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Posts posted by Para

  1. .....The thing is he can possibly get away with an ETD as the Embassy doesn't check with Thai immigrations BUT to get a replacement passport they have to coordinate with immigrations arrival date/stamp etc, this is where he would come unstuck not the Embassy side but the Immigration side. ....

    Not so.

    The Embassy have nothing to do with issuing replacement passports. Nothing. They are issued directly from the UK, applied for through Hong Kong.

    Agree 100% with that fact.

    There is no coordination with Thai "immigrations arrival date/stamp etc." None. Transferring visa details, stamps, etc, from one passport to another or retrieving them from Thai immigration records and entering them in a replacement passport is entirely the individual's responsibility and always has been. The only help the Embassy will give or involvement they will have is to supply the address of the Thai Immigration offices; this applied even when the Embassy used to do some work and issued passports themselves.

    Really remember we are not talking about simply replacing a passport we are talking about using it to leave the country. When a foreigner is nicked the first thing that's done is a check on the validity of their visa with immigrations

    Then you have the following scenarios.....

    Firstly you have the 'Average Joe' who is overstayed his visa by 6 months+ what does he do pay the 20K fine and risk a stay at the IDC OR according to you just pay 6k (or whatever it is now) for a replacement passport and walk out?

    Then there is Mr. Goodguy comes on holiday for 2 weeks and loses his PP. A replacement will take up to 4 weeks an ETD is issued the same day. But Mr Goodguy chooses to hang about for a replacement when he goes to leave, according to you WITHOUT any entry stamps he can just walk through again having been forced to overstay his 30 day on arrival visa while waiting for the replacement PP?

    Now specifically to the runt. He is on bail which means his details are registered with immigrations as being so. He applies for a new PP in Thailand and receives it. What do you think is going to happen the second he shows that passport at Swampy immigrations and the see his name in big red letters 'Awaiting Trial on Bail'?

    coordinating passport issues with Thai immigration would be impossible in many cases with those having dual-nationality needing to replace passports (while in Thailand) which have no details recorded with Thai immigration.

    What percentage of Thailand visitors do you really think have dual nationality passports? Sure I agree a dual Irish/English traveler could in on their English PP and leave on their Irish BUT the Irish PP won’t have any stamps and the name is the same as the one on the English AND no proof of entry!

    There is however a VERY worrying loophole in all this. Anyone on bail can through a lawyer make an application to the court for a 'Permission to travel document' The lawyer will have to give a reason for the person to return home for a *fixed time* citing either family health problems or if they owe money. Not having money isn’t enough to get a PTT.

    Its up to the courts discretion is an additional bond is required sometimes for a small crime that has already received a not guilty in the criminal court but has been escalated to the appeal court by the police the bond can be zero.

    You would of thought for someone whom I am guessing is facing an attempted murder charge that a PTT application would be laughed out of court. You would of also thought bail would of been as well.

    If this was being handled in BKK I can guarantee runt wouldn't of made bail. But his Pattaya connections got him bail if he has that pull then a PTT without additional bond (but obvious tea money) wouldn’t surprise me. He could legally leave the country just as long as he keeps his agreement to return by the date stated on the ETT.....

    Amazing Thailand, if you have money and connections......

    Again my comments are simply opinions but I spend a lot of time working with people that have been arrested or are in prison so I would like to think my opinions are fairly accurate. If you can show me where I am wrong I will gladly publicly apologize.

  2. people like drugdealers kill whole generations of kids , killers, psychopats, etc will never become a part of our society they just will destroy whatever is good in it

    Interesting opinion......

    You say drug dealers kill a whole generation or create a society that doesn't comply with 'correct' society, yes?

    So the question has to be 'whey do people take drugs'? All drug use is escapism be it aspirin to escape from a headache, morphine for pain OR what someone has deemed an 'illegal' drug to escape the pain of the world, the society they live in?

    Yabba was available at truck stops in Thailand till the Mid 70's in fact it was only called Ya-ba after Thaksin came into power before that it was called Ya-ma or 'horse drug' meaning it gave you to power of a horse to work longer and harder. It was actively given by work bosses to their staff to get better productivity.

    Don't you think that here in Thailand especially the society as a general for a person growing up outside of the privileged Bangkok minority isn't close to a prison sentence already?

    As someone posted earlier given the choice between death or actually doing 25+ years in a Thai prison I would take the bullet without a seconds hesitation.

    Drug use is a sign of a failing society do you wanna fix the symptom or resolve the cause? Drugs are here to stay UNTIL the problem is fixed where by people don't need to escape from their lives.

    Then we have the TV lemmings 'string 'um up' 'kill them' morons who are so obviously unconnected with Thai life its embarrassing reading the post after post of the same BS. Execution is legalized murder so the mindless lemming posters here are OK with murder as long as its legal?

    Get a life and a brain for yourself then take a look at Thai life away from your nice houses and condo's where the majority live on 200BT a day and then tell me you wouldn't mind escaping for a fe hours from it!

    What gets me even more is the fact the drugs are often brought into Thailand from neighboring countries by the army and given to the police to distribute.

    You want to stop the drug rot as well as all the other corruption rot that is destroying this country then start at the top.

    Rant over.

    • Like 2
  3. No apology needed. I am not going to argue the point. Just say it is so. They won't issue passports though if the crime liaison officer has a beef.. Hope you don't know too many people who tried to get out while on bail?

    The thing is he can possibly get away with an ETD as the Embassy doesn't check with Thai immigrations BUT to get a replacement passport they have to coordinate with immigrations arrival date/stamp etc, this is where he would come unstuck not the Embassy side but the Immigration side. He cant bribe anyone that way but can obviously skip through the various crossings he has contacts with.

    Apologies for the tone of my reply it was one of them days and I misdirected my frustration to you.

    'Hope you don't know too many people who tried to get out while on bail?'

    I would be a total mug to give an honest answer to that one don't you think!

    Any guesses on whether Tinsley gets some street justice should he continue to show his face around Pattaya?

    He knows a lot of police and is VERY careful about people knowing where his house is. I woudl like to think he would get a serious hiding or at least shut out by the circle of peopel he hangs around with. But hey TiT and who can ever say......

    But usually when people get deported that nameis blacklisted.

    They should be but not always. I know someone who was deported for working without the right papers, he was at the IDC for a while he went home for 2 months got a 1 year visa and flew back no name change.

    Anyone serving jail time is (supposed) to be blacklisted but did you know that even if charged but found not guilty at court you can also be blacklisted?

  4. What's all this about - Malaysia, Eurostar etc. You're kidding of course. I rather think the Eurostar is watched as there are thousands of 'refugees' waiting to catch it in France and Belgium smile.png Whats's wrong with him catching a flight? Do you really think there is an all points bulletin out? He can I guess apply for a full passport. It takes 4-6 weeks to arrive. The Embassy has previously issued passports to people on bail. As for those who believe that the Ministry of Education, the school, or rich parents step in to help - we'll don't bet on it.

    If you had been reading the thread it has been said he skipped out of the UK after a name change you think he can just walk through customs?

    You really think BKK Embassy will not be aware of whats going on here and will issue either an ETD or replacement PP! He will have to get the ETD from another country.

    'The Embassy has previously issued passports to people on bail'

    I am going to say this is total BS because I know people that have tried BUT will gladly post a apology IF you can prove what you are saying....

  5. Not when your name has been printed out in bold red writing and has pasted the wall

    with an explanatory message to the staff in all UK missions

    to effectively be " on the look out " for one Sean Henry Tinsley ph34r.png

    Call me dumb but its been said he changed his name so I am guessing the name on his 'current' passport isn't sean runt tinsley but joe blogs.

    How do you know that UK officials in all neighboring countries are aware of whats going on with him?

  6. I've just had it confirmed he is out on bail after "paying to get out the back door" on his 3rd attempt.

    So that's Thai justice for you, what a joke.

    Attempted murder, previous convictions for fraud & fake visas, he changed his name by deed poll in the UK to try and avoid being caught - and they still let him walk free!!

    Sadly I am not surprised he knew too many people in Pattaya to help him get bail.

    What I don't understand is you say he was lifted at the airport coming back into Thailand? Why was he held in Pattaya the Bangkok police should of grabbed him and held him in BKK where he would never of made bail.That's actually a mute point the little runt is out of jail and I am guessing Thailand by now.

    TiT Amazing Thailand where the only people in prison are the ones without the money or connections to buy their way out. Why do you think court decisions are NEVER reported? Its corruption from top to bottom.....

  7. All that is require for an ETD is a police report stating you have lost your passport (You do not have to tell police where, why, etc) and proof that you had a passport before (photocopy will do) and 75 quid. Same day service. Get to the Embassy before 11 am and tell them you need a flight immediately, Its tried and trusted by crooks. Front desk staff are mostly Thai. They do not read the Pattaya enlgish language newspapers, well few people do. Brits dont like too much contact. But there is a Thai woman in the gatehouse who is very inquisite.

    'Have you got a police report?


    Well I'm going through.

    "Let me see you police report!"

    "You don't believe me. Am I going to lie about that?'

    'Show me your police report'.

    (And that was the Deputy Head of Mission I believe)

    Thank you FINALLY someone who knows how the system works here rather than just quoting BS they have no idea about.

  8. So PARA you have not read what i put then? ARREDTED IN THE UK ASPER THE STRING OF REPLIES ON THIS TOPIC.

    Who am i with 5 posts?

    Well i really thought your posts were really interesting with your knowledge, but with this comment about 5 posts, i am now left in doubt,.

    All i was saying was he helped me when i first came out here and he has not done me a bad service that is why i was commenting on something that has took my interest and why not?

    but with this comment about 5 posts, i am now left in doubt,.

    Your doubt will certainly not cause me any loss of sleep.

    'So PARA you have not read what i put then? ARREDTED IN THE UK ASPER '

    Read this many times but still haven't the foggiest what it means in English!

    'All i was saying was he helped me when i first came out here'

    Good for you I wish I could say the same about him.

    Bored of this topic and the worthless runt who resorted to hitting a teacher over the head with an iron bar I wont be replying any more........

    Get well soon Mr. Pickles and may Karma get the justice you deserve.


  9. I had a Sak Yant some 8 or 9 years years ago after being told there were 3 people that wanted me dead.

    As it turns out there have been 3 occasions where 'something' happened to me and the doctors at the hospital said each time I would survive the night. Make of it what you will.

    I have attached a copy of my back after the Sak Yant and if look past the chop marks you can see the protection markings. I decided to have an invisible one done for personal reasons.

    It needs to be done by a Monk so I would worry about the demand for a particular Monks style of Sak Yant not the location. Remember whatever the Monk 'feels' is the best design for you is what you get don't think you can walk in and ask like a Tattoo shop for a specific design.!

    ***Warning the picture is I guess a little graphic....***


  10. Anyone thought for one minute that he doesn't need to skip bail....

    The legal processes can take years and then there are the endless appeals.

    If he's guilty then he may have a few years yet to think about skipping bail.

    Sorry incorrect.

    If he pleads not guilty then the trial will normally take place within 12 months.

    If found guilty he get 1 shot at appeal with the current appeal backlog being between 2 and 3 years so it could take a total of 4 years. If the appeal court upholds the first criminal courts decision its all over. Yes there is a Supreme Court but that one only comes into play if the criminal court and appeal court disagree he get a shot with them which just drags out more time.

    All the time he is on bail he is unable to (legally) work so no legit income.

    Also know that while a British citizen 'only' serves 1/3 or 4 years that clock doesn't start till ALL appeals are over so he could be on bail for 4 years then serve 4 years unless he gets life (likely) where he will do 4 years on bail then 8 years in Bang Kwang (which ONLY houses prisoners sentenced to 20 years or more) then deported to Wandsworth nick first to serve out the remaining half of a life sentence which in the UK is 25 years so another 4.5 years in nick in the UK.

    If he is guilty why on earth would he hang around as he will have a target on his back big time.......

    • Like 1
  11. There seems to be many romurs and false information about this case. First of all an iron bar then a wheel brace then a tyre leaver and today in the yorkshire post a hammer.

    I know Mr Tinsley through his visa shop and he has been able to do nothing but help me. Andrew Drummond reported he is 5'-8'' i am a lot taller than Mr Tinsley and i am 5'-4''

    Basiclly nobody including me knows enough about this case as only one side pf it has been mentioned.

    Totally agree which is why all my comments have been about the runt. An you are who exactly with only 5 TV posts to your name are you connected to this in someway?

    they will not extridite for anything as Thailand still has the death penalty

    And the last foreigner executed was when?

    Ignorance irritates me so much.

    A Farrang getting a death sentence has it automatically commuted to life. The treaty in place between Thailand and Britain means a prisoner will serve 1/3 of their sentence or 4 years which ever is less and then they are deported back and *expected* to serve half the original sentence less time on remand and time served. Someone with a life sentence has to serve 8 years in a Thai prison then they are deported back.

    Sorry if i missunderstood this but we were talking about him getting caught in the UK.

    I understood what you said I was just pointing out facts on what happens to Farrang sentenced in Thailand.

  12. they will not extridite for anything as Thailand still has the death penalty

    And the last foreigner executed was when?

    Ignorance irritates me so much.

    A Farrang getting a death sentence has it automatically commuted to life. The treaty in place between Thailand and Britain means a prisoner will serve 1/3 of their sentence or 4 years which ever is less and then they are deported back and *expected* to serve half the original sentence less time on remand and time served. Someone with a life sentence has to serve 8 years in a Thai prison then they are deported back.

  13. Did they actually file an extradition request?

    I know he had a legal team fight on the unfair trial reason but don't know if formal extradition papers were sent to the UK and the judges agreed his trial back in Thailand wouldn't follow the English requirements of fair.

    But they knew/know he is a wanted criminal who skipped bail and still granted him a visa........


    Just checked and YES Thailand did apply for Thaksin to be formally extradited.........LINK

    Cambodia also denied the extradition request..... LINK

  14. A civil case, only damages can be awarded, he could not be sent to prison and even if damages were awarded there is little chance of getting much out of him.

    I am sure if he ever got back to the the UK the British authorities would willingly extradite him if asked.

    Also if he gets out to Malaysia, Lao, Burma, Vietnam and even Cambodia would return him if asked.

    Well when Thailand expressed an interest in Thaksin to be returned to Thailand to face his crimes he pleaded against it siting unfair trial and won.

  15. When someone turns up at an embassy wanting an ETD, do they not have to check with a centralized department in the UK To:

    • to check the applicants true identity?
    • to check the applicants entitlement?
    • to check the applicant is not a wanted criminal?
    • flag up the passport as lost/stolen

    Before anyone can get a ETD or apply for a replacement they would need a police report, making a false statement is a crime in virtually any country, also any country would want to know how he entered as this would probable be illegal entry so more problems?

    Interesting comment regarding the requirements for an ETD. I know them but why not call the Embassy in BKK or the Consul in Pattaya and ask them what checks are made before an ETD is issued?

    'making a false statement is a crime in virtually any country'

    What and smashing in another persons head is a lesser crime!

    Look I know the 'service' Tinsley was offering people to leave via Malaysia FACT.

    How hard do you really think it is to go into a police station and report a missing PP? Do you think even non corrupt MY police would question it let alone say a local station to the border that had a vested interest.

    I am sure that will draw more comments about watching too many movies......

  16. I just wonder if he could mount a civil case based on common law

    Problem is the offense took place in Thailand so would a British court entertain such a notion? I am better versed with Thai law than English!

    That's the only option I can see as the offense took place in Thailand what are the chances of Tinsley getting caught in the UK and extradited? I guess if the worst happened to Mr. Pickles then that's possible but again the UK courts would I am sure rule that Tinsley wouldn't receive a fair hearing.

    The runt isn't (that) stupid so if he gets back to the UK he is going to keep his head down and have to relocate.

    What would be nice is if the family of Mr Pickles were to be able to find Tinsley first. Live by the wheel brace, die by the wheel brace.......

    • Like 1
  17. Would the fat bald thug have a case to answer in the UK, that is could the victim lay charges against him, even if they are civil? Thats if he survives.

    Seems you are as big a fan of his as I am!

    I doubt he would unfortunately. He would go the same way Thaksin did and claim his trial would be unfair, against human rights and all that BS. Remember we have one of the oldest and fairest judicial systems in the world where we are judged by a panel of our peers. In Thailand there is a single bored judge making the decisions.

  18. Well you stated "by now he will be in Malayasia" whats your source for that? seems strange he runs comes back, gets bail and according to you has run again. is it not possible to wait and see if it is official he hs skipped bail.

    Immigration connection on the Thai/Malay border and the fact he has helped other out that way lead me to he will follow what he knows.

    Yes of course its possible to wait till he skips bail but please tell me how anyone will know? When arrested you are allowed a visit from the Embassy to arrange a lawyer if you need. In Tinsley's case he would know what lawyer to use to all the Embassy will know is he has been arrested, bailed and possibly the name of his lawyer. He has to show at court every 12 days otherwise he is considered in breach of his bail conditions and a warrant will be issued. The Embassy ask you when you are arrested if you want information on your case to be given out. If he chooses no then how will you find out?

    Think about it how many times do you hear of Farrang being arrested AND then hear the outcome of the case? Have a guess why that is......

  19. Where has it been reported he has left Thailand? have i missed some thing. As in, see it its an assumption then everybody goes off on its a done thing. Same as he fled country posts, well maybe he just went on a planned trip back to the UK or some thing. Personally i have read many threads and articles else where and based on that would assume he will be here to appear in court. But has he left the counrty already Para?

    My friend when you are running from the police you don't make public announcements!

    When you are arrested the first thing they do is take your phone to check that the second is your PP to check if its valid. The passport is held by the courts and regardless of getting bail is not returned till the case id over.

    Unfortunately I learned the hard way about Tinsleys character hence my intense dislike of him but I knew him for many years. If he got bail with the connections he has do you think he will stick around for what I guess could be attempted murder or at the very least aggravated assault?

    When bailed you are required to make a court appearance in person every 12 days (from the day of arrest) for a maximum of 84 days so 7 visits which is when the police have to formally charge you or release you. Lets see in 10 days if he make a show at the court!

  20. Our local consular offices can issue emergency travel documents, but you should be aware that background and identity checks will still need to be carried out before we can issue such a document and this may take time.

    do you honestly think they will give him one if he has skipped bail ?

    meanwhile i have already alerted a friend of mine who is in the UK Foreign Office about this guy

    so tommorow if he tries what you suggest i think he will have a nasty shockwhistling.gif

    OK follow me on this as it seems you are one of the rare ones that has half an idea whats going on here.

    If he applies for an ETD in BKK they will do a background check with Thai immigrations and oh look he is on the hit list so no ETD. Skip over to Malaysia and any background checks will come up clean FOR MALAYSIA so an ETD can be issued.

    Personally I LOATH this little fat bald runt and what he has done is disgusting BUT where I come from regardless you don't grass BUT if someone was to inform the FCO in the UK then quite possibly his world will fall apart. Only problem is time difference by the time the UK FCO opens he could well be on a flight.......

    Now if it was me and I was also wanted back in the UK I would possibly make one of the en-route stops France, then jump the Eurostar walking through Waterloo with the ETD no chance of him getting stopped

  21. Rubbish. The Embassy is completely aware of the situation of course.

    The British Embassy in BKK? Yes of course they are aware BUT do you think all the British Embassies in the world are linked up!

    I know of 2 people he has helped get out of the country without a passport and with the police chasing them. Corruption on the border is all that's needed.

    HE will go straight to Penang and apply for an ETD Monday morning when the Embassy opens.

    As for 'rubbish' only ignorance is rubbish.......

    Maybe he did that in the " old days " but not now. UK passports are now dealt with in regional centres ( since 2010 )

    there are only 7 regional UK passport centres ( Düsseldorf, Hong Kong, Madrid, Paris, Pretoria, Washington, and Wellington.)

    for the whole world so I am pretty sure they would linked up in this day and age.

    If he goes to Penang as you say I dont think he will get much in the way of a document there because

    all UK passport applications for Asia are all dealt with in Hong Kong. I am sure they will know the score there.

    Who said anything about him applying for a new passport in Penang? I said he would get a ETD which is an Emergency Travel Document issued by the local Embassy valid for a one direction trip back to the UK with I *think* up to 5 stops allowed and issued the same day.

    All he needs is a Malaysian police document saying his PP has been lost/stolen/whatever.

    From the following link...... http://ukinthailand.fco.gov.uk/en/help-for-british-nationals/passports/

    Emergency Travel Document (ETD)

    To obtain an Emergency Travel Document (ETD), the applicant must apply in person. They will need to establish if the country they are planning to travel to accepts ETDs. To do this, they will need to contact that country's embassy.

    An ETD is valid for only one return journey out of Thailand which can be to a maximum of five destinations. A person may only be issued with 2 ETDs within a 12 month period.

    Please bring the following:

    • completed application form
    • recently taken passport sized photograph
    • proof of your confirmed travel plans (e.g. travel itinerary, hotel booking etc.)
    • If you are resident in Thailand, proof that your passport is unavailable (If lost/stolen; a police report).
    • copy of passport data page
    • payment

    He has the connections to get across the border the rest is a bit of smooth talk to the MY British Embassy.

  22. Rubbish. The Embassy is completely aware of the situation of course.

    The British Embassy in BKK? Yes of course they are aware BUT do you think all the British Embassies in the world are linked up!

    Uh, nowadays we have phones, faxes, and internet most anywhere. I suppose shortwave could be used in a pinch.

    I know of 2 people he has helped get out of the country without a passport and with the police chasing them. Corruption on the border is all that's needed.

    HE will go straight to Penang and apply for an ETD Monday morning when the Embassy opens.

    No he won't. You been watchin' The Great Train Robbery a few too many times.

    Besides, he's obviously an idiot.

    Seeing as I only knew him for what only 7 maybe 8 years and knew of some of his side line ventures I guess you obviously knew he better than I did.

    As for him being an idiot that's an understatement......

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