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The Dude

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Posts posted by The Dude

  1. I know as well as anyone that if one wishes to drink liquor in a bar, they are going to pay a premium.  That has always been the norm.  What is bad in bars is how they make us non-drinkers pay a lot too for soda or something else.  Not fair at all I don't think.

    Well dude, the party is over on cheap water or soft drinks in BKK bars. I see current prices on a water and non alc drinks in regular, no entertainment pool bars btw 80-100. Based on the budgets on expats in bkk on other threads, I would say that only a small percent of expat residents could even think about frequenting bars around the city at this point. How on earth is a guy on a 50K/mo. budget going to fit 1000+ check bins into his budget, he'll be flat broke on his as$ by the 3rd week of the month or sooner. I spend over 100K/mo in BKK and I NEVER go to bars anymore due to these outrageous prices. If I got back into my old bar habit, I'd be shelling 130-150K/ mo on overall expenses. I guess traffic will be slowing down in bars as mostly only tourists will be in them. Hopefully we will see more of them go out of biz so that perhaps a message might get across, doubt it though. Another thing driving away biz, as if outrageous prices weren't enough, is the loud, majorly annoying hip hop rap that many establishment's DJs like to blare. This horseshit offends the majority of paying customers. The DJs are playing this music for the employees and not the customers; what a great way to do biz, allowing this incredible nonsense to go on. Exceptions are few and far between. Perhaps bar owners might learn something from the likes of Morning/Night bar down in Nana who have tunes cranking which cater to PREMIUM PAYING CUSTOMERS. Check out how PACKED that place is daily. The Dude stuffed all of his remaing shovels into his maid's qtrs cause they won't be needed to dig the current bar situation in BKK

  2. Hey Jamman dude, never fear for The Dude concurs with you and your generalizations. No question that there is major prevalence of what u are talking about over here so why not lump it together. No question it would be true the vast majority of the time. For someone to suggest that the entire world is the same is not speaking about reality. Keep up the good work and while 90% of Thai Visa have their blinders on and write off what you say, there are 10% that are with you 200% of the time. Count The Dude among those 10%. The Dude's guard is up everyday in this land, for he will never ever let it down. The Dude is also blown away by the mass complacency regarding the farangs he has met in LOS and posters here on this forum as well. Anyone caring to dig what I'm saying shall be delivered a chrome plated shovel.

  3. You say you met her in "hard core alley", the alleyway btw Soi 5 and 7? LOL, that tells the whole story, my man

    That's the worst alley in the jungle. :D

    And how would you boys know this.... :o

    Miss Maiden, The Dude does have a legitimate excuse on this one as he lives a hop, skip and a jump from this very severely hard core alleyway. This tunnel is an essential short cut to get from The Dude's Apt to essential goods/services. This is an almost daily cut threw so that the coreness can be evaluated on a day to day basis. The Dude stipulates that this alley is massively mesmerizingly harsh to the hardened core, containing the rodents of society 24 hours/day. This tunnel is also referred to as stench alley due to the foul odor of seafood preparation with no ventilation. The Dude was fortunate in that he was gifted with quick legs and iron lungs so he can hold his breath as he motors across the thoroughfare. Dig?

  4. Bars in BKK are really getting arrogant with what they charge for beers. The Dude here wonders where the ceiling's gonna be on these prices cause they've gotten outta sight outta mind. We should coinjoin this thread with those BKK-cost-o-living threads where the cheapo chuckies claim that one can live on anywhere from 10-50K in the big city. Hopefully the said claimants never ever step into a BKK bar these days! It was bad enuf to shell out 70 baht for a Singha, but now hole-in-the-wall pool bars are charging 110 baht!!!!! This is not a joke folks. Then all the while they blast your brain out with ghetto blaster playing hip hop. Wow what a joy! This is what it has come to in the Sukhumvit ghetto bar scene. Hardly worth going. The Dude is on a major boycott. Just think about those cheapo dudes if they went out 8 times a month x 8 beers@110 bt/beer. kinda blows out their budg, wouldn't ya say? and they didnt play pool or tip or buy a single lady drink! and those dudes never go out with ladies, good god no! not possible . if they did, there budget blown on the bar scene alone!

  5. A friend of The dude's is in town and he needs some Skoal Long Cut Wintergreen. I get the sneaky feeling that the stuff cannot be had here but you never know. He'll settle for some Kodiak, Hawken, Cope or even Rooster but Red Man and Beech Nut won't do. Anybody know?

  6. I never hassle with pigs over pennies, it aint worth it. You frigged up and got singled out for a traffic violation. You could have hurt someone. You deserved to be fined. You were in wrong. Pay the fine to said pig and be done with it. Who cares who said pig gave cash too. Play hardball with the pigs over 10 bucks? Are you crazy? No can dig dude. Didn't anyone ever tell you to never argue with a pig? And besides that, I dig pigs, my old lady's a pig

  7. Supermarket shopping in Thailand is very very lame so all you need to do is pick the one that is the least worst if you can dig what The Dude is saying. Varieties of goods are pathetic, especially at Big C. If there was ever a worthless store to buy groceries, Big C takes grand prize. Oh don't get me wrong, the place is huge and the lack of variety is partially out of their control and they cater to Thais who are delighted with 2 story aisles of Soy Sauce, 5 baht noodles, cooking oil and fish cookies. Never in my life have I seen so much square footage dedicated various types of sauces, LOL. It's pretty sad. Carre Four and Tesco Rotus are much the same. The only half decent thing in those 3 places is the bakery. I didn't say the bakery was good, it's just unique and tolerable. Hands down the best place to buy food is Foodland, and trust me that aint saying much. Villa looks like a rathole in a dungeon. I don't know what the fascination is with that place. Tops is lame but what can you do? Food Lion? How about Safeway, Albertson's, Winn Dixie, A&P, Stop and Shop, Von's, Ralphs and Alpha Beta and Smiths? No such luck. Walmart and Costco won't touch this country with a 10 foot pole cause they have standards. So basically it leaves you with those English, French and Aussie stores to sell the fish cookies. Aussie's Foodland wins the Grand Prize for doing the best possible job considering. Nice work Foodland

  8. The Dude has 1st hand experience with Oxycontin, Codeine, Xanax, and Clonazepam. The Dude has experience and abused all of these drugs for about 5 years and combined them with Alcohol as well. The Dude has recommendations for the OP as well as anyone else taking, abusing or seeking to take any of these drugs; DON'T BOTHER WITH THEM. Yes they are "habit forming" if not outright addictive. The opiates (codeine oxys) are especially tough to get off and cause the abuser to go through a heroine like withdraw. It just isn't worth taking any of these drugs as they take you over. Each day you think about taking more, it consumes you. The Dude never went anywhere w/o a pack of tylenol 3s in his pocket. The Dude scrapped the whole drug thing about 2 years ago and shall never return. Everyone's best bet is to bypass the garbage. It will take you nowhere or do anything positive for you. Grab a large shovel and dig saying no to these drugs.

  9. Hi Folks, The Dude here, you there. Let me say that The Dude has lived in BKK for 3 years now and He Worships the place. He would never ever have a car here or work for Thais either. What's cool for The Dude is never having to drive anywhere ever. All the action is right at the bottom of the condo steps. You won't be seeing The Dude in Issan anytime soon. The Dude is BKK all the way. Who can dig that with a shovel?

  10. Well, my profession isn't listed either but that's what the 'other' is for?  I agree it's a bit strange to list these particular professions instead of a more common list of fields, i.e. 'tourism/hospitality', 'ICT', 'Agriculture', 'Manufacturing', 'Education' and so on.

    So.. Yes it doesn't appear like a whole lot of thought went into the questions, but I wouldn't say anyone would get really stuck, right?

    Correct, but I just don't see any point in wasting time on a survey where so little thought has gone into the questionnaire.

    And.. no matter what anyone does, it won't be the most useless, ill-conceived bit of research on Thailand.. there's always a lot worse out there. :D

    I have never seen any other surveys, but I wouldn't be surprised if you are right. The problem with this kind of research is that to get a valid result you have to have a representative sample of people being surveyed. Just basing it on an internet questionnaire is flawed in itself, as you will only reach a certain segment of the expat population (those that spend a lot of time on the internet, and are patient enough to fill out online questionnaires). When, on top of that, you severely limit the options of the replies (as detailed above), you further reduce the amount of useful information you are likely to gain.

    My guess is that the so-called professor spent a few weeks on a beach in Thailand, went diving, had a few drinks in beer bars, met a few English teachers, and thought - "Hey - this is what all foreigners in Thailand do for a living. That chick behind the bar looks really hot. I bet if I make a survey of foreigners in Thailand, the university would pay for me to do another trip up here. I wonder if she does anal."

    Come on - looking at this survey, if this is all a professor in NSW can come up with, getting a degree in Australia must be easier than I thought….

    Hate to be the bearer of bad news, Jack, but the survey dude clearly hit the nail on the head here. You'se people in denial are a real bunch of comedians. I s'pose Thailand is a gathering place of IVY school grads to ply their trades and become upstanding millionaires in the Thai community. LOL, I can't take it, stop please. I'd say that compared to the bashing this dude is taking here, I think he ought to get a Pulitzer prize for an on-the-money study of real expats in Thailand. Congrats to him. :D:D:D:D:D:o

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