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Everything posted by ozz1

  1. Are they checking out who going to drive the car home pick a number
  2. How about investigating how they were under the nose of the police all the time but oh no there is no police corruption more hot air nothing more
  3. Will that include less money for battery replacement I don't think so
  4. Enjoyed the lost king bit different but enjoyable
  5. Yes fill the waterways up with non biodegradable material fantastic just spend some money ok
  6. Brown envelopes run deep all the way to the top let's see if he is prosicuted first or it will be swept under the carpet
  7. After seeing him at the tragedy a few weeks ago I changed my mind about him no grandstanding like the pm only comforting words to the parents
  8. Another crystal ball moment from the financial gurus
  9. Here we go again another police chief there is will be no prositution in nightclubs that's like saying there is no corruption in the police force
  10. Yes buy more subs and fighter jets that will fix it don't worry about corruption crazy
  11. Oh no not in Thailand transferred not sacked swept under the carpet as usual
  12. How about getting the police to act quickly they took far too long to respond to this tragedy Too busy looking getting money out of people
  13. Yes drink as much Lao whisky as possible it's ok but having some competition in the market place can't have that
  14. At the moment 4star bali hotels are cheaper than Thailand but Thais think the world revolves around Thailand unfortunately it doesn't
  15. They must be worried about the other parties birds of feather or generals stick all their snouts together
  16. The only way this would be happening is that the police are on the payroll and getting a cut
  17. The value of the baht really is only against the us dollar if it was lower against other currencies things might get better as they want more overseas tourists and export more I can't see it getting any better until something happens
  18. Another free holiday yippee nothing will be achieved
  19. Occupational Health and safety issues again here in Thailand workers lives are worthless to the elete
  20. The whole police force needs to be reformed from the top down but it won't happen too many bad apples
  21. I live in nongbua lhampu and I think they look in to the police first I heard that from a reliable source it's all for show nothing else
  22. How about doubling down on the response time they took far too long to respond people rang them well before the insident ended
  23. One problem was that police didn't respond earlier I live where this happened and a lady I spoke to said she rang police well before they arrived 50 times they arrived after the incident not good
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