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Posts posted by Para

  1. You mean the Kindle device itself? Yes, you can order directly from Amazon and they ship it by courier to Thailand in 2 days. B2S Central Chidlom has at least one model available now for the same price as buying from Amazon with shipping and customs duty included.

    I don't have much experience with PDFs. I just copied a few things like mobile phone manuals direct from my PC to the Kindle.

    No not the device its self the media you use on it.

    Remember i have over 20 years of IT experience so can generally find a way around most things. I have a TON of Buddhist PDF's which I convert to Kindle.mobi format so she can read them on her Kindle I am waiting on a reply will PM you when I have an idea........

  2. I read Phra Farang since becoming a monk and found it funny and simmilar to my circumstance. Except my robes don't fall off.

    LOL! I thought the same I mean how can they fall off when your lower robe is held up with a belt? Poetic license maybe?

    So I keep an open mind, half and half as Para said, practice and giving the yoms what they require.

    The Middle Way my fellow Phra. We have 2 Monks here that are at completely the opposite ends of that scale. One is amazing with the Yom's and they all love him the other is firmly dedicated to the teachings and attends Buddhist University 3 times a week. Both are excellent Monks but also very different.

    Still can't quite get along with the chanting though. I know the Thais expect it but I'm wishing I had one of those chanting machines that Camerata mentioned in the technology forum. I could dummy it up to look like me and hope the head monk didn't notice anything but improvement.

    And I thought I was the only one that struggled with the chanting! Why on earth there isn't an 'real' English translation of the yellow chanting book I have no idea......

  3. I reckon a nice bit of kit for a phra farang would be a Kindle. The Touch can store 2,000 books and pdf files on it and a charge lasts up to 2 months. The only problem is there are still a lot of titles not available in ebook form.

    I have found a number of warez sites stating they have the PDF of the book I tried to d/l it as I have the s/ware to convert PDF to Kindle but the PDF wants Amazon access. I have never used a Kindle but I would assume its available electronically via Amazon?????

  4. The warning in terms of the internet is that everyone must realize that, for most, access can be a very powerful addiction.

    Initially it's fine, but at the business end of Awakening it's a trap.

    Amassing knowledge is the minor part.

    Putting it into practice is the key.

    I totally agree the specific problem I have is my Abbot isn't often at the Temple so aside from the 3 or 4 English Buddhist books they had here I have been trying to find my own path.

  5. Adam was one of my kids teachers at the Regent's last year and he was very well liked.

    As this school depends on continuous recruiting of overseas teachers, this incident has massive effect on their ability to attract candidates.

    It has gone up the chain to the minister for Education and the ministry of Justice - so I think there will be little that the local police can do to stop the process or allow him to buy his way out

    At least you would hope so.


    Crobe I hope you are right this is on e person I would love to finally feel the force of justice. My thoughts to the Pickles family

    If he does make bail just look for a old short fat bald man running as fast as he can for the Thai/Malay border....


  6. He never actually ordained. He was a journalist who spent less than a year as a pha khao (anagarika) and then wrote a book about it. I'm sure he planned all along to write a first-hand account exposing the foibles of farang monks.

    Amazing. So what IYO he set out from the start to simply discredit Farrang Monks?

    Each to their own I guess. It got him his 15 minutes of fame in this life and a world of Karma pain in the next!

  7. He says things like, "Why do the monks let the villagers bow down and worship them?" Well, what are they supposed to do - drag them up on their feet and tell them everyone is equal? Nevertheless, it's an interesting look at a farang wat in Thailand.

    That's the problem with ignorance camerata. You know when laity bow down its not to the Monk but to what the Monk represents, Lord Buddha.

    Sadly some people don't ordain for the right reasons and why he would choose to be an unhappy Monk when he can disrobe anytime is beyond me. Actually my guess is he will be unhappy and find fault with whatever he does in life.......

  8. As I understand it. A monk has to live after 228 rules. If he gives blessing or not shouldn’t make any different as long as he follow the rules.

    I agree IMO part of a Monk's duty is to take care of the local communities spiritual needs. If I am a Monk can do something that makes a laypersons life brighter I will obviously in accordance with the Patimokkha.

    • Like 1
  9. As I understand it. A monk has to live after 228 rules. If he gives blessing or not shouldn’t make any different as long as he follow the rules.

    I agree IMO part of a Monk's duty is to take care of the local communities spiritual needs. If I am a Monk can do something that makes a laypersons life brighter I will obviously in accordance with the Patimokkha.

  10. Coincidentally, there was an article in the Post today about Ajahn Sumano, who has lived in a cave at Pak Chong for 30 years and uses a solar-powered laptop. He also has a website: http://www.next-life.com/

    Wonder what the technology critics will have to say about that!

    Technology is here regardless and is being used for the good of Buddhism. Period.

  11. Interesting post and one that I am sue will get plenty of replies!

    IMO a 'good' Monk is the one that can find the balance between self learning AND serving the local community as always 'The Middle Way'. For me personally I get the utmost pleasure whilst on Alms when giving blessings to those who make merit.

    I have like most who read this section read Phra Farang and found it strange the way he refused to accept the maybe mythical side of Buddhism and the way he felt a Monk performing blessings goes against what a Monk should do. I (obviously) live in a Temple and have seen and experienced things that any Westerner would laugh at and consider me crazy but that a Thai would easily understand.

    An example - The use of fetuses to make Amulets will sicken most while those that understand will pay huge amounts of money to rent such an Amulet. This is Thailand and until you have lived here a while and experienced the cultural differences then a lot of what happens will be beyond comprehension.

    The bond between the local community and the local Wat is very complex and beyond the understanding of the average Farrang layperson. If a Yom gets comfort form a few kinds words spoken to them by a Monk is that such a big thing of them to expect or of us to offer?


  12. Has anyone seen those automated chanting machines they have in some temples? You drop a coin in and get a recording of some Pali chant

    Why did that make me think of the 'Zolov' (sp) machine from Tom Hanks movie 'Big'!

    Today I have been learning from both buddhistchannel and buddhanet I guess if you are blessed with a good teacher who is able to answer all your questions then I can see why some people view Monks having access to the Internet as a learning aid redundant........

    Following camerata its akin to a controversial film or TV show if you don't like it don't watch it. I have never understood people who watch a movie then complain how bad it was!

    There are Monks on this board that need access to the internet for learning and to allow us to keep in touch with family and friends in our home countries. I guess its the 'Yom's' that feel we should all be recluses living in caves.......

  13. I really suggest everyone in Thailand planning to use a bus or minivan to first double check all tires!

    And then what? If there were other choices don't you think people would take them?

    I have the misfortune of having to travel from rural Rayong to Bangkok regularly and the psycho drivers scare the life out of me and i am a Monk!

    RIP to those that died and a speedy recovery to the injured.


  14. IMO people that show disrespect to Buddhist Images don't understand Buddhism so having a march to tell them to stop and start showing respect is a little impractical.

    A Buddhist knows what is right and what is wrong who do you even start explaining incorrect behavior for example the pointing of ones toes towards an Icon to say a Christian or a Muslin? Not disrespecting either religions because as sure as eggs are eggs I wouldn't know what either of those religions would consider disrespectful.

    Aside from blatant disrespect of course.

    Anything that can potentially cause people to become even slightly interested in Buddhism has to be good.

  15. Finding this forum is helping me to focus. We all know its like being a panda in a zoo when you are the only Phra Farang around, and having little discourse with other monks can be alienating. Good for practice, but we are brothers. The Sangha. We should support and advise each other. Its a great advantage for me to be able to read back through the posts and get replies to the ones I leave.

    LOL! I have been called many things in my time but never a panda!

    Would anyone here consider the Buddhism section of TV an extension of the traditional Sangha? I for one do.

  16. @MrRealDeal – If you had of read my first post you would have seen my Abbot has requested Internet access to the new area of the temple I am the one that has been tasked with implementing his wishes. My reason for starting the discussion was to get others opinions on how/when or even if the Internet can or should be used within in modern day Buddhism.

    You make some very valid and interesting points but in my case I am in a forest Temple in the middle of nowhere so access to books and other English learning material is very difficult. Also the topic in general actually went slightly off topic as I have been asked to find a solution that allows my teacher to broadcast his Dhamma talks to people outside of our Temple.

    You make the comment ‘Can people already find a plethora of information more than they care to read? Yes‘ and I would have to agree but remember I am an ordained Monk in Thailand so I have very little money to purchase books and even if I did I would have to travel a fair way to the nearest major city. Can I order the same books online cheaper? Yes and that’s what I do.

    Your screen name is mrrealdeal but in the real world for a non-Thai Monk living in Thailand the internet is pretty much the only resource we have to gain further Dhamma knowledge BUT I agree 100% it is so easily open to abuse.

    Are you using your computer right this second to save the world, - I am replying to your comments so I would say I am being constructive as we are engaged in a discussion about Buddhism in the 21c

    gain more knowledge – Yes, as soon as I am finished typing this

    or any of the other altruistic reasons I have heard or simply for entertainment causing a distraction to those other things - No

    ‘ I am Mr Real Deal and I might not be right, but I tell it like I see it, and I am giving you the same or more respect as folks who are not Monks, although it might come across as disrespectfull my intention is the opposite.’

    All you have done is give an opinion that differs with mine ego certainly doesn’t feel it necessary to try and convince you what my Abbot wants is correct. Your answers have opposed mine and others on this board but I find and feel no disrespect in them.

    @Rockyystd – ‘The ideal disciple of the Buddha is one who strikes a balance between these two poles, a feat by no means looking easy.’ Ah the joys of the ‘middle way’!

    I had to travel to BKK yesterday which meant 4 hours each way on a psycho driven minibus but it allowed me the time to read a book called ‘What did the Buddha teach?’ by Buddhadasa Bhikkhu. You made the following statement

    Once you have amassed your knowledge you must put this into practice during your solitary and meditative phase.’

    In the book he said something which really threw me. He quotes the Lord Buddha as saying ‘The Dhamma should be looked upon as a raft. It is to be used to get to where you need to go BUT once there not to be dragged along with you’

    To me that compliments your statement am I right with my thinking?

    @Several – ‘I bet some of the original Phra Farangs wish they could have had easy access to the words of simmilar seekers.’

    I was a gym rat for many many years and took EVERY available supplement I could to get big. Back when I started over 20 years ago there was ZERO info available in the UK but thankfully I knew of a single book that a friend in the US tracked down and posted to me. Move that forward 10 years and I was a moderator on one of the largest bodybuilding forums in the world and would answer many questions every day from people seeking advice on correct usage. Would I of liked to have the currently available access to information on steroids when I started? Oh yes! Would I want to of been a Monk 20 years ago after seeing how easy it is to access information on all things Buddhist I would say no but with the following reservation. Now the internet makes life so much easier to source and share information but the same way kids nowadays don’t play outside they sit in front of their PlayStation’s inside all day or whatever I wonder what price the internet costs us?

    Again thank you for ALL comments I believe it’s healthy to have somewhere that foreign Monks can at least discuss and learn.

    With metta.

  17. Om mani padme hum -

    even if you did not take the time or effort to reply to me

    May Lord Buddha watch over you


    Have you considered he may not be in a position to reply yet?

    Do you have any idea how many PM's I get where I am asked questions which I answer to the best of my ability and never hear from the person again?

    Regardless of the reason for not receiving a reply Gladiator take solace in the fact you extended a helping hand......

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