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Posts posted by BestBitterPhuket

  1. At least and last RTP did take a stand and arrested the curlprits. Job well done . Ensuring proper justice will for sure make thailand a safer place, that's what I believe.

    as already mentioned this guy was obviously a thug

    In my books walking into the bar making demands with a gun in his belt and showing it (probably not the first time) is as good as taking it out and pointing it - although that part of the story is somewhat unclear as to whether they new he was carrying or not

    what sort of place would Thailand be if every falang or wannabe falang thug was walking around with a gun hanging out of their waist band - I for one would not be living here

    In saying that - the bar manager should have called the police and let them deal with it

    Come on Einstein! The gun was planted and it wasn't his. Why plant a gun if he already had one. It was cold blooded murder, whether the Turk was a scum or not.

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  2. The reform process has to be lead from OUTSIDE the police. The Thai police cannot under any circumstances be trusted to carry out the reforms themselves. It will never work and the people will lose confidence in the new government. The police needs to undergo a total change, including the personnel. The Thai police is a failure and should be reformed from top to bottom.

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  3. He was "convicted" of sodomy, not rape. Strangely enough, only Anwar was prosecuted, and not the other party, Mr Saiful, for this illegal act. The other party, has been referred to as the victim, in both the courts and the state run government mouth piece media. Also, Mr Saiful had an affair with a lady on the prosecution team, but that didn't bother any if the judges. Anwar claimed it is a conspiracy. Well, prime minister Najib has admitted he met with the so called victim at his private residence, just before the alleged act of sodomy took place, without giving any credible explanation if why. Mere coincident?

    Was Anwar guilty of sodomy? Who knows, it has yet to be proven in a proper court if law. He has yet only been convicted in a kangaroo court.

    Was his prosecution politically motivated? 100% so.

    Was there a conspiracy? YES.

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