess that's how the scammer come off to some people. Oh and also on this occasion the scammer was lugging around several shopping bags as though he had been on some kind of shopping spree. The nerve of this hosebag. The Dude (me) handed out a shovel to all 3 dudes who rebuffed the scammer's attempts to extort cash; this way they can dig not supporting this behavior

  4. Walking in BKK rules. The Dude digs it with a rather large shovel and discovers new and different things each time. I used to drive 50K miles/year in the states for over 20 years. I really got sick of driving and it is so impersonal. I have left the driving to my shoes. You can't beat walking around in this great city

  5. Yeah dude, like why don't you go back to the states and earn some real cash and come back in 20 years. You're poverty packin' it man and that's no way to go through life. I could have never done what you're doing. Those hotel salaries are peanuts and I concur with the poster who said that garbage men in the US make 5K per month cause they do, at least, and what he said about MCD workers is also very true. You're not very in tune with reality regarding this issue, your dudeness

  6. I posted a pic of this character in another thread about a different beggar a few weeks ago. I had told a story about this Sukhumvit farang ghetto beggar/scam artist. I had seen this person around Sukhumvit for a few years when in june he sits down at a street table and starts telling my tourist friend some elaborate story about how he has a plane ticket but no departure tax cash. My friend saw holes in the story and called him on it and pissing off the wacko who buggered off.

    OK so last night as I was walking into the Soi 3 7/11 near the Nana crossing and just as I'm about to go inside the store I realize that the beggar dude is standing in front of the table where books are sold in front of the 7/11. He is talking with a 20ish English chap. I decide that I will listen in for a bit and see what the discussion is all about. Sure enough I hear the words "need 500 baht for departure tax" come out as part of some elaborate story. The Dude (me) at this point intervenes and tells the Brit that the said beggar/scammer has pulled this be4. The scam dude claimed that he never ever did that be4 and that his story was genuine. This dude is looking mighty frail these days also. Not that it matters but that dude say he is Canadian.


  7. Hello again good people. I thought I might share something I witnessed at immigration today. I was at the info counter inside immi today to have my docs checked for my visa extension. Next to me was another farang dude in his 30s having a discussion with an immi info desk lady. The only part of the conversation I caught was; "You mean I have to spend the night?" says the farang; response from lady, "well you are on overstay right now". My docs were then handed back to me to go to visa extension window. I didn't stick around to see what happened but I wish that I had. I did look to see if the dude left the building while I waited for my passport back and he did not. I have a feeling that this dude may have been forced to check into the BKK Hilton for the night. Perhaps if on overstay it may well not pay to throw yourself at the mercy of immi. Who really knows, maybe I took the whole thing out of context. At any rate, I'm glad I didn't have a shovel with me to give to this dude cause he sure wasn't going to need it to dig his situation. DON'T OVERSTAY ANYBODY, cept maybe that Jesse dude. LOL

  8. To the OP: Dude, get out of the stoneage my man. This cold shower crap is for the birds. No civilized person should have to deal with that. Clearly it's a nitemare for you, and you have the ways and means to take care of the situation, so get it done. Put your foot down, oh and btw, no it's not common to deal with that kind of bs. I'll fedex you a shovel after you install your water heater so you can dig those nice warm showers, Dig?

  9. Dude, I'll trade you Baltic, Oriental and Marvin Gardens for that Beautiful Boardwalk you got their AND your get out of jail free card. Can you dig that with a shovel? Also I got a triple word score using a Q and a Z plus I used my remaining tiles dude, you lose. I don't suppose you saw a Stratego Game or a baseball bat over at Centun; didn't think so

  10. There is a market out there however for these hi-so hip hop bars. I suppose there are people who want to be cool so they scramble to places like Bed-Supper Club on Soi 11. The NY Times has had at least 2 articles in the past few months touting that place and Bangkok in general for all the wrong reasons. I think that Bed Club is scary myself. It looks like a major fire trap; It looks like an oil tanker on stilts with only a single exit linked by a super long concrete stairway. The place is packed nightly with morons

  11. That's right there, snoop dog, that finger in the air crap is enough to make you puke. I'd say that Hollywood pulled off a massive brainwashing campaign to get people to dig that garbage with a shovel; either that or the morons who dig it are a bunch of cretins or both. Can not dig

  12. The Dude has lived a sheltered life and been forced to take fewer than 10 cold showers in 44 years. Those showers were a nightmare. If someone said to The Dude; "Hey Dude, you must either take this meat cleaver here and chop off your little finger, or listen to an entire side of the album Helen Reddy the Las Vegas Years, or take cold showers the rest of your life" The Dude would reply, "Gimme the Cleaver".

  13. I hate cold showers.
    Does everyone suffer this way, or am I truly cursed with a sadistic brand of Thai/Chinese self-torture?

    Thai/Chinese really make me laugh with their frugality. I have many experiences with them.

    One my landlady(Thai/Chinese), who was one of the richest women in Bangkok and owned half of Sukhumvit road and Sathorn.

    She used to ask us for our used newspapers. One day I found selling them out on the soi to the guy who comes round on the motorised bike thing.

    Because I used the swimming pool more than the other tennant she doubled my fixed water bill. The to cap it all, and eventually caused us to move, she came and offered her congratulations on our daughter being born, and put our water up 1000 baht due to another person being there, then told us she was happy as she sold some land next door for 500 million baht! I really don't understand this attitude, especially since she had no family, and used to drive a 20 year old car.

    Those Thai/Chinese are spendaholics compared to some of The Dude's old customers in New York of a different persuasion who used to pinch each and every penny, literally. :o

  14. Right on there, Britmav, I really can dig that Soi Dogs need shovels too. Nice diggable pics there Bambina and fried ricey. If you toss a soi pooch a bone once in a while, he will turn from this (see pic) to that nice happy pup in my post above. what a nice change.


  15. I have heard Siam Commercial Bank are very easy and efficient to deal with in this regard. A friend was in and out 30 minutes later with account, passbook and ATM card.

    I had an opposite experience at Siam Commercial Bank a while back. Went in loaded down with 200K baht in cash and they asked me if I had a work permit, I said no, they said no can do. I was none too pleased and never opened an acct with the cash. Some time later I opened a passbook savings acct with 1K at BKK bank. got an ATM card. Acct has remained idle as I dont bother using it, probably cancelled by now. The Dude just withdraws from his USA banks and keeps his hard earned cash out of Thai Banks. Can you dig as I dig?

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