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Posts posted by hobz

  1. 1 hour ago, FritsSikkink said:

    You are just guessing and don't know with what majority a sale decision can be made in the company, so time for a lawyer.

    Of course I'm just guessing. True.

    Let me make another guess. Getting a lawyer will most likely just lead to further losses and waste of time.

    I'm pretty good at guessing btw.

  2. 18 hours ago, FritsSikkink said:

    "Con man Or is he just outsmarted me?" My friend .........


    If the bar is sold and he took 100% of the proceeds out of the company while not 100% owner, you have a case of fraud.


    He probably made the sale for 1 THB on paper. Probably related to the 1 million rent debt. So there is no profit to be shared with the shareholder.


  3. 17 hours ago, amexpat said:

    You said it all.

    I hope they get the mapping working better.  UBER had similar problems. 

    Maybe Google maps is the problem? 


    It's not Google maps. It's a huge flaw on the grab software.

    Let me explain.

    In Uber you could target any location as pickup / destination.

    In grab it needs to be an address. So if you set a location that does not correspond to an address (or landmark, or whatever) in Google maps, then it will jump to the nearest (or sometimes not even the nearest) location it can find.


    Also it's more expensive.


    In Singapore the government set up rules for the transfer of Uber to grab making sure grab does not raise prices. Singapore has anti Monopoly laws to protect consumerd., And they are enforced. U think this happens in Thailand?? 5555

  4. 58 minutes ago, IsaanFam said:

    So, does anyone know where I can get a Hatari (locally, not lazada). I was in Homepro and they did not have them in stock anymore.

    Whats wrong with lazada? They have very friendly shipping and payment methods... Also very friendly support.. I returned a bunch of stuff and some of the stuff i got refunded without even returning the products.

  5. 1 hour ago, poanoi said:


    you DO realize that motorcyclists slowing down is an even easier target do you ?

    they are trying to avoid being attacked, and speed up as a natural defense.

    its the people throwing water on motorcyclists that need to stop,

    leave the motorcyclists alone, in fact, leave everyone alone that does not give consent. or would you argue woman should not resist rape, or try to run away, as it could be harmful to them and others ?

    I agree, but I would rather be pragmatic and wet than right and dead. So I would slow down. 

  6. On 4/16/2018 at 9:37 AM, tigerbeer said:

    festivities are now held in many different places now. festival, maya etc etc etc. i would think crowd would be the same. just not at the same locations. but fewer thais maybe from other provinces. 


    The festivities have moved from kad Suan kaew and thapae gate to mainly Maya and CentralFestival.


    Previous years traffic was completely still around the moat due to thapae being where everyone went.

  7. This guy seems like a psychopath. 

    I'm trying to understand why this horrible person kept hitting after she was unconscious?


    A rational robber might want to kill the witness. But I don't think that was it.


    This type of extra damage he put in makes it look like he either enjoyed it or that it was somehow personal.


    Is the lady a tom boy? Could the extra beating be hate motivated?


    Don't take me wrong, I'm not trying to make up any excuses for this guy, I'm just trying to make some sense out of this disgusting and shocking violence. It made my stomach turn to see such evil. 

  8. 8 minutes ago, baywatch82 said:

    Oh well, I don't really think this testing method is very accurate maybe I'm wrong. Machine is "shooting" clean air up from the output vents with a speed. Maybe AQI sensor can not measure any particles if they move so fast ?
    Would you be able to test the air with this sensor when you put it in front of any fan ?


    I have Gruenluft machine for a week now. To be honest, I think for a price of 3600 baht you can not find anything better on the market. It has very good filters including True Hepa, covers large space, and is very quiet at night. The built quality is really good and machine itself looks like much more expensive.

    Unfortunately, I do not have any external sensor to test how efficient it is. Machine has it's own built-in sensor, usually if I start the machine the reading is very close to what AirVisual app shows for my location. After about 30min operation the reading goes to 10 and lower. Even if the reading is not accurate, the sensor itself does not control operation of this machine (Xiaomi issue) so I can still control the speed of the fan.

    And again... quality of the filters, quality of machine built, quiet operation is something that it makes already a good buy for this price. Other things such as sensor of PM2.5, temperature and humidity, remote etc etc, all of it is just a nice bonus.

    I will buy some filters on Lazada in advance just in case the retailer disappears.



    I can vouch for grünluft as well. Have same experience as you. 

    If it's set to auto it goes up in fan speed when GF is cooking or just after I come out of the shower. It thinks humidity is pm2.5.

    U can easily turn of the auto and run it at lowest and pm2.5 goes down from anything to below 10 in under 1 hour.

    I have small house. 77sqm. Bedroom only 20sqm.


  9. 3 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

    Thai are not going to change their driving habits on their own, so the only solution is to install tamper proof speed limiters on all forms of public transportation, i.e. trucks & busses.  Inhibitors that will totally disable the vehicle's engine if anyone tries to disable it, along with a 50,000 baht fine and at least one year in jail for anyone attempting to disable one.  Plus, anyone caught using drugs while operating these vehicles face a mandatory 5 years in prison and 50,000 baht fine.  If the children won't behave on their own, then they have to be forced to.

    And who is going to enforce that these things get installed? 

    You can make up as many rules, laws and regulations as you want. But as long as there is nobody to enforce anything nothing will work... 

    You gotta go to the root of the problem... It seems like the RTP is the root of the problem... But I could be wrong. Maybe it's just a general attitude / education problem and the RTP being useless is just a symptom...

    • Like 1
  10. 2 hours ago, Rawnthai said:

    What a sad situation. Uber was far from the best service in the world, compared to GRAB,  it was world class. GRAB was worse than just walking to the corner and hailing a cab.  No advantage what so ever. I even had experiences where I called GRAB to a major downtown hotel and when the taxi arrived it wanted to charge me a flat fee about twice the quoted price because I live in Pakkret. I have complained to GRAB via phone and told the woman to fly to Singapore or Hong Kong and see how GRAB is supposed to work. She said “Thai taxi drivers are lazy and not as smart as drivers in other countries......”.

    This last week I met friends downtown for dinner. As called for a GRAB to go downtown, the accepting driver was 12 minuets away.  It made good time but when it 2 mins away or obout 100m, it canceled the trip. My experience coming home was just as bad, if not worst. I called a GRAB, it accepted, and the spun in circles for 10 plus, so I canceled. I called another which headed my way, almost made it, but took a wrong turn and 10 minutes later, it was 20 minutes away, it started at 8 mins. I walked to the main road and in 5 minutes found a taxi that took me to my out of downtown home.


    In my many years of experience, GRAB SUCKS.

    There's grab taxi and grab car.


    Grab taxi is just the regular taxi mafia with an app. They will scam and do their usual shenanigans.


    Grab car is like Uber.


    I think you selected grab taxi without realizing it. I've made the same mistake.

    You need to try again with grab car. 


    That being said. The grab app has terrible user interface compared to Uber. It sets the location and destinations wrong. It can't be set to a specific GPS location, it needs to find an address, and that fails miserably sometimes setting the location kilometers off sometimes.

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