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Posts posted by Para

  1. I hope these coppers have big batteries on their smartphones. They are going to need them. Line is a battery hog. Also not so hot for internet charges.

    sent from my Q6

    THAICBR can you give more info on the app developer I cant seem to narrow a Google search down.

    LINE App company

    Am I reading this right?

    Its basically a combination of an IM and VoIP app? I thought it was some super police app that allowed all kinds of FBI tech!

    Cheers for the link.

  2. What about all the villages there not have telephone lines, not even mobile phone coverage ?

    I will think to cover 80% of the population (Not 80% of the country) they will need close to 1 Mill. hotspots !

    If they had to cover 80% of the area it would be Min. 5 Mill. points.

    Agreed to cover 80% of the population means making WiFi available to over 50,000,000 people!

    Even 80% of the country is simply impossible.

  3. Who had the meaningless job of counting the tablets, why can't they say 40 kgs of tablets or does 500,000 make it sound like a bigger bust?

    Anyway drugs will never go away until the ones at the top are caught and they are never caught because they are untouchable.

    The pill's are not counted individually as such they are packed into blue bags of 200's. If the tablets are not prepacked then they will weight say 1000 and work out the number from the gross weight.

    The number of tablets is disclosed rather than the weight simply because people can relate to it easier. What sounds more 10 g's of crystal meth or 200 yabba? they are in fact about the same. I do agree that everything is done to dramatize any bust I love the way the 'value' of a bust is based of street prices for 0.1 g bags not wholesale of kilo's.

    Before the BS comments come in about how I know this its only a Google click away.....

    Every day they confiscate drugs. What they do with this drugs? Return to the market under a new company?

    add something to the drugs with an unpleasant side effect and put them back in the distribution chain.

    Or gps tag some of the transport vehicles and shut down the network all along the way

    Sadly you have a lot to learn about the importation and distribution of narcotics in Thailand. How do the BiB's earning around 10k THB/month drive around in luxury cars!

    • Like 2
  4. It is not only Pattaya. It is the whole country....from small business' to the big box stores. The funny ones have "Special order desks" where you can order nothing unless it is on the store shelf? They carry it but they are out... still can't order....Big problems when you are building a house......lol

    A friend of mine recently went on a mision to fit out his new ondo. Went to all the normal places for TV's and stuff and was guided in his decision by generally nice staff.

    Everytime he decided to buy a product he was told it was out of stock. <deleted> is that all about? Yes we have this all singing, all danching TV but sorry you cant have it!

    One of the many frustrations that once understood allows you to live in this wonderful country......

  5. I-mobile have a decent range of phones with ICS from 4995b up to 6995b.

    I'm using the Q6 and can confirm Skype works perfect.

    I also have a 2nd hand Wellcom A90+ for 1700b. Basic but OK. Skype works for IM and voice but no front camera. Pm if interested.

    I have just had a look at the Q6 and its not a bad looking phone and has WiFi and GPS and retails at 6k. Thanks for the heads up.

    It will have to have video Skype so your A90 isn't quite up to spec. Thanks anyway.


  6. but Pattaya is not the real Thailand.

    The living costs here are not same and the education is not same as well.

    Low wages are not a justification for a crime.

    I completely agree with you on all 3 points andre47.

    Whilst low pay is no excuse for crime unfortunately is is a major factor. I lived in Pattaya for 9 years so have a fair understanding how the place works and it is a bottom up economy with all levels feeling the economic pinch.I love Thailand so am not one of the lemming Pattaya bashers but I do see things that make me sad. As you say Pattaya like say Phuket is as far from being Thai as Blackpool is!

  7. I am in bangkok and our factory always look for people and cannot find any ...... Maybe the salary expectation of your Thai friends is too high compare with reality.Thats why they cannot find any job. Remind me once a secretary applying for a job and asking for 3,000US$ monthly .

    In any country desired remuneration is based on education and experience isn't it?

  8. Could he post the Affirmation to the embassy in Bangkok, with a cheque for fees perhaps?

    I'm about to go get my affirmation this week, so i might be able to make some inquiries for you if you like - just let me know what questions you want asked

    No it needs to be signed in front of them and checked against your passport.

    I all honesty getting the paperwork done was a walk in the park.

    Arrived at the Embassy at 07:45 first in the line. The girl in the office quickly checked the paperwork then told us to wait till 8am. By 8am there was only 1 other person waiting walked in at and was seen and processed by 08:20.

    Walked out and crossed the road and was approached by a lady offering translation for 300BT so followed her just across Sukhamvit and was don in 15 minutes.

    Taxi to the MFA was hard work as the driver seemed to go the wrong way then we hit traffic.

    Arrived at the MFA at around 10am was out of there by 10:25 told to come back at 1pm to get the papers.

    Job done.

  9. So you are sort of correct that our laws do protect some things that offend people but it would be incorrect to think that being offensive or rude even is protected by the 1st amendment for the sake of being rude or offensive because it's not. It used to be and was intended to be but like most things it got so out of hand that the Laws evloved to the point of being almost unrecognisable today from a pure 1st amendment standpoint.

    I think that's the crux of the problem the way America/Americans are perceived by the rest of the world when they decide to bend rules they are so constantly promoting as and when.

    The current poll on this thread is/was showing 70+% to keep the video online.

    I an far from anti-America but I am certainly anti-hypocrisy regardless of the country with England included in that.

  10. What gets me is the publicity sends stuff like this viral!

    If it wasn't in the news who would of known about it now the current view count is over 5,000,000. How? By making a fuss over it.

    Gotta love America and the way it defines 'Freedom of speech'

    Oh? Well how do YOU define it? Free except when it offends someone? Gotta love America haters and the way they use THEIR freedom speech to criticize everyone ELSE's freedom of speech...

    Well how do YOU define it? - Without hypocrisy that's how I define it.

    So to return the question how do you define 'The right to free speech' anything as long as it doesn't offend the star spangled banner?

  11. I really think any retired man marrying a young thai should make a some kind of trust fund with trustees, rather than sign off all their assets.

    I've read the links to the newspaper reports and cant see any mention of his g/f's age how do you know how old she is?

    moved to Sirin, to marry his Thai girlfriend after selling up his home in the Isle of Wight and transferred everything to Thailand.

    Sadly how many times have wee seen this before?

    There is nothing sad about moving your assets to the country you intend to spend the rest of your life in. He had no intention of returning to the UK, so why should he leave his assets there? This guy is 70, so it's possible he might have died. Or that he doesn't want to be contacted. I also have no intention of returning to the UK, and there are many people there that I wouldn't answer the phone to. Perhaps this guy just wants to be left alone to get on with his life.

    Please if you are going to quote me at least read what I wrote.....

    There was no mention of an expat deciding to transfer his funds to Thailand being classed as sad my words were.

    Sadly how many times have we seen this before?

    After a few years living in Thailand the news of an older guy falling for a Thai girl, getting all his assets transferred and then going missing is far from rare.

  12. I really think any retired man marrying a young thai should make a some kind of trust fund with trustees, rather than sign off all their assets.

    I've read the links to the newspaper reports and cant see any mention of his g/f's age how do you know how old she is?

    moved to Sirin, to marry his Thai girlfriend after selling up his home in the Isle of Wight and transferred everything to Thailand.

    Sadly how many times have wee seen this before?

  13. the big thing you need to find out is if BKK embassy will do while you wait in the morning .. they have 100's of enquires for many things.

    it takes not over 90 minutes even going slowly from airport to Jomtien , motorway all the way and unlikey to be any traffic . so all 3 hours drive there and back .. 20 minutes waiting ..then then allow and extra hour for internal BKK traffic . and your have plenty of time ..

    if BKK can do in the morning your fine .. i suspect the best same day service you would get though would be come back at 2pm which makes it too late for the MFA

    I have been in the morning queue myself at the Embassy and if you pick the wrong day its a LONG one!

    I will get him to contact the Embassy see what they are estimating turnaround time to be and use that as the basis for the decision to wait in BKK or to run to Jomtien.

    Thank you

  14. It is unique to Thailand so only Consulates here can provide (they have to sign and there signature will be checked by MFA). But this does not have to be done in person - he could get from Embassy and go to translation service and leave with them and have them take care of the MFA registration and mail completed copies upcountry to him.

    OK thanks lopburi3 I incorrectly assumed he could get the Embassy bit done in the UK.

    No time for posting he lands 6am on the 12th and is getting married up country on the 14th!

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