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Everything posted by ozz1

  1. Unfortunately its a thai thing look I have big money new car new phone but it all has to be paid back and they don't seem to budget themselves or care as long as I look good it's a shame really because they are great people but naive
  2. It shows that the dinosaurs don't care what the majority think
  3. They didn't get their envelope this week
  4. Brought to you by the real estate agents of Thailand trying to boost sales
  5. Up here in issan I've seen more people die from lao whiskey than anything but they still keep drinking it no one cares
  6. Unfortunately its Thai logic spend your money then go back to where you came from it would be foolish to buy too much property here and they can change the rules in a instant
  7. I love Thai people but it's all about show new car new phone big house and unfortunately the banks still keep lending them money it has to come down to earth someday
  8. About time what took them so long sorting out the envelopes I guess
  9. Surely they have computers a bit of forensic bookkeeping would find it but they know how high this goes so they no nothing
  10. Same same but different I don't think ladyboys care where you come from as long as you have your bling on I think he's been reading the news and thought I'll go for a walk at 4 am bs
  11. Talk about dragging i out meanwhile the country is in limbo while these buffoons can't make up their minds we all know why
  12. If their computer system was up to scratch they wouldn't have entered the country anyway too late once they are here how about the 90 day report don't they scan them then backwards people
  13. Serves them selves right Just get on with it and stop the uncertainties the people have spoken but in the eyes of the military it means nothing
  14. Meanwhile all the diesel smoking trucks busses and cars can carry on regardless what a joke
  15. The army unfortunately will try and find a way to weasel them selves back in power these generals don't care what all the population thinks they have prooved this before. sad for Thailand really
  16. Thais don't care as long as they bring money and gold necklaces and walk down beach road after hours
  17. How about looking into his finances and where he got all his money from oh no we can't do that what a joke
  18. Another army nutter don't you know who I am I can park anywhere I want
  19. And how about looking into the supermarket monopolies and get some competition in the market while their at it
  20. What is the use of the weighbridge then people employed to stand around and do nothing what a farce
  21. Why not just lower the baht a little surely that will help exports
  22. What a laugh the new weighbridge near me never seen one truck on it every one sitting around on their phones good job if you can get it
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