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The Dude

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Posts posted by The Dude

  1. Sorry for the confusion. Gretyl and I are neighbors. We were swimming, just yesterday around 5 p.m., when the gentleman appeared on the shore in full uniform. I wasn't going to mention her name, gender, family status, exact date it happened, etc; I just thought it was strange for the guy to chase her down all the way to the shore. But it was really a short ride from his office and a short walk to the beach.

    Gretyl is probably recovering from today's bout at Immigration; I'll go see.

    Now, before you holier-than-thou experienced-expert types start ripping into the fine lady for her mistakes, you'll see she's already admitted that it's her fault and by now, she's probably paid the fine. Even when she reads the Thai Visa forum, she finds that the immigration rules are a constant maze of information, often conflicting, literally foreign, not uniformly enforced, etc. She's learning fast, the hard way.

    There's no conflicting information regarding overstaying. It is illegal to do that or you pay the soon to be 500 baht/day and/or go to immi jail, a not so diggable place to hang. Hope everyone can dig that

  2. I posted a thread for bkk on this but knowing the farang population in Pattaya, perhaps it is more likely to find in Pattaya. I go frequently down there anyway. So I am looking for Skoal, Copenhagen or any swedish snus. anybody know where to buy it in pattaya. thx.

  3. I find all this "what men want" discussion to be pointless.

    I agree with you completely. I think most women if not all women find any discussion titled “What men want” pointless. Most women if not all women really don’t give a darn what men want. There are however a few exceptions to that rule and most of them in my humble experience live in Thailand. That is why all of the Western men are here.

    Hey man, The Dude thinks that what you've got to say is massively lame and totally bogus. I mean like what's this obsession with Thai women over farangs? Gimme a break Jack. I am in a long term relationship with a Thai but it aint perfect I can assure you. Your laundry list in your previous post was nonsense. The Dude says that you should lay off the ludicrous farang girl bashing. No shovel for you dude, no can dig

  4. I love going to Phuket, Patong is a great party evironment, i do not go there for the Bar girls but just to hang with the girls and give them abit of a tease.

    Before i proposed to my Fiancee i went there with a friend and he was a horny bugger, i said if i can get drunk every night and not go home with anyone i am ready to propose. I thought i would be tempted and i was let me tell ya. But i survived there for 2 weeks without taking any bar girls home.

    now the place is just a great party place where now i can go and not worry about me being pussy whipped by a goergous bar girl :o

    those girls must hate that, wasting precious time with no hope of landing a customer

    I live in Suphanburi, not by choice but that's where the wife''s family lives. There ain't nothin' there...if I want to drink beer outside I go to the bus station. Access to cinema, reading materials and other western cultural stimulation is out of the equation. I like going to the smoke and staying in a nice hotel now and then but these excursions are usually for business reasons, ie., a job interview or flying out to take up a job somewhere. Except for the shopping the wife hates BKK. The kids are amused and enjoy luxuriating in a bathtub or at the swimming pool at the Rembrandt.

    However, as they say, home is where the heart is...Suphan may be the pits but that's where our home and family reside...nothing more to be said...

    well tuts, certainly you have your very good reasons for residing there; no one can argue with that. nice that you also acknowledge that not a whole helluva lot is going on out there in the stix. I have you a shovel and one shovel to all for a most diggable post. dig?

  5. The Dude would like to say that he lives in the heart of touristy sukhumvit bkk and he digs it with a shovel. There's a lot of hot chicks around and a lot of action, which The Dude digs big time. The Dude digs other tourist areas around Thailand too cause they are cool and offer similar things. The Dude would never live out in the counry because it is totally bogus. The Dude never digs things that are bogus. Can you dig?

  6. The Dude wishes for Hot Chicks cause he digs 'em with a shovel. This is The Dude's only wish. Can you dig what The Dude is saying?

    I would wish for all go-go bars, massage parlours, short time bars to be closed down in Thailand, I would wish to see an end to sex tourism and prostitution.

    Then see how many of the so called 'Tourists' spend their hard earned money travelling across the world to Thailand, and how many so called expats pack their bags and move to a country that is more convenient to their way of life. :o

    You can't do that, the economy would bomb.

    What would happen to Pattaya? Nobody goes there for the beach.....

    I wish for Superman-like powers.

    My hope would be that if there was an end to sex tourism, then Thailand would actually benefit from Family Tourism.

    Until Thailand can shake off its image of being a sex tourist destination, I think Thailand will lose vast ammounts of real tourists to other destinations.


    International tourist arrivals rose from 7 millions in 1996 to 12 millions in 2004, a growth rate on par with Malaysia, a destination not noted for its sex tourism, which recorded 13 millions in 2004. The disparity in numbers fluctuates from year to year and reflects peoples' perceptions e.g SARS, bird flu and latterly post tsunami. Malaysia too has its lean years and occasionally falls behind Thailand.

    TAT figures for 2004 further show that the average tourist stayed 8 days and spent 4,000 bt per day. How that money is spent is of little importance to the casual observer but from my own experience of farang having 2 week shagfest holidays in Pattaya that expenditure strikes me as being a tad modest. But the whole notion of sex tourism as a deterrent to other " real " tourists is quite illusory and says more about the obsessions of some posters than about the state of the industry.

    Perhaps another wish is in order?

    LOL. The Dude says "you can't be serious" LOL LOL

  7. Fast Times Ridgemont High: Arnold complaining about Bronto burger and Brad asks him if he wants to work at All American Burger.

    Spicoli meets Mr Hand in his bedroom and talks about the american revolution "Washington and Jefferson came to America to get away from this bogus place called England. If we dont get some cool rules ourselves, we're gonna be bogus too"

  8. The Dude thinks that the majority of posters here have it all wrong. From my experience, it is the Germans and the French that have foul odors emanating from them. I never had the heart to tell my German bud that he reeked something fierce. The upside is that clearly he saves cash on deodrant and laundry. The only thing I can do is keep my distance be4 I wretch. How mighty undiggable catching a whiff

  9. Perhaps Huski has more up to date info Vince. I was there in early '04 at the height of the dodgy visa scandle. On the 1 or 2 day wait thing, I don't recall but perhaps I arrived there in afternoon which is why I had to wait the 2nd day. It is more likely that if you turn in your visa on say monday morning, pick up would be tues afternoon. that seems to be policy at most embassies

  10. You can go yourself, I've done that. Grab a moto dop for the short ride to the embassy. Get there be4 noon to hand in your passport and pick up after noon 2 days later. that's right, when I was there it was not pick up next day afternoon but 2nd day afternoon. also when I was there, the agent I used to use, Lucky Bikes Monivong, did not provide service any longer. this was odd cause they used to do a smoking thai visa service biz. I was under impression that thai emb didn't want "services" doing passports anymore. of course this was 2 years ago so things may well have changed back to more normalcy

  11. The Dude would like to say that he doesn't mind what this chick is wearing. The Dude thinks this chick is hot. He wouldn't care if chicks walk around naked or in turtle necks. The bottom line here is that The Dude digs chicks royally. He digs them with a nice new unused shovel. Who can dig that?

  12. Very nice attitude and comments. Good luck to you. :o

    The Dude 2nds that emotion with a shovel

    Geezzzz Dude ... . I heard you were banned from TV and had been wooed by BalsaDork.com and all that seems like the usual internet crap stuff :D Anyway. only Administrators can ban Members ( and there's only 3 of us here ) so I knew it wasn't true anyhow. :D

    Hey there DP, the viscious, violent rumors that get spread out there in cyber space

  13. Wow I know all of us are perfect. But lets say the guy has been stuck there six months he has got to live. Sure he is to blame for why he is stuck there. But again I forget most of us are perfect. If you got them money to offer the guy and take him to the airport so be it. If not drop it.

    Take him to the airport for what? So he can beg over there? ######, I hope the dude doesn't read this thread, I bet begging at airport would be lucrative for his ass. As for the beggar mafia and coveted crossover begging spots, please take note that this dude does not hang in those legal (for thais) begging spots but rather he hangs on the skytrain stairs where their is a clear sign that says NO HAWKING. This is why you never see thai beggars in or on any part of the sky train or subway systems, only on the street crossovers where this beggar wouldn't be caught dead. Who can dig that?

  14. I live in Thailand but it's NOT for the cost of living I can assure you of that. I didn't come here to live on the cheap. My housing costs more here as do groceries. If I wanted to live on street rice, live in a bkk closet or in bumwad issan then sure costs would be low. I dont want to live that life. I guess I like it here cause there's always different shit to see happening around. I like the city, a city like BKK, which is pretty laid back for a big city. Sure I have a much younger g/f here but I could take her home but I choose to hang here. Who can dig that with a massively huge shovel?

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