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Everything posted by luckymitchell

  1. Good figures, trump/musk got 20+ at the time a billion since, biggest ever, wonder if this will beat it
  2. Yes because 'history' is written by his side. If all the media were doing their jobs they would be questioning here he is now and who it running things... but of course they won't.
  3. Then why is his slogan make America great again?
  4. In your opinion, nothing more
  5. Yes numnuts, and I was replying to a photo of people with bandages on their ear... and what? Does that have anything to do with the poscast in the thread title?
  6. Yes, did you not understand that word?
  7. Yes, but out of context picture,as opposed to grown woman putting on different accents to get votes depending on the state she is in
  8. No, you just don't like it that someone disagrees with you, and when you run out of anything to counter what they say, you revert to calling them trolls
  9. I'm sure its tongue in cheek, but if not at least they are loyal, unlike evry Democrat or anti trumpet on this site, you all threw Bide under the bus in the blink of an eye.... actually where is the POTUS, are there not world events he should be dealing with?
  10. That was a word salad that said absolutely nothing
  11. Why do you always come out with the 'troll' crap when some just disagrees with you.
  12. For people that claim to despise him you all seems to talk about him everyday
  13. Even Putin knows Biden was removed by the elite Dems, desperate to keep power
  14. Even Putin knows Biden was removed by the elite Dems, desperate to keep power
  15. Why is she faking an accent?
  16. Apparently even that was a lie
  17. Along with many others. Right up until 2016, not sure What happened to change things🙄
  18. She couldn't do it, that's why. She would need a script
  19. They've been chugging alright, just not kool aid.🍆
  20. Very rocky moment? Who makes these bull<deleted> headlines up
  21. That's rich coming from someone that follows the mainstream media
  22. Choose any of the thousands of threads here
  23. Because there isn't smear coming from the Democrat establiment media at all.
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