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Posts posted by Maybole

  1. I am and occasional DIYer. To that end I do not want to splash out on new tools. I am looking for a secondhand Tool Shop in the Chiang mai area preferably south end towards Hang Dong and Sanpatong.

    I am specifically looking at the moment for a bradawl(which appears to be totally unknown locally) and a chuck key.

    Any member with a local knowledge?

  2. Some time ago I had an HP printer. It used an enormous amount of ink, mainly due to the heads drying out. I tried refilling the cartridges with proprietary ink and also tried refilled cartridges. The printer refused to work with either and flashed up a warning that "counterfeit " ink had been detected.

    I now have a Brother printer with refillable ink tanks, some of which are indicating low levels. My nearest shop sells "Comax" inks at a reasonable price but I am cagey about using them because of my previous experience. Has any member used "Comax" ink and had any reaction from the printer?

    Do you have any comments, good or bad, about this brand?

  3. The rain is already here. Yesterday I got trapped in a mall coffee shop for 5 hours. I had cycled 20 mins to the nearest Big C and just as I came out the heavens opened and and stayed open from 3pm to 8pm. There was no family member available to rescue me and I had no intention of of cycling in rain so heavy that it reduced visibility to 200m. Even with a decent set of lights I would have been easy meat for any pick-up driver with the standard badly maintained set of windscreen wipers.

  4. I am 1.7m. When I first visited Thailand 40 years ago, I was taller than almost all Thais. Thai people of my generation are general much shorter than I am, but later generations have caught up and passed me. My 40 year old nephew is 1.8m, My 18 year old granddaughter is 1.75. and there were 2 girls in her class at school taller than her. Half of the boys were much taller, at about 1.8m+. It seems to be a generation thing probably due to better health care and feeding.

  5. Some 40 years ago I was at a party in Kota Kinabalu when we heard a commotion outside. It had been raining heavily all day and the road was flooded ankle deep. A late comer had parked his car, removed his shoes and socks and rolled up his trousers and walked about 30 metres to the house. In the dark he could not see the path into the house, guessed wrongly and stepped straight into one of the 2 metre deep storm drains which lined the road. It took 3 of us to get him out and we spent the rest of the evening in sarongs and Tee shirts lent by the host.

  6. I had an HP printer for which replacement cartridges were Gbp17 each. They used to dry up if not used for about 4 days. I bought refilled cartridges at1/3 the price but the printer would not work with them nor would it when I tried refilling them myself with a shop bought ink. The printer could detect  a non-HP ink. I gave up and now use a Brother with refillable tanks. A new bottle of ink from Big C costs Thb 69.

  7. At  my last extension for marriage (in May) Chiangmai Immigration required me to have the Thb400000 in the bank for 3 months,. "Rules have changed" said the IO. Also, I had to produce copies of ALL the pages of my bank book, (going back over 2 years+). I was instructed to bring my bank book when returning at the end of the "under consideration" period. On doing so, the IO (a different one) handed my book back unexamined with the query"what's that for?"

    I think IOs make up rules as they feel like it.


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