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Everything posted by Dmaxdan

  1. No not yet. I only found out I needed this late this afternoon. I was planning to go tomorrow but thought I'd get some advice on here first. Which, has been very helpful so far ☺️
  2. I do bank with Bangkok bank so that's encouraging!
  3. Is it possible to get an offical Thai bank statement issued from your bank with your name and address written fully in English, not Thai? If so, has anyone ever done this. I need a official document with my Thai address on it for official business in the UK. I'm struggling a bit to come up with ideas for this. Thanks in advance.
  4. I'm slightly confused by this. So he wooed her, then "gave" her 300,000 baht worth of gold, borrowed it back and then buggered off back to his real wife. Yes I can understand why she would feel distraught and foolish by the fact that she has been taken for a ride. But she hasn't really been conned out of anything apart from her own dignity and self respect.
  5. Yes but how much do they actually earn after they have deducted your monthly contribution?
  6. Only the ones who don't laugh when I take my clothes off...
  7. Inappropriate and dangerous!!!! Pot calling the kettle black! These people need to learn what safe, considerate road use is before reacting in droves.
  8. If it's shown on Thai TV (which in the past it always has been) you should be able to change the audio language by going into the settings on your TV (or TV box) and listen to the commentary into English. Sometimes there is a button on your remote marked language.
  9. Isn't this like stating the obvious? I wasn't aware Thailand actively encourages gun ownership and drug abuse.
  10. It might be time to reinstate the coal man. Black faced and a cheerful disposition. The childhood memories are flooding back!
  11. Maybe he was fleeing after being caught in the act by a jealous husband?
  12. This shocking story has made me feel physically sick. My heart goes out to all the victims and their families. May the perpetrator rot in the buddhist equivalent of hell.
  13. He probably thought that with paddle shift gears he would have no problem negotiating a flooded road.
  14. Best time of the year! Although I do feel for the older Thais who clearly struggle with the cooler temperatures and dress up like they are on an expedition to the north pole.
  15. Do you have a Thai driving license or international driving permit? The reason I ask is that many motor insurance policies here will not pay out if in the event of an accident the person driving doesn't have the appropriate license/permit.
  16. I don't care as long as it stops raining! Chiang Mai is turning into Venice of the orient.
  17. Dreadful driving all round. I bet you anything you like the pickup driver's first response was to blast her horn rather than brake and try and avoid a collision herself.
  18. Prostitutes robbing tourists in Pattaya? Is this a new thing because I was under the impression that we were told by the police that there is no prostitution in family friendly Pattaya.
  19. You do understand that you wear a mask over your nose and mouth, not your eyes?
  20. 40,000 baht sounds like a small price toupee.... I'll get my coat...!
  21. If I wasn't staring at my smart phone, I would never have found this topic to read in the first place. And I would have to make conversation with my grandson who would completely ignore me because he is too busy staring at his smart phone. And my wife would ignore me because she is currently in deep conversation with her son via her smart phone. So I'm now going to put down my phone and go and talk to the dog who doesn't own a smart phone.....yet!
  22. Wouldn't it be safer to go to your local hospital and get rabies and tetanus jabs?
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