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  1. You missed out allergic reactions to propylene glycol, which I get, if I am in the company of a vaper.
  2. Quite a few in LK Metro.
  3. The entitlement of motorists 😄
  4. Yes, but people that required parking are replacing those. I don't think the food is near as good as it once was.
  5. Loved the old place. The new place, less so 😢 But that there is parking now, means its busier, so I doubt the care what I think.
  6. What has happened here, has it changed hands? Had the Khao Soi recently, and its nowhere near as good as it used to be.
  7. You are fine, until the sun starts to set.
  8. There was me, thinking this was a "review" thread 🤔
  9. Actually, far likely to happen back then, than nowadays.
  10. Naklua has the best Seafood Restaurants. Jomtien ones are especially over rated, especially Poo Pen.
  11. I just give them a random email address every time.
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