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Posts posted by BestBitterPhuket

  1. I am assuming in this case the photographer is supposedly living and working in Phuket and didn't just come over with the wedding party.

    Can anyone tell me what the situation is for freelance photographers, lets say you do travel photography and you want to do a piece on Phuket for a magazine. You are not a Thai national. Can you come over for the assignment and do you get a work permit?

    I am a professional photographer specializing in aerial photography and I have a work permit for it, the Chinese tend to bring their own photographers with them from China.

    My problem is with photographers living here on tourist visas and working without a work permit, it is seriously affecting my business.

    ...and you are fluent in Chinese and understand the way the chinese like their photos?

  2. FWIW, I can't recall ever before seeing any of the abovementioned Wychwood bottles (Scarecrow, King Goblin, Ginger Beard, Black Wych) at my BKK Centrals (specifically CentralWorld and Central Chidlom)... They have pretty distinctive labels, so I'm thinking I would have remembered if I'd seen them before. Have they had them before??

    BTW, just curious... why do folks here keep referring to the one bottle as Hobgoblin... From my photo, it pretty clearly looks like KING Goblin...

    My local Central has been stocking Wychwood for nearly a year. Confusion over King Goblin vs Hobgoblin. Both are same brewery. Hobgoblin is a gold label and King is a silver label. I can't make out much more from your image but thought the label was gold.

    Nonetheless I am gutted I can't get Punk IPA locally!

    I have had Brewdog Punk IPA on tap several times in Thonglor, BKK.
  3. I went to Central in Phuket to take part in the British Food Fair there, only not to find any. All I could find was some posters advertising the fair, a few brochures and the regular offerings marked with British flags for a change. They did put on a UK beer promotion though. They moved some of their usual beers (Fuller's, Courage and St Austell) from the usual spot on the shelf, to a separate box near a UK Food Fair poster. What humbug is that!!

    To my delight, I visited a second Villa Market in Phuket, and I found two new beers that Draftvader can add to his list. Theakston Hogsheads bitter and Theakston Masham Glory. The hogsheads I bought in Hong Kong already and tasted. The Mash Glory is new today and will be poured into my Theakston pint glass. I can't wait!

  4. I agree and he has the chance NOW. If he delivers results and makes Thailand a better place for ALL Thais, he will have the support of all Thais AND by western countries obsessed with democracy. If he chose to do like previous thai prime ministers and junta leaders, to serve only the Bangkok elite and military, and thus neglecting the rest of the Thai people, then he is in for a rough ride with pressure from within and outside.

    But let him have the chance now. Thailand didn't need more democracy, but an HONEST and CAPABLE man who has the military backing to force unpopular but necessary reforms and to confront members of the elite.

    So far the score is B-. Not bad, but he needs to step up the game. He has the chance of becoming a true Thai hero if he succeeds.

  5. The King Goblin is the one I have the biggest problem with. Just too sweet and not enough of the flavours I favour. Don't worry about leaving your beach-side boozing base. Wishbeer have them all :)

    Can a beer be too sweet? Mostly not, for me that is. I have twelve bottles of Kasteel Donket maturing at home. This is an 11% abv Belgian beer (a so called quadruppel) that tastes like caramelized sugar in liquid form, but it is a very balanced and well made beer still. At 11% the taste of alcohol should be very evident, but it's not, as it is masterfully balanced out. It scores 95/100 at www.ratebeer.com and 100/100 at beeradvocate.com, and is considered world class. Bought at Big C for 167bht a bottle.

    You just created quite a bit of interest for the Wychwood King Goblin and I will visit Central today to see if I am in luck.

  6. I wonder why.

    It could be because they are facing similar economic conditions to the other countries facing deflation this year, 8 in Europe alone.


    Push the baht down.

    Let's see, a weaker baht would stimulate tourism, stimulate exports, make outside investment in Thailand cheaper, and stave off deflation while stimulating consumption of Thai products by making imported items more expensive.

    On the down side, it means a weaker baht, which the economically ignorant would interpret as making the government lose face.

    I guess it all depends on if economic ignorance or rationality prevails in government.

    Avoid losing face at home is more important than salvaging any economic prospects for the future..AND a devaluation means more expensive Prada bags, Lamburginis and overseas luxury vacations for the rich elite. They will never devalue the baht.

  7. I can't wait to try the Meantime IPA, but it's not a session ale you sit down with on a Wednesday. Definately a weekend thing.

    With the latest addition of beers, my closest Villa Market has over 50 British beers on offer! It is staggering. Better than anything I have seen in Singapore, Malaysia or Hong Kong! When I first visited this supermarket two years ago, they had none. All they had was some terrible Coopers beers, a few German and Belgian Chimays.

  8. Only the rich and middle class can launch stupid ideas to ban plastic bags or start banning the use if plastic. Plastic is gods gift to mankind. It's the perfect product. It is extremely durable, readily available, can be used for numerous purposes and is extremely cheap. It has literally elevated the lives of billions of poor people across the globe.

    There should never be ANY ban on this fantastic product, but initiatives to recycle would be most welcome.

    • Like 2
  9. Tasting update:

    Tasted the following "new" beers this weekend:

    - Titanic Iceberg (Nice and light! Refreshing)

    - Titanic White Star (a very nice golden ale, that tastes like Old Golden Hen, but better)

    - Theakston XB - (A classic and beautiful premium bitter. Very British)

    - Theakston Hogsheads Bitter (good classic bitter. Reminded me of Courage Director)

    - Bateman's Combined Harvest ( interesting award winning beer. Good, but not quite my favourite)

    - Bateman's B Bock (interesting take on a German Bock beer)

    - Bateman's Vintage Ale (Excellent!! A classic at 7.5%! It must be served at (British) room temperature. Can be stored for years)

    - Meantime Yakina Red (so refreshing and tasting! Loved this!)

    - Meantime Coffee Porter ( I didn't like this, but I may be alone on that. Reminded me of the very highly regarded Hitachino Expresso Stout. Not my style of beer)

    - Atwater Voodo Vator(abv 9% and an oddity picked up from USA. Doppel bock style. Surprisingly smooth and good)

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