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Everything posted by luckymitchell

  1. Of course they do, that's why 74 million voted for him, and 11 million more than 2016
  2. I think 'big mike' keeps Obama in check
  3. Supreme court was it?
  4. Only by left wing finatics.
  5. I got it grampy Epstein, don't you worry.
  6. A different accent each state.I remember APC tried the same, even old hillary..... all fake AF to get votes
  7. I bet you thought that sounded funnier in your head.
  8. You only get your information from left leaning outlast, of course you're speading disinformation, that is all you see
  9. Yes, not rape
  10. Yeah right.
  11. would you refer to a hooker in any another country as 'quality'? I very much count you are mixing with any thai women outs side bar life.
  12. The age of the girls you're looking at is the creepy part. The girls photoed with Prince Andrew and Epstein look the same age, and look what people say about those two
  13. Unlike all of the 'I hate trump, melania hates trump, I'm old and bitter about trump, whaa whaa' topics
  14. No, the link is about scaramucci, the rest is your words, you even admitted to despising him a few comments further down, it because you suffer from... you know what.
  15. Sexpats is more appropriate. There are others but guess they'd break the forum rules
  16. Someone of your age posting that is quite creepy. That is certainly not the average Thai girl, not even the average soi cowboy girl.
  17. Perhaps you're just one of those that are easily offended
  18. What's mongers? I saw it posted yesterday too.
  19. You are watching a different Trump to the rest of us then. He has done hours worth of interviews and speeches in the last month alone and not a sight of this downward trajectory.
  20. Are you for real. He is emphasising that you need ID for everything. To lot take everything as literal due to your delusional thinking
  21. But he didn't, 'March peacefully' remember.
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