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Everything posted by Dmaxdan

  1. It sounds to me like the wrong product was just placed above the price sticker. A genuine human error. Did you read the actual sticker? They normally have the information English and Thai as to the product it relates to. I doubt that in shops such as Tops the regular staff who stack the shelves can set the prices as everything is scanned and computerized.
  2. Virtually no one looks me in the eye in my village. I've always presumed that it is because of my high social status....
  3. 300,000 km!!! Where do you live? On the moon with your rocket ship?
  4. Let's hope and pray that he has has adequate insurance cover and he has a chance of making a full recovery.
  5. How could she not have known that she'd just run somebody over? Also, in a perfect world the painter should have had someone watching his back whilst he worked.
  6. Wasn't this already reported? Or is it a case of groundhog day?
  7. Well, that wasn't very bright!
  8. There is no way I would ever put a child of mine in one of these school buses. They are packed in like sardines with a driver up front who almost certainly has no understanding of the meaning of the phrase "health and safety". I've witnessed for myself the corner cutting, illegal maneuvers these school bus drivers do just to save a few seconds. They are an accident waiting to happen particularly with the many reckless drivers that plague Thai roads everyday. The kids safety is not a priority within these old and poorly maintained and driven vehicles.
  9. Good luck with that. What ever evidence there may have been to prosecute those involved will have have conveniently disappeared by now.
  10. I met my wife on a blind date. And that's not a joke! I have a Thai friend in England who, unbeknown to me had been calling around friends an family, trying to fix me up on a date after she'd learned I was visiting her home town of Chiang Mai. The date in question ended up being one of the strangest days I have ever had but against the odds we clicked and are still together 17 years later.
  11. First, have a look from a distance to see if you see anything that may be suitable for your needs and budget. Then, it would be best to send a trusted Thai person in first to have a chat and negotiate the price. Don't go with them, let them look it over and then report back to you. Then and only then announce that a foreigner is interested in purchasing the vehicle. Many of these places will up to price considerably if a Farang shows some interest in their cars.
  12. The DF (Dirty Farang) variant of Covid has always been the most deadly. But weirdly isn't recognized in the rest of the world.
  13. If only these people were born with just a little bit more patience...
  14. What, doing speed or traveling at speed? Or both?
  15. Could she not be forensically examined to determine if she was actually raped or not? I would have thought that would have been the normal procedure in a case of drug induced memory loss such as this.
  16. The drunk sedan driver should be charged with manslaughter and given a lengthy prison sentence. Of course that won't happen be because that would require a little thing called courage from those given the job of prosecuting him.
  17. It's a bit late to learn anything after you have been crushed under a train.
  18. A new year and the same old empty threats rear their ugly heads yet again. When are these people going to realize that actions speak louder than words. Until they start releasing actual footage of devastated DUI miscreants being marched off to start their prison sentences then these so called stiffer penalties will never be taken seriously.
  19. Obviously safety belt failure. Happens all the time.....when you don't wear one!
  20. A legitimate manufacturer's warranty is perfectly possibly. Although you would almost certainly have to activate it yourself, probably online. A Lazada seller's warranty? Anything longer than a fortnight is generally is very rare. As mentioned above, LazMall sellers or failing that, a LazPick seller are your safest route when buying expensive electronic items on the Lazada platform.
  21. Presumably all the short time rooms must have been full!
  22. As John McEnroe famously once said; "You cannot be serious!!!"
  23. They do catch thousands of drunk drivers. The problem is that the punishments for being caught are nowhere near harsh enough to become a deterrent. And of course, some that are caught just make a phone call to a friend or family member in a high position of authority and get off scot free.
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