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Everything posted by ozz1

  1. Tell them they are dreaming it won't happen too many people in high places run this country
  2. Rarb closed down what is the best free download site now
  3. I was wondering how much carbon trading does China pay probably nothing
  4. The Thai army has to have some one to bully so these conscripts are ideal
  5. There is a weighbridge near me just built and for the last year I have never seen a truck on it again force the law but no hang on this is Thailand
  6. I don't understand why Bangkok bank don't transfer money from overseas on a holiday surely it's done electronically and the amount of holidays it's frustrating when you are waiting on it
  7. Sponsored by the real estate institute 200 from zero because of COVID they think we are stupid
  8. Paranoid about democracy I think I've heard that before just hope they stick to their side of the border
  9. Will that include BBQ rat I don't think so
  10. How about looking into the supermarket ownership too no competition 2 owners let's see what happens with beer first
  11. Typical RTP this will continue if the people in high places don't stamp it out but unfortunately I can't see that happening sad really
  12. Good luck with all that let's hope they are going to be a major player in south east Asia get rid of the old guard first
  13. These senators are going to have a lot of trouble trying to convince most of the public after all are army and the really the only thing they are interested in is money and power and new toys not what people think let's hope they come to their senses
  14. What I would like to know is on such low salaries how come they have such large property portfolios I think I know the answer
  15. Unfortunately revenue doesn't mean profit let's see the bottom line
  16. And still the taxi mafia in phuket get away with it every day
  17. We all know that most thais are hopeless with money new car new phone ect all for show and dreaming of winning the lottery
  18. How do we pay off the dogs envelopes won't work maybe food
  19. Was he a policeman looks like he doesn't care much or on drugs
  20. Well before any police were implicated bit fishy
  21. We had a rally up here in issan and there were thousands of people but I heard later that they were all promised money to listen and that's the Thai way but I didn't see this on thai news
  22. He is upset and most people haven't even voted yet I think he can see the writing on the wall
  23. Yes fixed in the direction we want them to go
  24. Typical army and elite thinking let's get back to this century I am sure she will have plenty of people to look after her baby
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