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Everything posted by luckymitchell

  1. I seem to remember quite a few here saying polls didn't matter, that was when they showed Trump ahead, that seems to have changed suddenly.
  2. They should have been yes, where were the ICC arrest warrants back then? Now they are all applauded by the us congress
  3. Who cares what Turnbull says, who can even name the latest ones? the last decent primeminister Aus had was Howard.
  4. And the tower with you name on is located where? You've already admitted you don't have any business background, I really dont think after that anyone can take any of your future comments seriously. From what I have read of your interactions you have an unhealthy obsession with DJT, you are also Australian so cannot even cast a vote to stop him potentially winning.
  5. No, in your eyes.
  6. I would imagine making a joke about something. Perhaps show a longer clip to give context
  7. Accomplished nothing? Do you have a tower with your name on it?
  8. so you are an accountant with no business background to speak of, but you feel you are in a position to talk in a derogatory manner about a billionaire with a huge international business portfolio? You know that properties are very rarely bought outright, right? Are you sure on that accounting qualification you claimed to have?
  9. So what are they then? Why not just say it when asked, rather than trying to be condescending
  10. Due to AN rules you cannot post links from RTor any Russian news outlets, so how can links be provided
  11. The ICC, which the USA doesn't recognise.
  12. Humm, since when is rescuing ethnic Russian children from slaughter by Azov Nazis a bad thing?
  13. Because it would open a can of worms with tregards to Blaire, Bush, Obama and all the others that started illegal wars
  14. House of cards, haha, i know a few that went bankrupt, and then built it all back up again... is that wrong? What is you business g background in comparison.
  15. I don't think Biden chose her, but as was definitely selected by the dem elites
  16. The guy is a billionaire through business and property worldwide known celeb and then POTUS.... and you are?
  17. Extremely
  18. Is there video evidence of that?
  19. Yes, because someone that is against war and wants to make US citizens healthy by cutting out <deleted>ty processed food and the chemicals that go into it must be an awful person
  20. To be fair, the us and uk deserve it for all the countries they've invaded and ruined in recent times.
  21. Are you on the spectrum for learning disabilities ?
  22. The dems went against everything Trump tried to do. How could they let a non polititcian come in and fix all the s••t they couldn't, hadn't or wouldn't in 8 years of Obama.
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