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piston broke

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  1. why have the stress - just pay them .... i use an agent to do my ret extension - they charge 100b to do the 90 day report - i cough up no problem ..
  2. bought a new Click 160 in the end
  3. chinese made great until there's a problem or you want to sell it
  4. Thanks for your help... https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/112306758786227/search?query=malaguti madison
  5. My Lady wants a s/h Malaguti madison 150 ... Has anyone got / had one and can give me an insight to ownership ? We live in Central Pattaya - Where would we get it serviced ? TIA
  6. My Wife wants to learn to drive and i'm looking to buy her a cheap run around .... The 2 cars i have in mind are: 1) Ford Fiesta auto 1.6L, 2014 year and 2) MG3 1.5L auto 2015 year Price 125-150,000 Baht.. Any thoughts ? TIA
  7. i won't be fearing the reaper, that's for sure....
  8. i rest my case .....
  9. the problem with a typical condo / house safe is that they are easily opened by a thief .... imho - better off staching money in fake food tins / books ..
  10. Considering the vast amounts of Westeners that ride scooters/big bikes.... I am staggered just how poor the posts are on this section ... it's like the forum equivilant of tumble weed ..
  11. Who could forget Vizz's "Johnny Fartpants"..... oh, Sorry, you meant Trup the American bloke ....
  12. What are you learned people's opinions of the pros and cons of each region ? To start the ball rolling: Jomtien has a great paved sea front walkway - Wongamat just has the beach .. Jomtien has no gas stations - Wongamat/Naklua has 2 ....

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