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  1. Russian collusion was hillarys way of not accepting the result. Parrotted my the media for 5 years until proven a hoax. So, Trump had every right to question the result...free n fair😀... you never accepted Trumps win... I have read many of your posts on here
  2. He questioned the result as he is allowed to do, hillary and alm the demo denied trumps win, claimed or yars Russia helped, still do!! Free and . well, using covid to push mail in ballots that are highly supcestible to fraud heard of ballot harvesting before? The 2020 electio was far from free and fair, but you live in that <removed> bubble so totally acceptable you
  3. But thats not what happened. Trump did not encourage violence.
  4. Well said. Calm and rational, factual, rather they hysterical outof date, conflated talking points
  5. You know that trumps supporters are not just a load of rednecks in the south. You post about trump supoorters spreading zdivision' while your entire comment is littered with name calling and divisive rhetoric
  6. I dont see one thread regarding hunters court appearence this week. You sad little men. If you can be called that
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