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Everything posted by ozz1

  1. Perhaps let people spend their 10 thousand baht gift go towards paying of their debts but that won't happen spend spend thai logic
  2. Thais thinking it's raining let's go faster
  3. Another outstanding police officer carrying a gun around
  4. In other words the envelopes were passed around
  5. Nice to see they are looking after the Chinese tourists again feeling safe in Thailand
  6. I'll believe it when i see it
  7. Interesting i wonder if my mate marries his ladyboy can he get a marriage visa we will see
  8. Yes unfortunately i see little children riding these everywhere and they are hard to see for thai drivers who are so impatient they are all in a hurry to get somewhere rip little one
  9. That's what happens when you put all your eggs in one basket
  10. Gold chains inspector at the door
  11. Thai drivers are so impatient i can't see them waiting for their car to charge they dont even like stopping for traffic lights
  12. Unfortunately i have seen first hand the teachers well most i have seen get the children to open their books and they get on their phones once you are a teacher they are in it for a cushy job and can borrow as much as you like from the bank its in the thai culture
  13. Probably purchased it from the police nothing to see here
  14. Just another day i Thailand nothing will be done
  15. Guess what no one cares especially us expats
  16. Unfortunately the bar girls in Pattaya understand and speak better English than thai teacher's and the teenagers dont want to speak it because they dont want to make mistakes and are shy that's my experience anyway
  17. Just ask tat they say everything is fine with a squillion tourists but the problem is that the thai banks love lending money even if people can't afford it new car new phone etc
  18. The citizens won't be happy if they don't get their free money that was promised it will be the death of their political party if they don't get it serves themselves right
  19. Oh no don't upset the Chinese what about all the other countries putting your eggs in one basket will haunt them again
  20. So sad they are worried about money while some of their citizens are being killed it's all about money unfortunately
  21. How about looking into the over the Top wine tax
  22. Unfortunately the thai people see this as free money someone has to pay for it eventually they don't think about the economy because they think it doesn't concern them but it will
  23. Sound of freedom out now very good but sad worth a watch
  24. These trucks travel far too fast I'm not surprised that this would happen
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