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The Dude

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Posts posted by The Dude

  1. The Dude was planning a huge celebration for his 500th post with 500 shovels to dig it with. However, The Dude came to the realization that celebrating the number of postings on a message board was hopelessly lame. He saved the said shovels to dig diggable things in the future. Who can dig that?

  2. The Dude is famous for high electric bills due to AC usage but he's getting better. Started with 3k bills in 1br apt that faced east. Used AC at all times when inside APT. Moved to APT facing north; this was coolest apt, bills avg'd 2250. now facing east and west, hot again but not running ac all the time but a lot. bills now avg 2500. The Dude's obsession with AC costs him but he has shovels cause he digs AC in a large way. The Dude will never get used to sweltering heat

  3. I suspect there is a multitude of reasons why people don't return home for long periods or ever:

    1. on the run from the law

    2. not want to spend the cash

    3. not have the cash to spend

    4. no family left back home

    5. laziness

    6. family blacksheep

    7. obsessed with thailand

    8. disowned family

    9. can't stomach long flights

    I'm sure there are more

  4. Greenie, my friend, you are up against quite a rainbow coalition onslaught here. I have seen such a diverse majority in agreement in this forum ever. I have backordered shovels for all to dig it; no way my current supply will make it thru. I wish my little poem about you was in this thread instead of the avg monthly income thread. Wait, I might as well link it due to its relevance. http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?sh...05entry704197

  5. The Dude would like to hand a gold plated shovel to Doza for diggable comebacks to moronic comments. Shovels go out to Bendix, Guest House and Peace Blondie as well. No shovels for Greenie at this time. Boy I have never handed out so many shovels in a single thread and only had to hold back on 1 or 2

  6. I find that once you move out of a closet, there is no going back. I did this in the states 1st. I went from a small bachelor Apt in Westwood (LA) to a larger room in Culver City to a 1br Apt in Stamford CT to a 2br condo Stamford to my own home (3br) Greenwich CT. By the time I was in the home, I had a lotta crap which sits in my home. I still have that home and moved to Thailand at 41. 1st year hotel room (20K) 2002. 2nd year 66 sq meter 1br (20K + 5k uts), 3rd year 100 sq 2 br condo (30k + 4k uts) now 166 sq 2 br apt (53K + 4k uts). There's no downsizing as stuff accumulates. Other budgetary items:

    TRAVEL: visa runs etc run 10K month average (I like how greeney leaves travel out of his budget)


    Entertainment: 15K

    Local Transport: 3K (save cash on that one cause live where I hang)

    MISC: 20K

    TOTAL: 125K per month

    very comfy on that and dont forget I have no local transport needs

  7. Desmond is correct there dude. You tried to fight city hall. Bottom line is that no one you are dealing with has the authority to do anything about your loss of 12K. Going to Poi Pet wouldn't solve anything at all. This is a simple case of "you can't get away with mistakes in your favor" here. These people have checks and balances and are on top of everything. It was one man's mistake that no one can cover. It's a bum trip and a powerful lesson on Thailand

  8. The Dude is proud that he has inspired a poet. The Dude has his ode to Green Wanderer:

    Poor Little penniless Green Wanderer

    He thinks all rich expats are money launderers

    He came to Thailand a young man

    Without 2 cents to throw in a tin can

    He needs to go home and make some cash

    then he can come back in 30 years with a stash

    His future doesn't have to be so bleak

    If he'd just stop acting like such a freak

    So GW dude go home and get a job

    after decades of work you won't be a slob

    go and earn yourself a pension

    so you can live in this country with no tension

    Then when you're rolling in the dough

    You will come back to Thailand, Land HO

    copyright: The Dude publishing (aka Dig It with a Shovel Studios) Sukhumvit Soi 6 Bangkok Thailand

    not to be used without express written permission of The Dude and associates

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