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Everything posted by Dmaxdan

  1. Okay I'll bite! Firstly, it's called the cool season, not the cold season. On occasions it can genuinely get quite chilly up north. Living outside of Chiang Mai for the last 13 years, I have experienced temperatures first thing in the morning as low as 8°C with patches of dense fog. I have also experienced days were it has only reached a high of about 12°C during the afternoon. Granted these occurrences were rare and a few years ago. In recent years, climate change appears to have put paid to the real cool weather. Although the elderly Thais still really struggle to keep warm during this time.
  2. Of course if you move said objects then you could end up with your car being keyed or your tyres slashed. And then the police would have no choice but to act and prosecute you for moving the chairs...
  3. At the end of the day, Thai people just like making noise. Over time you get used to it, particularly the wailing banshees on the karaoke. It makes you appreciate what good music really is!
  4. For a number of years now I have taken my updated bank book with my when I go to get my final extension stamp. I have never been asked for it and I don't know anyone who has. It's just that I live a good hours drive away and I don't want to be caught out. Many years ago in the boy scouts I learnt to always be prepared...
  5. You have to remember that international politics and world news are completely irrelevant to the vast majority of Thai folk. They don't realize there is a whole other world outside of Thailand's borders.
  6. I wish it would weaken against the British pound....????
  7. Sometimes you need to be cautious when being a good samaritan.
  8. The super cheap ones on Lazada may be reconditioned.
  9. It's because people in other places are capable of thinking for themselves.
  10. Yes, it comes with its own remote control and plugs into the HDMI. To power it you have a choice of plugging it into the mains or via the USB on your TV.
  11. Yes, but it can get pretty chilly up north when the cool season comes around. Particularly if live in an old wooden house, are of a certain age and you have no meat on your bones.
  12. I have a Xiaomi Mi stick global version which works fine. I believe they are about 1500 baht to buy. The setup is really easy if you already have a Google account. Everything is done through your phone, you don't even have to enter any passwords. HBO, Netflix, Disney and pretty much everything else that the Google play store has to offer is available. There is also a Xiaomi Mi box available which is a little bit more money but has a better spec.
  13. If they really want to get the message across then this is the sort of video they should be showing when you renew your license. Rather than the pointless dross that we have to sit through.
  14. In the video the truck driver behind impatiently beeps his horn and tries to nudge the motorcyclist forward because he doesn't move immediately once the lights have turned green. So in my humble opinion he should be taking some of the blame for this horrible accident.
  15. I'm guessing that they were driving way too fast for the conditions which resulted in aquaplaning. And all to common occurrence here particularly involving pickup trucks which have very limited rear traction in wet conditions.
  16. Do the right thing? They seem to forget that to the average Thai driver "doing the right thing" just means to do what suits them at that particular time. The only reason we have traffic laws here is to line the pockets of our friendly neighborhood boys in brown.
  17. My wife really enjoyed fish and chips when she visited the UK. Normally after a visit to the local pub. At the end of the day it's just another version of fried fish, something that Thai people eat all the time.
  18. Couldn't he have used his robes as a parachute?
  19. Controversial comment but people need to learn to pay attention at all times to what is going on around them when they cross the road. And that includes official pedestrian crossings! You can't rely on these idiotic, selfish motorists to stop and therefore have an obligation to take control of your own safety. The new traffic laws won't change anything!
  20. Just report to immigration on the 16th. It's pointless calling, It won't be ready before then. It should be 30 days from when you previous extension finished, not the actual day you renewed it on.
  21. Her naivety was her big downfall here. Until everyone learns to ignore these phone calls the scammers will continue to fine new, gullible victims.
  22. I like to think she will have better things to do then visit this little turd in prison, which is where he deserves to be.
  23. Teacher? He doesn't look much older than the kids!
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