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Everything posted by ozz1

  1. He is not in any hurry because he knows his reign is going to end soon hopefully
  2. How about going after the source burning crops and black smoke cars and busses adjusting this won't do a thing without action
  3. Things are starting to heat up in Thai politics it's not a good look transfers here and there something stinks
  4. Yet they are trying to tell us that their corruption has got better what a joke of a government
  5. Yea yea on the same day corruption is on the news if anyone believes these point systems they are fooling them selves
  6. Just watched cunk on earth very funny it appealed to my warped sense of humour
  7. Yes we can't have any competition with the tuk tuk mafia
  8. Meanwhile so friendly with the Myanmar generals he is so caring it's all show
  9. Hopefully he can stay awake long enough to campaign the people up here in issan don't like him but with the way they pick their pm anything can happen they really need some young blood not some old general that can't stay awake
  10. Yet they still continue to burn up here no one cares it's a shame really it's never policed and will continue as long as they let them
  11. One thing that the Thai people agree on on there was a lot more freedom when he was in charge ok they are all corrupt but people generally don't like what's happened to their country with these generals in charge hopefully they will be voted out but time will tell
  12. He is a bit touchy when asked anything he doesn't like typical bully the truth hurts
  13. Considering that the place was virtually locked down for a year anything would be a increase anything for some positive publicity
  14. Why is this news brothers in arms both as bad as each other
  15. Let them fight with each other and hopefully people will realise what they are really like and vote them out
  16. Here they go on about global warming and pollution and getting electric vehicles yet here they burn sugar rice stubble willy nilly and no one cares crazy logic
  17. Sorry I just spat out my breakfast I laughed so hard there is supy to be no corruption in RTP yea yea
  18. If the tuk tuks were cheaper then people probably wouldn't rent motorcycles but the tuk tuk mafia don't care or start a baht bus run but they won't allow that that's Phuket for you
  19. I've been living here for 10 years and this is the worst burning season I've seen Thai don't care about the environment in Queensland they used to burn off but they have found better ways to harvest Thailand is far behind on this
  20. If he's the best they have got then god help us let's see if he can stay awake long enough
  21. Is BBQ rat on the menu it's ok it's a 5 star rat
  22. What amazes me is a lot of Thais I talk to still hold taksin in high regard and hate what the generals have done to the country if they vote that way we have to see what happens another coup I hope not
  23. This will be interesting the people don't like the generals running the country let's see what happens if they win first anything would be better than this lot surely
  24. Another crazy cop after what happened in the last year I think that they should have a good look at how they are recruited but money talks so they won't
  25. Can't wait till they get their new fighter jets see what happens then
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