34 variations of the same charge, and we all know about the political leaning of the state, jurors, judge and prosecution, which hopefull will be over turned.
I am fully aware how the uk court and prison system work.
A life sentence is unheard of for drug supply.
However, since my comment it is clear this was misreporting by AN, the guy hasn't been given a life sentence at all. Its not even clear if he was even sentenced in his absence.
Where do you get 'he's losing itz from, have you ever watched trump speaking?
Also talking of throwing someone under the bus, What did the Kamala & Democrat party just do to Biden? And most of the loudest AN members for that matter,
Yes, trump wanted to change a date from Sept 10th to the 4th, comments on here, Trumps scared, he fears her, he's losing control, (add nonsense), etc etc. She declined 3 debates and hid from the media for 3 weeks, 'she's smart'.